
damn al
I say ban anyone who after the trade even mentioned the possibility of playoffs.

oh this summer can't come soon enough
^^ and if we can somehow get a W in Boston tomorrow, watch, dudes will be RIGHT back in here with the same #!%@.

whenever we get ANY kind of momentum change, a big win, a trade, a little win streak, dudes always bring playoffs in here. Part of it is because like me, all us Knicks fans are just begging for any way to get bball here past April, even if its a playoff series, but still gotta be real
Damn. I was watching the game online and it was tied at 51-51. I come back and they get smacked

T-mac's knee acting up?
No seriosuly, i think if we get the momentum, we'll go on a win streak.

December went great for us. closing out teams we needed to, winning good teams on the road. once we lost that, its been straight down hill. a win in boston, can really change everything. pray for it guys!
Originally Posted by BangDak

No seriosuly, i think if we get the momentum, we'll go on a win streak.

December went great for us. closing out teams we needed to, winning good teams on the road. once we lost that, its been straight down hill. a win in boston, can really change everything. pray for it guys!
my sig disagrees
Just got back from the game & the one thing that screamed at me the entire game was that we don't have any guards that can drive and finish. This after trading Nate away. T-Mac looked dumb slow in person. House didn't know how to make a layup & Sergio, well, he did what he can, but was relatively ineffective when driving to the rim.

Jumpshot after jumpshot, or rather brick after brick was painful to watch.
I hate when Bender tries to drive in from the 3point line
Hate when Al miss shot after shot and still continue taking them and force dumb turnovers...

*@++ was he so upset for when we were tryin to trade him? What is he doing for the team ?
^ harrington was holding his own as far as PPG... but now he is getting pushed farther out of our system..
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