
rockets are trying to rape us with the tmac deal. 2 FIRST ROUNDERS. COME ON SON. if it was one...i'd be ok...but two is pushing it.

taj with 11 off. boards....


Jared Jeffries left Wednesday's game with a sore knee and will not return.

i dont if this is true or not since i didnt watch the game. (glad i didnt) but hes day to day as of now,
[h1]Walsh Trying To Finish T-Mac Deal, Trade For Tyrus[/h1]Feb 17, 2010 10:43 PM EST

On the eve of the trade deadline, Donnie Walsh continues working to pin down the final elements of an offer that will land Tracy McGrady and shed the contract of Jared Jeffries.

Simultaneously, Walsh is working to swing a trade with the Bulls for Tyrus Thomas.

Mike D'Antoni may be driving the Knicks' interest in Thomas. The coach is apparently enthralled with the idea of plugging the athletic talents of Thomas into his uptempo system.
[h1]Rockets Want No Protection On NY's Picks[/h1]
Feb 18, 2010 12:08 AM EST

Howard Beck of the New York Times reports that all of the players have been agreed upon in the potential trade between the Rockets and Knicks for Tracy McGrady. The remaining negotiating point is protection on the draft picks the Rockets would gain in the trade. The Rockets want no protection on either the 2011 or 2012 first-round picks but the Knicks want protection in case the team misses the playoffs, and is in the lottery, either year.

Beck reports that the trade would send Jared Jeffries, Larry Hughes and Jordan Hill to Houston in exchange for McGrady, Brian Cook and Joey Dorsey.

Clearing Jeffries from their payroll would mean the Knicks would be very close to the amount of cap room they will need to offer two maximum contracts this summer.

"It could be the most important trade the Knicks have made in a decade," writes Beck.

"I'm hopeful," Donnie Walsh, without commenting on any specific discussion.
Just think about when the knicks are contenders the amount of hate that's gonna be spewed at us on this board
this trade is going to get done, the knicks are not going to let their plan fail over protection of draft picks. If we gave up unproected picks for curry and marbury it can be done for the plan this team has gone with since firing Isah.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

[h1]Rockets Want No Protection On NY's Picks[/h1]
Feb 18, 2010 12:08 AM EST

Howard Beck of the New York Times reports that all of the players have been agreed upon in the potential trade between the Rockets and Knicks for Tracy McGrady. The remaining negotiating point is protection on the draft picks the Rockets would gain in the trade. The Rockets want no protection on either the 2011 or 2012 first-round picks but the Knicks want protection in case the team misses the playoffs, and is in the lottery, either year.

Beck reports that the trade would send Jared Jeffries, Larry Hughes and Jordan Hill to Houston in exchange for McGrady, Brian Cook and Joey Dorsey.

Clearing Jeffries from their payroll would mean the Knicks would be very close to the amount of cap room they will need to offer two maximum contracts this summer.

"It could be the most important trade the Knicks have made in a decade," writes Beck.

"I'm hopeful," Donnie Walsh, without commenting on any specific discussion.
these @*$%!$!%@%++%. You gotta be KIDDING me

I mean im just praying for us to get rid of Jeffries in a realistic trade with Houston and than get Tyrus over here. I REALLY love the idea of Tyrus over here. I was obsessed with dude at LSU, and imo hed kill it over here. Be our most exciting shot blocker since #@@*%#@ Camby. IMO hed DEF be a long term piece.

and i love how when Walsh FINALLY works something out with his boy Kahn its for Brian Cardinal
but hey you gotta start somewhere right?? Today Brian Cardinal tomorrow Rubio!!!!

this trade is going to get done, the knicks are not going to lettheir plan fail over protection of draft picks. If we gave upunproected picks for curry and marbury it can be done for the plan thisteam has gone with since firing Isah.

yeeeah great idea, lets follow in the footsteps of the great Isiah. You do realize you completely contradicted yourself right? "Do like Isiah for a plan to not be like Isiah"
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