
Originally Posted by DubA169

I've decided that TMAC is the key to our future.

the bulls have a slightly better core than we do. But if tmac is real about staying here for cheap and can play on an all star caliber level, then we can really convince 2 max players to come do something special here. gas them up and tell them about multiple chips and maybe even going after the bulls record.
whoa there! we're getting a little ahead of ourselves
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by DubA169

I've decided that TMAC is the key to our future.

the bulls have a slightly better core than we do. But if tmac is real about staying here for cheap and can play on an all star caliber level, then we can really convince 2 max players to come do something special here. gas them up and tell them about multiple chips and maybe even going after the bulls record.
whoa there! we're getting a little ahead of ourselves
didn't say it would happen. i'm just saying when the knicks are making their proposal, they should try to convince players that they can be a part of something special. currys money is gonna help us out big and tmac staying for cheap is a big deal. To lure people here though you need to offer them something special.

multiple chips is why two superstars would decide to come here. lets not sugar coat it. we went all in

Originally Posted by DubA169

I've decided that TMAC is the key to our future.

the bulls have a slightly better core than we do. But if tmac is real about staying here for cheap and can play on an all star caliber level, then we can really convince 2 max players to come do something special here. gas them up and tell them about multiple chips and maybe even going after the bulls record

I take it Saturday night was your first time ever watching a Knicks game?

Lets not get too ahead of ourselves brother lol.
call me crazy or the voice of reason, but nobody is coming here for less than an opportunity at multiple championships.

you guys need to think big and long term. when courting players the knicks are going to have to frame their offer in a very particular way. they are offering a chance to be a superstar in the greatest city, and live the life style that comes with it AND win multiple chips. the knicks are going to be throwing the game kitchen sink at stars. giving fools TV shows on MSG. They really may need to look for loopholes to give players compenation. it could get crazy.

 the stars don't align much for us so when they do you need to make the most out of the opportunity.  so much has to go right but there is a path that can lead us to having an INCREDIBLE team.
Originally Posted by DubA169

call me crazy or the voice of reason, but nobody is coming here for less than an opportunity at multiple championships.

you guys need to think big and long term. when courting players the knicks are going to have to frame their offer in a very particular way. they are offering a chance to be a superstar in the greatest city, and live the life style that comes with it AND win multiple chips. the knicks are going to be throwing the game kitchen sink at stars. giving fools TV shows on MSG. They really may need to look for loopholes to give players compenation. it could get crazy.

 the stars don't align much for us so when they do you need to make the most out of the opportunity.  so much has to go right but there is a path that can lead us to having an INCREDIBLE team.
When you put it like that...Word.
I think Will has a higher upside then Gallo, despite all this best shooter crap. i hope im wrong though.

and man, ill give up lee, chandler, and curry for rubio (if he really does come).
Originally Posted by BangDak

I think Will has a higher upside then Gallo, despite all this best shooter crap. i hope im wrong though.

and man, ill give up lee, chandler, and curry for rubio (if he really does come).
maan if Ricky got traded to NY hed be on the 1st flight out of Barcelona and the Knicks would have NO problem buying him out.

but thats too much to give up... we already have the better Spanish PG

EDIT: who is starting tonight!!
Watch out BJ (who thank $#!!@%% god got a haircut
^^ spanish magician

Sergio Rodriguez: Spanish Magician by: Luis Fernández - Director of International Scouting
July 23, 2004
This year's European Junior Championship in Zaragoza was perhaps not the best or most thrilling tournament in the history of this competition, but nobody will soon forget the six feet, three inches of pure talent who answers to the name of Sergio Rodríguez. Rodríguez (who was first introduced to .com readers over three months ago by Juan Antonio Hinojo) amazed the lucky crowds with his flashy game.

The field was wide open before the competition began, as would-be favourite Turkey was missing its biggest star, Ersan Ilyasova, leaving several teams with a reasonable chance to win it all. It came as quite a surprise, then, that after a so-so preliminary round, the Spanish team rolled over everyone to win the gold medal. Spain's effort was a triumph of team play, as they relied on unselfishness and heart instead of individual athleticism. But the biggest winner of this competition -and the main reason for the Spanish success- was none other than Sergio Rodríguez, who earned well-deserved MVP honours.

This kid is a truly special and tireless creator. He was the brain, the heart, and the lung of the Spanish team. No other player at this tournament came close to reaching the level of influence and importance he had on the offense of his team. Sergio was by far the best passer here, averaging 8.5 assists -3.2 assists more than the next player on the list. I saw many playmakers here taking their opponent off the dribble, forcing rotations, and dishing to the open teammate, but Sergio did it better than anyone else. He is unstoppable when going one-on-one due to his combination of ball handling and quickness. He always manages to find the best option, even in the most difficult situations. He is so in control over everything that one might come to believe he has eyes in the back of his head. But Rodríguez also excels in the area where very few players at Zaragoza did, and where few players do nowadays, period: assisting from the perimeter. It is amazing how he rewards a cutting teammate with a lightning quick pass inside the paint, putting the ball right where it needs to be for the easy basket. It is even more amazing considering that he is not especially tall and so does not have the luxury of seeing the floor over his defender, and yet he still makes perfect passes in a variety of ways.

When Sergio breaks his man down with the dribble, he is equally adept at creating his own shot when the pass is not there. He does not even need to beat his match-up, just some dribbling, perhaps a crossover, and the defender is unbalanced. That is when he goes for the jumper, executing it very quickly and with excellent mechanics. It is true his shot selection could stand to improve. While he is not a crazy gunner like Jason Williams used to be, there were times during the tournament when he forced shots that were not as open as one would like to see. In spite of that, Sergio shot about 50% both from the field and from behind the arc throughout the tournament to average 19 points per game, which I consider great stat lines, especially next to his 8.5 assists. And just to complete the picture of the impact of his skills, there was no question that every single time the dwindling possession clock threatened the Spanish offense, his teammates would look for him to solve the problem. There were games in which the sheer amount of offensive responsibilities loaded on to Sergio's shoulders left him completely exhausted at the end.

From a fan's standpoint, Sergio is a pleasure to watch. Everything he creates is spectacular. The no-look pass is not the exception but the rule for him; why use your eyes when you can simply feel the game? He is always highly unpredictable. During the final (see videos), he dared to dribble the ball between the legs of an opponent in transition, just to finish with one of his amazing passes. The audience was already going nuts over him, and this play brought the house down. Just to clarify, it is not a matter of being disrespectful or humiliating his rival. It is just fun for him, the manifestation of the immense love that Sergio feels for this game. He enjoys every single second he is on the court. Everybody who knows him thinks he is a very pleasant kid.

Of course, he is not perfect. He committed many turnovers, although not all of them were his fault. He plays at another level of speed and understanding of the game, and sometimes his teammates just cannot keep up. His unpredictable style of play makes a high number of lost possessions almost inevitable. But make no mistake, few of his decisions are poor. It is a high-risk equation, but you can bet it's worthy.

Another issue is how he controls the tempo of the game. He loves to push the ball, and sometimes it looks quite clear that he should instead cool off and play more under control. Take this with a grain of salt, though. Many times during the championships, you could be screaming at him to stop, calm down, but he usually made a fool out of you with his enormous production in transition, even in heavy traffic.

Perhaps the most serious flaw in his game is his defense. He is not hard to beat at all, but I think it is more a problem of physical underdevelopment than a matter of quickness. He struggles defending on the ball, but he is quite good avoiding his man at the other end to receive the ball. He is not the most dedicated player in the world defensively, but his attitude did not look bad, either.

I suppose everyone who has read this far has concluded that I love this guy, and I really do. He is an artist with the ball, a magician who finds the play where there is none. He reached the peak of his imagination at this tournament.

After making his debut with Estudiantes' first team in Spain in the fifth game of last year's ACB League finals, he was expected to be the third point guard of the team for the next season, although an interesting scenario has been brought up now that the starter has left for Italy. If Estudiantes does not bring in a foreign point guard (and even if they do) he will have the chance to get minutes at the highest level of competition outside the NBA, both in the ACB league (considered the strongest domestic league in Europe) and in the Euroleague (where the top teams from all over Europe congregate every year). His coach, Pepu Hernández (Spanish coach of the year) says that he will not hesitate to play Sergio, even as a starter, IF he earns his minutes.

It will be interesting to check how his game translates to the next level. Will he be able to keep his magical touch? I guess in one way or another, his game will have to evolve into a more orthodox version of his freestyle trademark. We will surely keep you posted.

The burning question: NBA potential? As you can see, he is no seven-footer who will get instant love from the scouts. He will need to continue to prove himself at the next levels of competition to receive a chance in the NBA. His talent is first round material, but it remains to be seen the degree to which he adapts to leagues as strong as the Euroleague and the Spanish ACB. I am sure he will make it, though. He works as hard as any player you will find. He would be playing basketball 24 hours a day if he could. He is that crazy about the game. We have only now just tasted a sweet bit of his winning character. We can only beg for more.

This is Sergio Rodríguez for you, a Spanish magician.

im telling you my man Sergio is not trash. He is perfect for this system, this is why i liked him a few years back in the draft, hes not great but his style of play is great for this system. IMO he will turn a few heads and rejuvinate his career here. We needa guy like him, someone who can bring a little flair, someone not Duhon
i think thats why D'Antoni has been eyeing him for years.

Get ready yall we about to see, and this is the lineup we should be ockin with all year. I think this is the 1st time since D'Antonis been here where i agree with his starting 5
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i was watching the pregame yesterday. walsh said he doesnt want to sign 2 max contracts. its just an option and we are not looking to go in that direction. so it looks like they will sign 1 max and build the team from there. maybe tmac can stay with us after the season. we'll have to wait and see

lmao watch it again he said he doesn't only have to sign two max. He wants to sign to max contracts. if you dont realize that by now then wow.

this guy...


fast forward to around 3:20 of the video

he says: "two maxes? i've never said we need two maxes...if you ask me if we have enough money for two maxes then yeah, if thats the best thing to do we MIGHT do it. BUT, we are going to look at the situation and try to build the best team from there. i might have two maxes i might not, but we are in a position where we are very flexible in the way we approach it."

i doubt he's going to do two maxes and fill out the team with lower level guys. we arent going to win a championship off of only two players. championship teams are built all around and are deep. i think he gets that picture and is approaching things the right way for sure.

Yeah I know I saw that live. He never said what you said he said that he doesnt want to sign two max. Hes saying if they dont sign two maxes than its not a failure basically. But im pretty sure he wants to. You have to understand gms dont tell the media what they really want to do.


Kn0wledgeable wrote:
i was watching the pregame yesterday. walsh said he doesnt want to sign 2 max contracts. its just an option and we are not looking to go in that direction.

No need to argue man that quote from you was
.  He never said that. Thats all.
Clyde's game 7 "greatest game in NBA History"

and Bill Bradley has a point, no team has ever connected with their fans like the Knicks when they were winning championships cause no fans are as loyal and as basketball devoted as we are in NY. People hate to admit it, but us fans are a big drawing tool. When you win anywhere, you get love. When you win in NY, you get more love. When you win in NY for New York's favorite spot for the first time in 40+ years... now thats something special

did yall just peep Al shoot after the buzzer at the wrong hoop???!!! Its over, bench this scrub for 15 straight games, #$@! it make it 20. What an act of immaturity that was
man ive been a big backer of Al through yalls hate but my dude has been playing like +$@%#@% garbage

stop +$@%#@% missing open shots and layups and doing stupid %++!
This is why I didn't get hyped up by some damn trade. Tracy's great, he was my favorite player during my teenage years but c'mon, he isn't turning anything around by himself. Tracy is just an expiring contract to me. Nothing the Knicks do matters to me until July 1st. We can win 0 games or go undefeated the rest of the season to me and it don't mean jack.
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