
%$#@ Lebron i can care less about him to be honest with you. Who said this team can't be good next year without him? He's not leaving Cleveland imo he's not built to play anywhere else besides home if he doesn't win a chip in cleveland he would still be treated like jesus christ not so much if he came to the Knicks because we are starving for a championship and if he doesn't bring us what we want we will eat him alive word to pat
how is jo johnson worth max money? someone hit me with some stats so i can be at ease. cuz every time i watch a hawks game dude is ghost
Yeah, too be quite honest with you -  I would rather keep JJ than take Amare. Look it up, I was't too fond about the Amare trade. That wouldn't been no damn power move. Varajeo and JJ can equvilently put up the same numbers coming off the bench. So why the hell would we give up 2 players for 1?

Just for the record - my whole argument about the JJ and Amare thing was that the Organization did the right thing by keeping the young players around a veteran like Lebron. You would fail as a GM by clouding around tons of old players. I think we have enough. The trade was a bluff anyways, so it's not even relevant to speak about.

And you have the nerve to sit here and say I should be worried about this or that when you're sitting here giving all the wrong reasons why Lebron should go to NY! Face it duke. You're not the Boston Celtics. Donnie is no Ainge. NYK ARE NOT CHAMPIONSHIP READY. With or without Lebron. Don't nobody want to go to that bummy +*+ franchise. Don't even sit there and say Donnie knows what he's doing. Oh wait ofcourse he does. Brings in 'ol rusty T-Mac.
Donnie doesn't know what he's doing?

The goal from day one was to rid of all the bad contracts. Besides Eddy Curry, they've done that.
If that's the goal from day one, than overall = Fail.
Waste two years of clearing up cap space for POSSIBLY winning free agents in 2010 to try to win a championship...in another 5 years? I would hate to be a Knick fan.

"Im from new york and never was a fan of the knicks..." 
the knicks are a bummy +%# franchise?


40 years of no title for any ohio team and dudes got the nerve to say someone got a bummy franchise. the cockiest fans to not win $%%! ever created. yall really don't deserve a good team the way you guys bump your gums.

bottom line? 7 years with the greatest player on earth and no chips. so $*%@ your franchise
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by Big J 33
What's up with all that hate ... Either way in three years the Nets will have either Cousins/Wall or Turner along with Lopez and lee and possibly one more young lottery talent ... And seeing how rigged the lottery can be at times I wouldn't be surprised if they got the number 1  
Did I say the Nets will fail?  Nope, I said I don't want them in Brooklyn and I hope the team will suck because of the move.  I won't argue they have some young talented players, and if they manage to grab John Wall then good for them and the team can only get better.  I just want them to stay in Jersey and not bring the team and fairweather fans once they move to BK.

*exhales* *sigh* just forget I even replied to you
Originally Posted by DubA169

how is jo johnson worth max money? someone hit me with some stats so i can be at ease. cuz every time i watch a hawks game dude is ghost
JJ might not be max money but I'd rather him than Lebron because as annoying as it is right it'll be 100x worse if Lebron dons a home ny jersey
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

If that's the goal from day one, than overall = Fail.
Waste two years of clearing up cap space for POSSIBLY winning free agents in 2010 to try to win a championship...in another 5 years? I would hate to be a Knick fan.

"Im from new york and never was a fan of the knicks..." 
I don't know...

I fall under the side that says if you're not competing for a championship (or building towards a championship within 2-3 years), you're better off tearing the #%*+%%%@#+++ down and rebuilding, which is what Donny is doing.

No point in earning 7-8 seeds and getting eliminated in round one with middle aged players that have terrible contracts.

I will say Donny could have placed the Knicks in a better position by drafting better though.
Good comeback there
For what reason would I want the Nets to be good, even when they're in NJ it's still a division rival and they're right next to the Knicks, so once they move into BK should I suddenly root for them to be successful? I admitted it myself, they're sitting with young talent, a shot at John Wall, and probably another lottery pick the next year, it's not blind hate at all. I just have no reason to like them, especially since they're moving into Brooklyn.

Animal Thug, why was that goal a fail? There was no chance they're winning a title or going deep in the playoffs with Jerome James, Jefferies, Z-Bo, and Crawford and those awful contracts. So rather than continue giving fat contracts and treading water, you clean house and start fresh. Have things gone perfectly? No of course not, maybe getting lucky and moving up in the lottery definitely would have made these two years more manageable, but this team had no chance of winning in the future, and Donnie did what had to be done.
Originally Posted by DubA169

the knicks are a bummy +%# franchise?


40 years of no title for any ohio team and dudes got the nerve to say someone got a bummy franchise. the cockiest fans to not win $%%! ever created. yall really don't deserve a good team the way you guys bump your gums.

bottom line? 7 years with the greatest player on earth and no chips. so $*%@ your franchise

U Mad.
Big J, you're probably the only sensible Knicks fans I can talk to regardfully.

I understand Donnie wants to rebuild but at the same if you plan on landing a superstar free agent, you have to show these guys some type of potential. You cant end up bottom 5 in the league and expect these guys coming from top 5 ranked teams in the league running to NY for a chance to win a championship. Landing 8th seed with enough salary space cleared shows a lot more hope than anything. 

Honestly, with all due respect - I understand you guys frustration. NYK deserves a great basketball team. All you can do is sit back and be patient. None of this is in our hands (thank God) so we have to wait and see. Whether it be Lebron, Wade, Bosh or Johnson. I wish you guys the best.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by DubA169

the knicks are a bummy +%# franchise?


40 years of no title for any ohio team and dudes got the nerve to say someone got a bummy franchise. the cockiest fans to not win $%%! ever created. yall really don't deserve a good team the way you guys bump your gums.

bottom line? 7 years with the greatest player on earth and no chips. so $*%@ your franchise

U Mad.

u dumb

theres so many holes in your arguments. the cavs kept young players around lebron?
who? Z is done, shaq is done, and antwan jamison is 33 and amare is 27 so you're wrong with that argument.

oh i'm sorry they got young stars like mo williams and anderson varejo

ferry did nothing special to help lebron win a chip
Duke, understand this. Jamison is putting up 20 points and 9 boards a game! Equivalent to what STAT is doing! The best thing is, we got Jamison for free!
. How is Ferry dumb? This dude is a genius!

#1 team in the NBA. How Ferry is labeled as dumb; baffles me..

You must not see what All-Star Mo been doing lately..
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Good comeback there
For what reason would I want the Nets to be good, even when they're in NJ it's still a division rival and they're right next to the Knicks, so once they move into BK should I suddenly root for them to be successful? I admitted it myself, they're sitting with young talent, a shot at John Wall, and probably another lottery pick the next year, it's not blind hate at all. I just have no reason to like them, especially since they're moving into Brooklyn.

Animal Thug, why was that goal a fail? There was no chance they're winning a title or going deep in the playoffs with Jerome James, Jefferies, Z-Bo, and Crawford and those awful contracts. So rather than continue giving fat contracts and treading water, you clean house and start fresh. Have things gone perfectly? No of course not, maybe getting lucky and moving up in the lottery definitely would have made these two years more manageable, but this team had no chance of winning in the future, and Donnie did what had to be done.
I guess you're more of a diehard than I am but I don't go out my way to hate on another team just 'cause and being from Brooklyn the Nets going there is definitely a good look ....  
Animal Thug1539 wrote:

Just for the record - my whole argument about the JJ and Amare thing was that the Organization did the right thing by keeping the young players around a veteran like Lebron. You would fail as a GM by clouding around tons of old players. I think we have enough. The trade was a bluff anyways, so it's not even relevant to speak about.

out of your own mouth. i was just pointing out how this statement made zero sense whatsoever. they have shaq, Z, and antwon all much older than llebron. 2 of those players might retire next season.
antwon is 33 and stat is 27
mo williams is a couple years older than lebron he isn't a "young piece". yall gave varejo WAY to much dough. ferry has been mediore. bron is straight up carrying that team. put them in the west they don't have the best record.

you should worry more about the magic than the knicks anyway champ
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Duke, understand this. Jamison is putting up 20 points and 9 boards a game! Equivalent to what STAT is doing! The best thing is, we got Jamison for free!
. How is Ferry dumb? This dude is a genius!

#1 team in the NBA. How Ferry is labeled as dumb; baffles me..

You must not see what All-Star Mo been doing lately..

Mo aint no all star, I hope you were sarcastic.
Animal, if you stop coming off so arrogantly towards Knicks fan, maybe you'll have a lot more us come off with kinder responses. That means, quit taking small shots at us. Im just going to ignore your first post on this page, and you better edit that before Gr8 comes in here and writes a damn essay. that does none of us any good

Getting Tawn for free was def. a good move, but you do know that IF Lebron bolts and i dont give a damn where, your team is tied with a bunch of HORRENDOUS contracts.

But tell me, how is clearing cap space such a bad idea? That team isnt getting anywhere, playoffs or not. You cant be content with getting a first round exit every year. While i wish we traded for players that could have actually helped us long term, and not give away a lot of our assets, it was definitely the right move, in the right direction.

Last years pick, like Gallo, instead of Lopez, or DJ have definitely hurt us.

Same can be said this year. We could have either moved down, and picked a guy like Ty Lawson, DC (although no one expected him to be this good), BJ, etc. Instead of Douglas, DeJuan Blair (i love this guy's effort) etc.

What's done is done, and we'll have to move on, but if things dont work out this summer, we'll be the laughing stock again for the start of a new decade.
BangDak wrote:

What's done is done, and we'll have to move on, but if things dont work out this summer, we'll be the laughing stock again for the start of a new decade.

and we would still be in a better position than we have been in a decade

we were gonna clear cap even if lebron didn't exist. analysts been crying that the knicks should do that for years. they go and do it and we are labeled as dumb.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Animal, if you stop coming off so arrogantly towards Knicks fan, maybe you'll have a lot more us come off with kinder responses. That means, quit taking small shots at us. Im just going to ignore your first post on this page, and you better edit that before Gr8 comes in here and writes a damn essay. that does none of us any good
I would have taken Eric Gordon in 2008, rolled the dice on Brandon Jennings last year and stolen DeJuan Blair with the pick that was Toney Douglas.

Eric Gordon would def. be nice in this system, but we have to fill the voids we lack the most. Chandler and nate could have handled the 2 during that time.

Chandler+8th Overall Pick for 5th pick (Rubio).
Hypothetical: Rubio-Nate-Jefferies-Lee-Lopez

Harrington, Blair, Duhon.

That looks a lot better then this garbage we put out there. No more trades for now
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