
man this interior defense makes me barf. From lee, to buckets, bender and gallo. Its sad our best interior defender is gallo who gets a block here and there.
I wonder if walsh will sign a backup center for the remaining games or just allow us to get sabotaged in the paint..
Bogut is good but 20, 20 & 5 -_- ... let's see about Garnett and Perkins tomorrow... & Nate is gonna drop 41 on us too
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

... & Nate is gonna drop 41 on us too
ohhhh lets hope so
They are reporting that TMAC's injury is nothing. just bumped knees last night. so thats good news. probably will play tonight
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

man this interior defense makes me barf. From lee, to buckets, bender and gallo. Its sad our best interior defender is gallo who gets a block here and there.
By now, I think it's fair for any Knicks fan to ask why this is the case. We're past the season's halfway mark and there are still no concrete defensive plans that have allowed us to remain competitive in games where the offense stutters. If our offense isn't keeping up with the other team and scoring, then we're most likely losing the game.

This strategy might grant us a few short-lived winning streaks here and there, but this 85% offense/15% defensive game plan (at best) that I've observed throughout this season will never offer any successful results in the long run. It's not happening regardless of who we currently have or who we might have in the future. Add to this the "experimentation" that still continues with the shuffling of the players and rotations -- let's go with one player one week and then sit him out for three weeks and then try another and so on and so on.

And if you haven't noticed, one should also take note of the way-too-many ill-devised plays near the end of games where there actually is a chance to win or at least take things into overtime. I think there's been plenty of time to get "acquainted" by now.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

dwayne jones is the answer to our problems

He can def help. Hes avging 15 rpg and 2 bpg. If thats 7 rpg and 1 bpg Ill take it and hes 6'11. Walsh doesn't seem as proactive as Zeke was. At least zeke brought in guys from the NBDL here and there. I know its about the summer but you can at least look for some way to improve the team.
Our zone defense worked for a while.

Once teams caught up on that, it was a wrap for our "defense"

Which is why i liked the Darko trade so much, and despise the Hill trade so much. Anythings better then Lee guarding the 5. At this point, ill even give curry a shot. He can take Bender's minutes, and if he plays well (knocks on wood), even buckets too.
There are no NBA teams that will find sustainable success on defense with a 6'9 guy as your only true big man...hell, there isn't a college team that can. It would help if that 1 player could defend or block shots, but he can't.

To say it's not happening regardless of who we have in the future is a little pessimistic
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

I HATE bender and harrington sooo much

McGrady says he didn't wake up sore, but wants to ease into his minutes: http://bit.ly/bwLD5r (via @KMart_LI)
5:12 AM Feb 22nd via TweetDeck
Eddy has a few weeks to go before he's ready. RT @mshmu: Is Eddy Curry dead or do you honestly believe Dwayne Jones is a better option?
about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter
Jones isn't going to crack many NBA rotations, but he has size, energy and board and blocks shots. All things the Knicks lack. Worth a look.
about 8 hours ago via UberTwitter
Damn y the hate for bender
he actually fouls when people go to the rim, duhon and harrington on the other hand, can die
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

dwayne jones is the answer to our problems

He can def help. Hes avging 15 rpg and 2 bpg. If thats 7 rpg and 1 bpg Ill take it and hes 6'11. Walsh doesn't seem as proactive as Zeke was. At least zeke brought in guys from the NBDL here and there. I know its about the summer but you can at least look for some way to improve the team.
word i liked Dwayne Jones' potential since he was at St. Joes, didnt know he was doing THAT well in the DLeague, but good for him though. As he played anywhee in the NBA? I believe i remember him on the Cavs for a bit, idk where else though and idk how long that lasted, id like to give him a shot, and dont we have an open roster spot from cutting Cardinal??
I feel like we NEVER get dudes outta the DLeague in season to fill needs when it really is a good resource and a bunch of solid NBA players came outta the D-League. We did sign a few guys i remember though Joe Crawford, Courtney Simms, Nichols, and ma favorite of them all Checkeh Samb. I remember me and my boy went to a Knicks/Kings game late last year when we had Nichols and Samb (the Kings btw had the worst record in the NBA) and we were losing by like 40 or some crazy *%$! and everybody left and late in the game the only people you can here were us screaming for Checkeh Samb
dudes around us were like, who the @%%$ is that? I remember he just looked lost out there, Jerome James status, he had 1 block that was CLEARLY a goaltend, like bladant and me and my boy were going nuts like it just won us the game

As for plays late in the game out of timeouts, idk i think Mike gotta step down and give those rights to Herb or something cause i mean i dont dislike Mike but idk how even the biggest D'Antoni homer can defend his play calling abilities late in the game. I mean they are just
. I cant EVER remember one of his plays working and 75% of the time we either get up an AWFUL shot (usually a contested Gallo 3 WAY behind the arc, even Duhon has taken some contested 3s
) or a TO. I mean Isiahs ever so predictable Crawford isos were 100x better than the *%$! Mike draws up.

and Sergio is NOT Spanish chocolate, his nickname for a minute now has been the Spanish Magician

Which is why i liked the Darko trade so much, and despise the Hilltrade so much. Anythings better then Lee guarding the 5. At this point,ill even give curry a shot. He can take Bender's minutes, and if heplays well (knocks on wood), even buckets too.
NOOOOOOOO. Holy *%$! this calling for Curry is driving me !#@+$!* nuts.

I mean i would stick a 6'9 David Lee at center 100/100 times @%%$ even Al before getting Curry into the game. At least theyll make an attempt to play some D. Curry is just a !#@+$!* waste of space. Yes he is a big body but its not worth it because he is even a less shot blocking/post presence on defense than Curry or Al. I mean this is a dude who averaged 4 rpg and .5 bpg as a stating center

And dont give me *%$! like, maybe hes changed. No dude is awful, has always been awful and hes obviously even more awful now if he cant even lag on a minute on this team. I mean Mike sees dude every fday in practice, dont you think if he thought he was even semi-ready hed be out there?? And EVERY time Currys been in hes looked like Jerome James minus 70. Son is garbage. Keep him and Duhon on the bench for the rest of the season and get rid of both this summer
Dwayne Jones just got signed to a 10-day contract by the Mavs. Its pretty sad when u look for curry and an d-league player to solve your teams problems
Curry can just stand in the same damn spot for all i care. if he can at least alter a shot, ill take him guarding the paint over anybody on this team.
Were gona win tonight

I got free tickets today for test driving at kia for the wizards game on 4/12
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