
Originally Posted by StarburyPtGod

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

You see Chris Paul getting some cheaps shots in on Al Harrington while both were on the ground. He's a little slimeball
Him and Rondo can tear each other to bits for all I care.

I lost all respect for Rondo last year in that Bulls series.

And Paul? He's just a little rat.
When are announcers going to wise up to what Paul does on a night-in, night-out basis?
He is a punk with a case of little-man syndrome
Yall remember the game last year when him and Nate got into it?
true 3 blue wrote:

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Doofing Duping and Hooping.

I've heard it all.

My name's Al Harrington, I get BUCKETS.

havent seen you since last year!

wheres your knicks inspired sig??

'My Name's Al Harrington, I hang on rims'

but anyways....
clydes quotes are VERY appreciated!

you know your going to lose, when you play him in scrabble....
Nice job NY. Al" the energizer bunny" Harrington really gave you guys a spark off the bench.
Didn't catch the game but still pleased with the results.

Definitely agree, Gallo getting time on the court is the only way he gets better, hopefully he keeps getting time in the rotation.
nothing like a good win after a horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible lost
Gallo's confidence is coming a lot sooner than expected
Once Chandler and Nate snap out of their funks we're going to have a fun team to watch....frustrating as hell but fun to watch in spurts.
I think David has a legit chance to be an all-star this year. Great win, it would be huge to follow it up by beating Indiana, a very winnable game.
Alan Hahn early season comments on the Knicks via newsday.com live chat:

I think Chandler is clearly showing the after-effects of an offseason spent rehabilitating his ankle after bone spur surgery. There is no question his explosiveness is missing, which is so much of his game. He doesn't drive with the same confidence and he is not getting the lift he needs on his jumper. Wilson's problems are physical. He looked more comfortable at the four and no longer wandering the perimeter, where he is so often lost. They need him in the paint, going to the basket and drawing fouls. He needs to play like Chris Douglas-Roberts of the Nets.
While Nate this season hasn't yet been nearly as effective as he was last season, over the long run they do need his energy and scoring off the bench. Toney Douglas has shown signs he has the tools to be a good player in this league, but he's not ready yet for those minutes. Short-term it helps a little because there's one less player looking for his shot as opposed to finding the best shot available for the team. It's something Nate still clearly struggles with in this system.

Too soon to admit Donnie made a mistake passing on Brandon Jennings?
It is a bit soon, Tim, but it's not too soon to say we just didn't see enough of Brandon Jennings in Europe to better assess his abilities and maybe the Knicks didn't scout him well enough. Man that kid has the swagger of a New York City baller. So far, even with the turnovers and expected rookie mistakes, he's doing his thing.
Hill is, as we've said several times, a project. They saw potential in his size and athleticism. We just haven't seen enough of it to be convinced at this point.
I think he's a backup center (Darko), but right now with no real starting center he could be used there. Darko has some moments, but yet also gets lost sometimes on defense and mishandles the ball on offense. That might be a result of inconsistent playing time. But a 7-2 man who can run the floor should get more minutes. The question is, at what player's expense?
What is latest on Eddy Curry? Do his teammates still want him around? He hasn't played productive basketball in so long, it makes me wonder if he can still even play in the NBA.
His teammates mostly like him personally, so there's no issue there. How much do they respect him as a basketball player and an athlete? That much I think is debatable. Eddy has a long way to go still to earn respect back from his peers. But it's been a month since his calf blew out and he was sent into fitness exile. How long does it take?
Makes you wonder just how hard he's working and how motivated he is to get back on the court. Most players would be chomping at the bit. (I'm putting it on a tee for you, Fixers....)
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