
Gallo rarely drives to the basket...and thats still one dimensional (as a shooter).

hes not a outstanding defender, not outstanding ball handling (although it is solid for a guy his height). like he has a bit of everything, he just needs to work on it. he has the talent, but i just dont see him reaching his full potential. sort of like a LO type of career which is quite successful imo. and if he can get a wife like the K's,
Gallo played twenty something games last season with a back injury.. He's 21 and didn't finish his rookie season. You can't say he won't be sucessful. Dirk started off the same way
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

gallos one dimensional...? dude is not only the top 3 point shooter in the league right now, but even the guys from TNT who most likely barely catch knick games know that hes not one dimensional. he drives to the basket whenever his defender closes on him.

and the thing about williams is irrelevant. the guard position, especially pg in the west has been STACKED over the last couple of years. with that same logic you can just use a counter argument that jason kidd just made the asg and look how average he is.
QFT with all of this. Nobody should be questioning Gallo's potential at this point. It is WAY too early to say he is a budding superstar o some %%%$ or the next Dirk, but on the other hand it is also WAY too early to say that he doesnt have the POTENTIAL to be that good. Cause he really does if he polishes some of his weaknesses, because he has a eally really high celing with his shot, skill, and size, at only 21. Again, its  easie said than done, but his potential should not be questioned yet.

and the thing about Deron? come on now, hes competing with Paul, Nash, Kobe, BRoy, etc. etc. every year at the guard spot in the West. Nobody would argue that he isnt the 2nd (at the VERY least 3rd) best PG in the league though. And yeah, imo, on the topic, when does he become a FA? I would honestly take DWill over nearly anybody in the league. I +@%%$$! love his game, always have. Boy would be a star over hee, get his %%%$ outta bumble %!!* Utah

The New York StarStealers

and then what do we do? we have a team that on paper is worse than thisyears nets, and 7 roster spots to fill out (no 1st round pick either)our options are either sign the 2nd/3rd tier FAs who will NOT be legitdifference makers, and have us stuck in mediocrity for years since youhave to give these guys multi-year contracts, no way in hell they'resigning for one year.
the %!!* you talking about son?
an unselfish player that doesnt play the point, will never be an all star (besides duncan). i see chandler becoming an all star before gallo does. as much as i love gallo (nh) this guy plays away from the ball way to much. sometimes all i do is watch him on the court and it seems like he doesnt want to be anywhere near the ball. i hope i'm wrong in the long run...
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

gallos one dimensional...? dude is not only the top 3 point shooter in the league right now, but even the guys from TNT who most likely barely catch knick games know that hes not one dimensional. he drives to the basket whenever his defender closes on him.

and the thing about williams is irrelevant. the guard position, especially pg in the west has been STACKED over the last couple of years. with that same logic you can just use a counter argument that jason kidd just made the asg and look how average he is.
QFT with all of this. Nobody should be questioning Gallo's potential at this point. It is WAY too early to say he is a budding superstar o some %%%$ or the next Dirk, but on the other hand it is also WAY too early to say that he doesnt have the POTENTIAL to be that good. Cause he really does if he polishes some of his weaknesses, because he has a eally really high celing with his shot, skill, and size, at only 21. Again, its  easie said than done, but his potential should not be questioned yet.

and the thing about Deron? come on now, hes competing with Paul, Nash, Kobe, BRoy, etc. etc. every year at the guard spot in the West. Nobody would argue that he isnt the 2nd (at the VERY least 3rd) best PG in the league though. And yeah, imo, on the topic, when does he become a FA? I would honestly take DWill over nearly anybody in the league. I +@%%$$! love his game, always have. Boy would be a star over hee, get his %%%$ outta bumble %!!* Utah

The New York StarStealers

and then what do we do? we have a team that on paper is worse than thisyears nets, and 7 roster spots to fill out (no 1st round pick either)our options are either sign the 2nd/3rd tier FAs who will NOT be legitdifference makers, and have us stuck in mediocrity for years since youhave to give these guys multi-year contracts, no way in hell they'resigning for one year.
the %!!* you talking about son?

im saying its not like we can even fill out one of those spots with a first rounder since we traded our pick to Utah (we still gettin zeked in another decade SMH.) having one of those roster spots filled out by a lotto pick with potential that you can develop on a cheap rookie contract > having one of those spots filled out by a random scrub on a one year contract.
They're both really passive. they need to demand the ball more, and become more aggressive.

They have it in them, they just need to work a lot harder. they need a mentor.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

an unselfish player that doesnt play the point, will never be an all star (besides duncan). i see chandler becoming an all star before gallo does. as much as i love gallo (nh) this guy plays away from the ball way to much. sometimes all i do is watch him on the court and it seems like he doesnt want to be anywhere near the ball. i hope i'm wrong in the long run...
he's 21years old

he's essentially playing his rookie year right now. totally different league then what he is used to. shown flashes of greatness. one of the best 3 shooters already. calm down

and whoever said gallo doesn't drive to the basket, i don't know what you are watching
Originally Posted by DubA169

Big J 33 wrote:
If the summer doesn't turn out like we hope, do we sign 1 FA then sit on the rest of the money/cap space in hopes for 2011? Or is the best play to fill out the roster with mid-level guys with the remaining space?

I say we hold the money. mad people coming off 2011 and 2012. ultimate goal is a chip, not 4 seed in the east.

if the new CBA is intact wouldn't a max contract be like 9 milliion bucks? we would have a good amount of cash to throw around. get 1 max this summer, sign lee. then hpld the cash and go on a spending spree when curry gets off the books

This is what I was thought was going to happen.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by DubA169

Big J 33 wrote:
If the summer doesn't turn out like we hope, do we sign 1 FA then sit on the rest of the money/cap space in hopes for 2011? Or is the best play to fill out the roster with mid-level guys with the remaining space?

I say we hold the money. mad people coming off 2011 and 2012. ultimate goal is a chip, not 4 seed in the east.

if the new CBA is intact wouldn't a max contract be like 9 milliion bucks? we would have a good amount of cash to throw around. get 1 max this summer, sign lee. then hpld the cash and go on a spending spree when curry gets off the books
This is what I was thought was going to happen.

does anyone have a full list of free agents in 2011 and 2012? i remember seeing one months ago

i mean i don't think i fully understand the CBA. because if we have eddys contract coming off and only get 1 max this summer plus lee. wouldn't we have like 27 mil left over?

that's 3 max players between 2011 and 2012
can someone tell me what i am missing, because that doesn't sound right
Here is the 2012 FA class


Now that Im not running around school like a mad man, I can actually sit down and tell you guys how I feel about the proposed trades.

I don't know why some of you guys are going crazy over these trades. Are we giving up a lot when we decided to include our draft picks and Hill/Harrington? Yes, we are. But you guys need to take a look at the bigger picture here. We're not trying to be good NOW, the whole point of these trades is so that we can be good in the future. The trades helps up open up a lot of cap space and thats what we need to sign free agents. If we can move Jefferies by Thursday, that will give us a bigger opportunity to sign 2 big names this up coming off-season. All we would need to do now is get rid of Curry as well, so then we have almost unlimited elbow room.

I think the reason why Donnie wants to get TMac is for 2 reasons.
- So we can get his expiring
- He may still be able to produce for us and if he does, we can sign him next year for not so much money.

Now some of you are wondering if we even have enough for 2 big names. If we don't then no big deal. Have you guys forgotten about Lee and Chandler? We can use the money to re-sign those guys and then go after someone in 2011-2012.

I'm not so worried at this point. We just need to get rid of Jefferies and Curry and we're golden.

Like VIIHeaven said earlier. SOMEONE will come to the Knicks. There is just too much money to be made here. Are we going to get LeBron 100%? No, we're not, but all we can do now is just prepare for the 2010 off-season and see what happens. We can't control what other teams are doing around the league, we can just control our team.

Does this mean giving up Hill/Harrington for salary cap room? Yes, it does. At this point we can't look at whats now. Doing that is what got us in this big mess in the first place. We're finally in a place were our owner isnt breathing down out GM's neck and we have a GM that knows what he's doing and has a plan and has stuck to that plan since day 1. Not once has he gone off course. We just have to trust in what he's doing and hopefully we will be in contention for a championship again.

If we do give up Hill, then that means we would have to re-sign Lee. That's one of the biggest reasons why we drafted him in the first place. His purpose was so that we could replace him for Lee. Lee is a 20 and 10 guy right now and I wouldn't mind keeping him.
Here's a nice article talking about our salary cap situation this up coming off-season. Good read if you ask me.
The Cap Situation of the Knicks
Joe Treutlein, 2/16/2010 7:47:00 AM
According to Yahoo! Sports, the Knicks are rumored to be making the following trade with the Houston Rockets in the coming days: Larry Hughes, Jared Jeffries, Jordan Hill, and a bunch of draft picks for Tracy McGrady, Brian Cook, and Joey Dorsey. Various reports have been thrown around about how far under the cap the Knicks will be, but here is the reality of the situation:

First and foremost, the Knicks have 17,782,904 in guaranteed salaries between Curry, Gallinari, Douglas, and Chandler. After that, a cap hold is put in place for each roster spot under 12, filling in some of the Knicks' projected cap space. Because a team must have 12 players under contract at all times in the regular season, the CBA makes sure teams account for the minimum contracts they must use to fill out their roster before they use their cap space. The minimum rookie contract for the 10-11 season is 490,180. The Knicks thus also have 3,921,440 in cap holds (8 roster spots) to add to their salary in the offseason, putting them at a total of 21,704,344.

Teams are currently projecting the salary cap next season to be approximately 53,000,000, so under that projection, the Knicks would have 31,295,656 in cap space available. To free up a little more cap space, the Knicks can opt to buyout Eddy Curry's 11,276,863 contract. Because the minimum salary for a 10-year player is 1,399,507, Curry and his agent should agree to a buyout saving the Knicks that amount, a deal that is in both of their best interests and will not lose Curry any money, assuming he finds someone to sign him to a minimum deal (and the league pays a good portion of the minimum deals for veterans – a team will actually only have to flesh out 788,872 for Curry, with the league covering the rest).

Assuming the Knicks and Curry agree to the buyout as stated above, that would net the Knicks cap savings of 909,327, because they'd have to add yet another cap hold to account for Curry no longer being there. This would put the Knicks up to 32,204,983 in cap space.

With the cap for 2010 projected at approximately 53 million, the max contract for a player entering his 7th year in the league (Lebron, Bosh, Wade) would be 30% of the cap or 15,900,000. Seeing how 15,900,000 * 2 is 31,800,000, the Knicks would have enough space to sign two of those players to maximum deals, and they'd actually have a bit left over, as you'd remove two of the cap holds (for the players you just signed), saving 980,360, plus they had a difference of 404,983 to begin with, leaving them with 1,385,343 in additional space. Combine this with another of the cap holds and that leaves the Knicks with 1,875,523 to sign a third free agent to a deal.

In full, under this projection, the Knicks would have two max contract players, Gallinari, Douglas, Chandler, a free agent with a deal starting at 1,875,523, and then six minimum contract players to round things out. That is all they would be able to add. There is no MLE, there are no Bird Rights for David Lee and Nate Robinson, there is nothing else. In order to use your cap space, you must renounce all your exceptions, including the MLE and any player Bird Rights you have.

Some random notes: Amare's contract (8th year player) would begin at the same price as Bosh, Lebron, or Wade, so you can throw him in the mix without adjusting anything. Joe Johnson, on the other hand, entering his 10th year, would have a starting salary of 35% of the cap or 18,550,000 in a max deal, though it's unlikely anyone offers that, so you can probably swap him into your projections at the same price as the others. Rudy Gay, on the other hand, would have a max deal starting at 25% of the cap or 13,250,000, so if the Knicks can only grab one of the big five players and want to add Gay as their second star, they'd be able to save 2,650,000 in doing so, meaning they could then add a 4,525,523 free agent for their third acquisition.

All of these numbers are based on a cap set at 53million. If the cap were slightly higher, it'd give the Knicks a sliver more flexibility in terms of what they could add with their third free agent after signing the two maxes. As long as the cap stays above 51million, the Knicks should have enough to sign two max free agents to a deal, assuming they can get Eddy Curry to agree to a buyout saving the Knicks the difference of the minimum contract he'd receive on the open market. Without Curry's buyout, things get a little murkier, but the Knicks should regardless be close enough to get it done somehow.

An interesting angle to watch in all this is what happens if Amare goes to Cleveland, Amare and Lebron both re-sign there after winning a championship, the Heat miss the playoffs, and the Raptors get knocked out in the first round. I don't think you'd find anyone around who would think that Bosh or Wade alone could build a team strong enough to knock off those Cavs (or even the Lakers or other teams), so it may become a necessity for Bosh and Wade to team up if they want to have a legitimate shot at winning a title in the near future.

As things stack up right now, the only two teams capable of offering max deals to both Bosh and Wade would be the Knicks and Heat (though Chicago and New Jersey are capable of maneuvering to that point with extremely aggressive moves in the next few days). Regardless, comparing the Knicks' situation to the Heat's situation, the Knicks will have a core of Gallinari, Chandler, and Douglas, while the Heat will have a core of Beasley, Cook, and Chalmers, though the Heat have a little more cap space and a first round pick to add to the mix. Still, with the allure of New York City and Gallinari being the best player of those named, it definitely makes a strong case for Bosh and Wade choosing New York over Miami. It's a big risk for the Knicks to take, but unlike those taken by Isiah Thomas, there actually is upside to this one.

I want no parts of Rudy Gay. hes talented, but he doesnt deserve his max.

Are we really parting with jordan hill?
i'm shocked that people care about jordan hill.

even allen said he's fine with parting with him if it has to happen. that should tell you something
If we dont sign Bron or Wade. I dont want any other wing player. Just try to get Bosh then and wait for Paul. Hes leaving for sure.
Hughes Would Go To Houston Instead Of Harrington

Adrian Wojnarowski/Yahoo! - 02/16 - 2:33 PM EST (AP Photo)

The Knicks and Rockets continue to discuss a deal for Tracy McGrady.

Larry Hughes would be in the package and not Al Harrington, league sources tell Yahoo! Sports.

The Knicks presumably would want to use Harrington in a separate deal, possibly for Tyrus Thomas.

Jared Jeffries and Jordan Hill would be the other components of the proposed trade.

Exactly what I planned to happen
I dont believe anything.

Franchise said that Houston newspaper confirmed it would be Buckets.
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