
I've hardly talked about him since he started his slide or during your absence.

But if people we're gona be quick to slap my name next to him after every time he did something good in October, or kills this franchise for it, or disrespect people Like Allen Iverson with comparisons.... I'll come back and say Hello every now and again.
D'Antoni clearly has been sent into scrambling mode lately.

And I don't agree with everything he's done....but Darko i could care less about.
Man Yuku FTML.

Am i the only one who doesnt see the new replies in a thread, and pages magically disappear, and then reappear later?
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Why does every bum on an opposing team have a great chance at getting his own highlight reel against us? Add son whose name I still don't know from the Bucks to that list.
Ilyasova > harrington. he's real good just doesnt get noticed much. btw, we suck. jordan hill sucks. we needed a draft pick to come in a contribute not wait on 5 years. bad pick and IMO he wont ever be a star. o and did i mention we suck?
i only watched the 1st half....

waaow new york....

and i wanted the knicks to be a few games under .500 before the AS break....
My only problem wirh Darko is I thought he actually could have contributed and might have been surprisingly effective with us. But I'll trust that D'Antoni knows better than me and that he doesn't fit.

Gallo, Chandler, Lee, Hill, Douglas, and to a lesser extent Nate... Those are the only guys I care about and pay attention to. The rest can leave now for all I care, I'm just looking towards the future.
darko said he's laving to europe why are you guys even mentioning him?

The only things I can front on dantoni about is sticking with duhon so long and the draft pick (dunno who had more impact him or walsh). the things i complained about he's fixed. i hate 7 seconds or less (with this talent) he switched. Plus it's very noticeable that he started to preach defense. D is 90% about effort. and this team only shows effort 1 out of 7 games.

Dantoni's tenure begins this off season as far as i'm concerned
Originally Posted by DubA169

darko said he's laving to europe why are you guys even mentioning him?
why does  he want to leave to europe? because he cant get any PT. im just saying its only fair to him to at least give him garbage time. he was afterall, the #1 pick

I dont care if we lose, as long as we give in effort. this team has been playing like they dont even give a @##% for the past month. Jordan Hill needs more PT. get it done mike.
at the sig

Off topic but anyone want to join my nba 2k10 ps3 sim lg, let me know I got a few spots open.....


i expected the game to be bad, but not horrible....

lebrons going to pull a kobe....
(the game vs. the mavs, where he scored more than the team....)
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