
I'm with you, if I was Nate and I really wanted to be in NY that badly, I'd stick it out as long as possible. If you still want to be traded when thedeadline is approaching, then best of luck to you.
If we could get a good piece in return for him I'm all for it. But he should be rotting on any teams bench. I don't see the situation resolving itselfanytime soon though.
I really love nate here, nh.

hes better off somewhere else where he can be used, and used properly.
it frees up some PT for douglas as well. i want to see him attempt to take the PG duties, full time. i highly doubt it'll work out, but the experiencemight work out for the better.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'd rather have him stick it out.

There will be a time this year where he is needed and D'Antoni will go back to him. It's not the same as the Steph situation.
thats what im hoping. I truly believe for this team to be the best we can possibly be Nate needs his 25-30 minutes, and in order to make theplayoffs we NEED to be the best we can possibl be. I agree we will need Nate and his attitude is right. Hes still my favorite player i hope every day they canwork it out
But at what cost would you like to see Nate back on the court? I have a feeling that barring a 4+ game losing streak, he won't see any p.t. I'm all forgetting him back in the rotation, but at the end of the day, Knicks > name on back of the jersey. I kinda sound like I'm giving _A'ntoni the ok forthe move, but like it or not, coincidence or not, things have been on the up and up since the benching. If even for the sake of sports superstition, Idon't want to jinx something that has potential to build momentum.

Of course, our players will be tired by the end of the season. Oh God, i don't want to see Duhon's 2nd half of the season
Injury, fatigue...extended losing streak....would all be reasons to bring him back off the bench.

If they keep playing well, though....you don't mess with it.

Duhon is playing 34 minutes a night. If he breaks down, it's on him for the most part. That's not too much of a work load. I would expect if Toney canrun the pick and roll better to see a bump in his minutes
It's not like things are gonna work out and he'll play here again... IF Dantoni cared he would show
some signs and at least give him 2 minutes until he messes up..but its something personal....case closd

We need to pull off Nate+Jeffries for Camby or Kenny Thomas

Or For TMac


Now that you can place Nate on the trade machine
Nate+Jeffries+Curry for TMac... just the thought of this

that's not even a bad trade for Hou.. you can have Nate play the same role Wafer played last season in the playoffs but better...Jeffries is adefender...and pray Curry can play decent again
at least give him 2 minutes until he messes up.
now that's funny.

Like he said, when you create a rotation, minus garbage time...you're either in or you're out.
nate obviously doesn't fit in mike's plan for how he wants the team to play

at first i thought it was a personal thing, but now that i'm watching games, we're winning because of our versatility on both sides

we ran a lineup of hughes and 4 other 6'10''+ guys, and all of em can step out and hit

nate doesn't contribute to that, so he got squeezed out

same w/ eddy, jhill, etc.

only reason it's a big deal is because nate is more skilled and is a fan favorite


on another note, i really like what jeffries is bringing nowadays

they were slurping him od last night, but i guess it's warranted

when he went out w/ 4 fouls early in the 3rd, we TANKED after that, then son came back in n made som key plays in the fourth

i'm not crowning him or anything, if yall wanna, go ahead n crown his #!!, but i don't see jeffries going anywhere..anytime soon


and on another note
if we keep playing our best, we're better than the 4 teams ahead of us

playoffs looking like a legit goal for this season

^ good point.

D'Antoni last night attributed a lot of the success on defense lately to the length they have now.
So you want to trade Nate?
if something is available. I do not want him bought out. That would be a mistake.

I do not want an unknown about a rotation anymore. D'Antoni found one now that works, and you go with it until it doesn't. And that doesn't mean 1loss ruins it. You have to evaluate it over an extended period of time.
yeupp, its my job to make up the trades

sidenote, bayless is not coming here. looks like we have to pray for DJ then.

The rockets arent trading Tmac anything less for an allstar. talk about overvaluing, when hes not even getting any major burn.
what i did in the trade machine though, Darko+Hughes+duhon for Tmac.
True we get rid of our 2 starters, but i have faith that tmac could put in work if he gets close to 25+ minutes. the main reason for this though, was more PTfor douglas. (and nate)

However, i see us trading nate to memphis for a mid/late first rounder. ill be good with that.

I would like to see Jefferies+Mobley moved for Dampier+JJ barea. cut both of them.

Chandler-Landry-Bender-Hill-Curry+Draft pick.

The rotation is down to the way Mike likes it, we get our draft pick, everonyes happy!
dont mind me, im bored.
^i dont understand that .gif. good or bad?

memphis are looking for a spark off the bench, nasty nate would fit perfect.
they have about 4 draft picks, losing one wont hurt.
apparently, bhz feels that jefferies is a bum and dont want him.
i dont blame him though, only the knicks fan feel that hes actually contributing.

i rather have a draft pick then trade jefferies though. if he can keep this up until feburary, SOMEONE is going to take a chance on him.
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