
Because they know Al is going to miss
Originally Posted by BangDak

Mike loves to pick on anyone, but when hes the one getting picked on, dude gets all upset and all

ya i sure do, cause with all the trash i talk i cant take it back
I just hope T-Mac can stay healthy the rest of the way, its great seeing him play again he still is one of my favorite players.

Its crazy how much attention he demands on the court despite all the time missed, his passing out of the double teams is very under-rated (should help everyone else).
On a night off yesterday, i wonder if Bron & Wade were watching the game... Hell yea they were.. at least i'm sure Wade was

& Gallo need to bulk up and start guarding the 4... When a player does a cross over... this dude goes to the other side of the court
AMP, you might have to edit that.

And i honestly dont know how long Tmac can stay healthy. After 30minutes, his knee was hurting.

I mean, i really think he can help turn this team around, but if he gets injured, its a wrap for us
We dont kno if he was hurting but what do you think? He played 32 minutes.. more than we thought he would
I been checking this thread everyday since T-mac got traded. Anyways, let's hope he has another good game against the Bucks
Just imagine the bandwagon after _____ signs here (crosses fingers). This thread jumped a good 15 pages after T-Mac signed.

BTW, I have a money question. Let's say nothing happens with Curry & he sits for the rest of his contract/career. After that, will there be a pile of money available to the team to sign another big FA, like a disgruntled PG in New Orleans?
Just curious...why do you guys assume that the bandwagon is growing since there's been much activity here since the deadline? It was bound to happen...besides Jamison to Cleveland, this was the biggest trade that went down. Seriously...when's the last time we had a big name that WANTED to be here?
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Just curious...why do you guys assume that the bandwagon is growing since there's been much activity here since the deadline? It was bound to happen...besides Jamison to Cleveland, this was the biggest trade that went down. Seriously...when's the last time we had a big name that WANTED to be here?
when was the last time that we had money for a big name?
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Just imagine the bandwagon after _____ signs here (crosses fingers). This thread jumped a good 15 pages after T-Mac signed.

BTW, I have a money question. Let's say nothing happens with Curry & he sits for the rest of his contract/career. After that, will there be a pile of money available to the team to sign another big FA, like a disgruntled PG in New Orleans?
Stop it lol

Paul, Tmac, Lebron, Bosh, Haywood.
i was watching the pregame yesterday. walsh said he doesnt want to sign 2 max contracts. its just an option and we are not looking to go in that direction. so it looks like they will sign 1 max and build the team from there. maybe tmac can stay with us after the season. we'll have to wait and see
aiiight havent been on since yesterday and first off
at this thread jumping 30+ pages since i last posted yesterday... i usually expect 1-2. 4-5 is a push but 30

i scrolled through most of the ingame posts like i usually do cause i rarely post during games, i got a few notes as well clearly...

First off obviously TMac
son looked clean. Hes ready to go, im praying that he can drop 20+ per game the rest of this season and we can play better ball the reast of the season (maybe like .500 ball and IF LUCKY maybe a little more), at this point it sure as hell wont make us the playoffs. %*@+ we need to go 22-6 to get to .500 at this point and as of now all 8 playoff= teams in the east are .500+ which is impressive, kinda shows East is getting back to respectability a bit. But anyway just playing better ball for the rest of the season and TMac showing hes not just some washed up scrub will help us ALOT in free agency this summer.

Also I love Sergio. Always have, idk why. I love his game. Even coming into the draft idk if yall can remember WAYY back but when we picked Balkman at 20 everyone was maddd as %*@+ at Isiah for passing up on Marcus Williams, I personally didnt even want Williams (to be fair i dont think it was because i predicted him failing in the NBA cause i didnt, it was more bias UConn hate
) but i really wanted either Rondo or Sergio. We all know we didnt get Rondo,, but i love Segio for this team. Hes lucky as %*@+ cause not only are we the only team pthetic enough to start him, but we are also the team best fit for his style of play. If Sergio cant prove himself here, he will never pan out in the NBA, dude must have been even more hype than TMac learning he was traded here. If he is not starting by next game ima b
give Duhon Curry treatment ASAP. I love the way Sergio pushes the ball, hes GREAT at setting up or shooter and those full court passes to Al and Will (although the both @#!*** it up
) were great. With Sergio out there we can do what we really want, which is make any random possesion even after a made basket, a fast break oppurtunity for us because of his quickness and ability to push.

Also i always have said i wish Eddie House wasnt a Celtic, i always liked him on Phoenix and Miami. Im just a fan of the way he plays, hes a hustle player, very passionate and his shot is just wettt. i mean give the man some credit hes %*!%+%! fearless. He shouldnt of took that last 3, but cmon now, he was nice. He really has a vicious swagger to him say what you wanna (Mez 
). IMO hes a person to keep around with his Bird rights for lets say like $2mil. I mean he is a great guy for his role and can hit big shots off the bench, he helped the Cs ALOT and when we start to win, it will be nice to have ANY player with some championship expeience.

Also, D'Antoni was questionable today and im not even talking about TMacs lack of PT late in the game. First off, i swea to god. Mike D'Antoni is THE WORST in the NBA at running plays out of a timeout for a GW shot. I mean most teams call TO to help them out and let the coach draw a play, i mean with this !!$*!%$+!*%! we may not even %*!%+%! bother. Just give it to whoever is hot and do some iso %%$!, idc, whatever it is it has a WAY better chance of working than Mikes plays. I mean %%$! im starting to even miss Isiah and his Crawford iso every %*!%+%! play, at least Crawford would hit once in awhile. I mean i have NEVER EVER seen Mike D'Antoni draw up a succesful play for a GW in his Knick career, if anyone can prove me wrong please temind me of a time, cause every %*!%+%! time i remember he tries to be way too %*!%+%! complicated and well end up either turning it over or some %%$! or have Gallo take a mad contested 3 way behind the line

Also foul %*!%+%! Durant come the %*@+ on. You are up 3 with 7 or some %%$! like that seconds and they have Kevin Durant on their team?? Should not be that %*!%+%! difficult

other than that though, had fought game. Props to the Thunder we HAD it in regulation and they fought through it (along with Mac missing both FTs
) but Durant was a BEAST and JG's 3 was HUGE, not even the fact that it was a 3, but he was able to concvert it without wasting any time off the clock. Westbrook is also an animal. And also if we grab that rebound in OT its pretty much done as well, adding ANOTHER game to the list of games we lost by letting up second or third chance points down the stretch

On a side note, clearly im not regretting the trades or anything, but Jared Jeffries presence was the EXACT thing we could have used to slow down Russel Westbrook. Those matchups are the kinds he excels with. Dudes like him, or Rondo, TJ Ford, Felton, etc. just PGs that beat you by using their quickness to get to the hole.

and my last note, Wilson Chandler played like %*!%+%! garbage today minus those two
takes to the basket he had in the third, also he did get fouled on that play late in regulation

and some %%$! i had to point out in the thread..
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

ThisKnicks team should've won this. I'm really starting to think D'Antoniis someone who's just managed to "get by" throughout his career as acoach.  Like I said earlier, his moves are quite often questionable atthe very least.
no superstar is coming this summer with d'antoni as the coach...

need to get this joke outta this team ASAP..
this dude is a %*!%+%! idiot. Leave this thread for good. and i got $20 this dude aint even from San Antonio. %*!%+%! front runner

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

How in the world does anyone honestly expect a self-respecting NBA starto sign with a team that has 2 All-stars surrounded by NBA vets and 2ndround bottom-barrel talent. You know who had that? The '04 Cavs. The'10 Wizards. The '08 Bucks. It's so hard to even come up with moreexamples because almost nothing like that exists in the NBA.

If Lebron leaves for that situation, he has definitively proven that hecares nothing about winning, and it has become 100% about fame andmoney.
another idiot, exact reason i got this dude on ignore

theres not much to say that hasnt been already said in the thread because my dudes VIIheaven and nycHipHopHipp went on pretty GR8-like rants themselves and brought up some mad good points to shut this clown up but i thought id add a few of my own...

ok, you say 2 All-stars surrounded by vets and bottom-barrel talent, but um, what are the Cavs exactly? That is the DEFINITION of the Cavs (minus the second superstar of course, unless Antwan Jamison counts
), so even according to your misguided logic he would be better off in NY, with the same %%$! + Chris Bosh.

2nd off
at the names of teams you just dropped. I mean the 08 Bucks??
There is a LARGE difference between borderline all-star Michael Redd and Andrew Bogut? Mo Williams?? than a tandem between Lebron James and all-world big man Chris Bosh. You have said a whole lot of stupid %%$! before but that has to be the worst out of them all. '10 Wizards? They had less all-stars than the CURRENT Knicks
. '04 Cavs?... Who was that 2nd superstar?? As far as im concerned if LBJ can do what he is doing with this Cavs team and has NEVER played with another all-star talent (no, Mo Williams and Antwan Jamison dont count, sorry outtacontrol) than IMO he would win the East with just Chris Bosh and a bunch of 6th graders.

Fist off if we resign David Lee, that is already better than any Cav.

But than again, not only wee those examples just outlandish, but you are ALSO wrong in saying we have just 2nd rate talent outside of whoever will become our big 2. As nycHipHopHipp pointed out Gallinari is currently leading the NBA in 3s at only 21. He wasnt drafted 6 overall for no reason. He is already more than a 2nd tier player but he has the POTENTIAL to become something even greater than that, perhaps even an all-star in his own rights, but if not he will still be ALOT more than "second round bottom-barrel talent" AS goes for my man Wilson Chandler who continues to take MAJOR strides. You might have only one or two Cavs who are even better than both these dudes now, and even with that those who ARE better dont even have close to the potential considering that they are probably 35 like Jamison

Also, TMac looks to still have it and he can become a great veteran piece for us as well, and Eddie House was great in his role in Boston when they won and hed do similar things here, he sure was alot more than "second round bottom-barrel talent" there, and if he was, it seemed to be all Boston needed from him.

and yeah as nycHipHopHipp also stated, Eddy Currys expiing will be worth ALOT next year, so we can potentially work that into a deal and make moves for a PG, if we are really serious potentially have Chandler thrown in as well because we will have so many swingmen he will be expendable.

so yes i took a hypothetical of bosh+bron in NY and went crazy with it.but its cuz i disagreed with your idea of the team being lebron+bosh+d-league all-stars. imo everything i said here makes a pretty good dealof sense.
agreed. Not only would Lebron + Bosh= FARFARFARFARFAR more of a dominant duo than any duo that you named, but we also have a FAR better supporting cast than any of those teams as well.

As VIIheaven pointed out a duo more comparable would be like MJ and Scottie or Kobe and Shaq. Not saying they would be THAT good but it would be similar because it would be the best player in the NBA along with a top 5-10 caliber player along with a bunch of more than capable role players.

Mad good points by both of yall imo. I mean outtacontrol, you have said ALOT of just flat out stupid %*!%+%! Cav biased %%$! before but this %%$! takes the cake. I mean comparing Lebron with Bosh to the 04 Cavs, 08 Bucks, 10 Wizards, you have like 2 All-Star selections from those 3 teams COMBINED

sorry i just had to go on a rant that %%$! was ******ed. +%%$ this thread son



sorry yall for the *!@%++* book, wasnt aware i was writing that much

but i guess thats what yall get. Have the page jump 30+ pages since my last post you get a 30x longer rant
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i was watching the pregame yesterday. walsh said he doesnt want to sign 2 max contracts. its just an option and we are not looking to go in that direction. so it looks like they will sign 1 max and build the team from there. maybe tmac can stay with us after the season. we'll have to wait and see

lmao watch it again he said he doesn't only have to sign two max. He wants to sign to max contracts. if you dont realize that by now then wow.
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