
Originally Posted by Big J 33

There's clearly something going out that we don't see on the court, and it is more than just D'Antoni picking on Nate, Hill and Darko can't get minutes either.

D'antoni brought up how he likes to use 7-8 guys per game when he had his press conference after the game. Those who can't get playing time willlikely continue not to get it.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I will never understand how y'all really care so much about some of these guys...Real Talk, what has Nate ever done. He's an exciting player to watch but when he was getting major burn last year, it wasn't like we were winning games right and left. I have 0 problem with Nate being benched.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

The dude behind him on the right


Looking like an over medicated Chris Paul.
Originally Posted by BangDak

i dont see how he runs this offense. most of his assists are just the pick and roll to lee. hughes+nate can do it just as good.
i can name something though, have an fg% of about 30% throughout the whole season

im not saying move nate to the starting point, but rather move hughes to the point, nate to the sg.
i understand duhon's the closest point guard we have, but lets face it. as much as i defended him last season, dudes been an bum.
does anyone think we should have made an move for ty lawson?


And regardless of people's opinion on the whole Nate benching thing, I really don't want the team to trade him or Lee just off the strength that theyare OUR players (drafted & nurtured here from day one).

Deep down inside I really wish the team lost the last couple of games and Jersey got their first win against the Knicks just so the "FireD'Antoni" campaign could start.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

um. what allen? that is ALL on the coaches fault.
what is?

Nate Robinson still showing immaturity 5 years into his career is a coaches fault? Cause he can't conform to what the coaches want is the coaches fault?

Mike D'Antoni is going to be here longer than Nate Robinson, he is not comprising what he believes for Nate Robinson. Right or wrong.

how has Nate been immature. I swear you may call me a Nate homer but it really does seem like everyone is out to get him. Nate has been outperforming Duhonlike CRAZY all season long. Yet Duhon seems to have a get out of jail free card from D'Antoni that i personally think requires weekly %+%! sessions,because no coach in the right state of mind would play that man 35+ mins EVERY !+%+*!@ night. The dude is garbage and do not anyone dare give him credit for uswinning games reccently. Dude played horrible once again today. He had Josh Boone on him top of the key today. Al Harrington was exploiting his #%$ all daytoday by taking him to the hoop and any semi talented guard in the league would have exploited this matchup byy trying to out quick him to the rack or give hima quick step back. I know Nate would at least. What does this !+%+*!@ guy Duhon do? He makes a miserable attempt at a move to the basket and gets his weak %*++of a shot stuffed beyond believe. I was
. Larry Hughes improving play along with Al starting andgetting buckets is the reason we have been winning. Than the !+%+*!@ media makes every little move he makes out like he is some immature clown, and portrayshim like he just takes winning and the game of basketball as a complete joke. I mean since when it is so bad to have some fun out there or get hype after youmake a nice play. Who knows? Maybe Duhon is the same way but we can never know cause he will never actually make a nice play to get hype over. The shot at theown basket was a joke and completely blown away. The media made it seem like he was inbounded the ball and purposely hoisted a three pointer at his own basket,knowing what he was doing as a joke. When in reality he clearly knew the buzzer sounded, and why not get the shot up? Any shot can help a shooter get in arythym. Dude has been find this yea with the immaturity, he is just being emotional at times but nothing detremental to the team. I mean he is handling thiswhole situation well and is not %*++ talking D'Antoni or anyone like i know he wants to. Nate supports D'Antoni to death in interviews and is one ofour most loyal players to the team.

Do not say we dont owe Nate anything, cause we do owe him the minutes he has deserved with his play. Nate was one of the best 6th man in the LEAGUE last seasonand our best player at some parts of the season, we owe him at least that same 6th man role when he has done NOTHING of the sort to lose it. Nate averaged over17 a game last year and was our best player during MULTIPLE stretches of the season, he has always worked hard and sure we werent a top tier team, but is thathis fault? He tried his hardest to win, its not his fault that our team is horrible. He has clearly proven that he is one of the most talented players on ourteam and to bench him when our starting PG isnt even shooting 30% is unfair. Even if we take away the ffact that Nate does always put effort in, take the factthat Naste has been outperforming Duhon statistically all season, yet Duhon will always get 30+ mins a night while Nate is on the bench. Any normal coach wouldprobably bench Duhon in this same situation, but instead D'Antoni is choosing to npot only keep playing and starting Duhon but ALSO put the player who hasbeen outperforming him every night on the bench.

You are so quick to judge that we are 0-9 when Nate gets over 15 mins per game but in those 15 mins he usually does everything to not lose. Lets look.

-The last game before Nate got benched, he took us during a poor team outing and led us, and was the ONLY reason that game was close with 22 points in the 4thquarter ALONE but we still fell short...
- A few games before that we lost a game in Sacremento that imo was one of the worst efforts of the entire season. The team looked lazy and uninterestedthroughout the entire game. Nate, though, was an exception. He played 25 mins and scored 25 on 10-16 shooting. We lost, but again not his fault his teamatesdidnt show up... Including Duhon who had 7 points on 2-8 shooting and only 2 assists.
- Game before that we lost despite Nate playing particualrly well leading us in scoring with 15 on 5-11 shooting with 5 assists. This time it was not Natesfault that we took on perhaps the NBA's best team and it was still close despite little help from some teamates that have stepped up during this winningstetch (Harrington and Hughes), and also Duhon was held once again to 4 points on 2-9 shooting.
- Game before that we lost. But people forget to mention that it was one of the best efforts of the season, tasking the Celtics (another team that is perhapsthe NBAs best) only to lose on a GW by KG. The effort was largely attributed to the play of Nate who dropped 19 off the bench on 7-11 shooting. Duhon on theother hand was little help scoring 3 points on 1-6 shooting.

I mean you are all so quick to point out the stats. But you gotta look deeeper. Sure we may have lost all the games Nate has performed in but this isnt hisfault. He tried his best and played well most of the time, but we were either out matched or put together a poor team outing. Every single game i mentionedDuhon should take most of the blame for the loss and even when we have been winning latelty it has not been because Nate is out so Duhon was able to go off.Not in the slightest bit and imo we would have an even BETTER chance of winning if Nate was out there. Naste cant help that Hughes, Al, and Gallo, and Lee haveall been playing very nicely these past few games. Other than the Atlanta game Duhon has been doing nothing that i think really is a key factor in us winning.If anything he hurts us by shooting 2-12 like he did tonight and getting his %*++ stuffed by Josh Boone, but the prolificness of the others have outweighed hisflaws reccently. I would attribute most of the winning lately to Larry Hughes coming on and going off lately. Him tunning the point has been ALOT bigger of anindicator than Duhon. Hes played great every game we have won this season pretty much and all the games Nate had to play extended minutes Larry was a nonfactorso we were stuck with Duhon running the point, and failing.

Im just saying idk what has gone on in the lockerrooms and maybe D'Antoni does have his reasons, but from on the court performances this season and %*++ wehear about, this Nate benching is bull %*++, and he does not deserve it because he has been playing well when given the oppurtunity to this season.
nobody is out to get Nate..

I just read in the post today that 'sources' said the benching seems to be a last effort for a wake up call as all of D'Antoni's preachings toNate have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, I think it's naive to think Nate is not somewhat accountable for what is going on.

It's not always as cut and dry as player A being more talented than player B
What do you guys think about acquiring Andre Miller? Looks like Portland is about to trade him real soon.

With Oden done for the year maybe they could use Curry over there to pair along with Pryzbilla.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

nobody is out to get Nate..

I just read in the post today that 'sources' said the benching seems to be a last effort for a wake up call as all of D'Antoni's preachings to Nate have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, I think it's naive to think Nate is not somewhat accountable for what is going on.

It's not always as cut and dry as player A being more talented than player B
I agree Nate may be 100% at fault. But to say that his on-court performance is the reason of his benching is just #!%%+*# stupid, and if that isthe reason, than D'Antoni needs to get his head examined because up into his benching Nate was one of the only players playing well, and even if he wasntplaying as good as he possibly could have, based on on-court performances alone, ALOT of players on this team should have been benched before Nate(cough)Duhon(cough). And if it is for his "immaturity" on the court, that is foolish as well, becasue Nate hass not done anything too out of linethis season, he is just an emotional player and i just think D'Antoni casnt take that, which i dont like because alot of the most loved and great Knickshave been categorized as emotional players and have had big persoanlities but we took chances on them and there careers in NY worked out pretty darn well (JohnStarks and the majority of the mid 1990 Knicks, Sprewell, even Clyde Frazier had a big personality not so much being over-emotional though). This isnt bumble$@$! West Virginia, many emotional players have made it here. Its those kind of players that work their **% off every night like Nate does and that is what thefans love about guys like Nate or Spree or Starks. It was more than them ebing emotional on the court it was how #!%%+*# hard they worked night in a nd nightout. And D'Antoni has passed up on every single player that fits that category since hes been here (Marbury, Jennings, Ai, etc.) and now is benching Natewhile we are stuck with the worst PG in the NBA who has the personality of a hard boiled egg. Idc about the personality, Nate could never utter one word forall i care, its just that you cant keep passing up on emotional players for your #!%%+*# ego even when these big persoanlity players are best for the team,which D'Antoni has been doing here since day 1. Because in reality those kind of players have thrived in NY.

If that is the reason than i have a problem with D'Antoni benching Nate, cause that is his game, its worked for us before, and it hasnt put the team injeapordy. Nates on-court play sure as hell shouldnt result in benching, so unless there is some hidden inside the lockerroom issue which is not being leakedwhich dont get me wrond there VERY WELL may be. But if there isnt anything like that and what we have been hearing is 100% what has been happening than IMOMike D'Antoni is doing Nate dirty and is letting his ego take over and is 100% out of line.
if D'Antoni had run Amare or Marion outa Phoenix, i could get with the ego stuff.

I think here, it is a new culture, and a culture that has been about nothing but losing all decade. If he wants guys who go about things the right way, and ifto him, Nate is lacking...I can't blame him for the benching.

None of us know. So I'm gona put the trust in D'Antoni and Walsh that they know what they're doing and are privy to information that we aren't.

And I do think Nate will find his way back in shortly, D'Antoni IMO is trying to salvage and find a right mix of players however he can until the All StarBreak...it will be a fluid rotation, it already has been....as long as Nate continues to handle it like a pro, he should be fine. But we've actually wonsome games now, so you go with it until things change.
Walsh needs to step in and boss the f'k up. I mean... the WHOLE DAMN STADIUM was chanting for Nate to play. He's the most popular player on the team.What part of the game is that???
Originally Posted by THE GR8

I mean since when it is so bad to have some fun out there or get hype after you make a nice play. Who knows? Maybe Duhon is the same way but we can never know cause he will never actually make a nice play to get hype over.

The thing is, Doo Doo DOES suck (and yeah, I too was in his corner last year).

But if you have 2 kids... 1 less talented than the other... And the less talented one always tries hard, never back talks, and occasionally shows flashes ofhaving a REALLY good game (25-10 against the Hawks, Knicks record 22 assists last year)....

Compared to the more talented kid who more often than not will pull a knucklehead move, seems to coast on his talents, and isn't really impacting yourwins-losses...

Shoot, the decision isn't that difficult actually.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by THE GR8

I mean since when it is so bad to have some fun out there or get hype after you make a nice play. Who knows? Maybe Duhon is the same way but we can never know cause he will never actually make a nice play to get hype over.

The thing is, Doo Doo DOES suck (and yeah, I too was in his corner last year).

But if you have 2 kids... 1 less talented than the other... And the less talented one always tries hard, never back talks, and occasionally shows flashes of having a REALLY good game (25-10 against the Hawks, Knicks record 22 assists last year)....

Compared to the more talented kid who more often than not will pull a knucklehead move, seems to coast on his talents, and isn't really impacting your wins-losses...

Shoot, the decision isn't that difficult actually.
Yeah it isnt when you describe Nate the way you did. Only thing Duhon has on Nate is that he doesnt have the big personality that Nate does. Imean Nate has shown ALOT more flashes than Duhon (45 vs Potland i believe, 41 vs Indiana, 33, 15, 9, 6 vs LAC, etc. etc.) plus yall are making it seem thatNate is just some talented player who doesnt give a ***% about the game. I mean thats just not fair that thats the rep he gets. He ALWAYS plays his heart outand does everything possible to help the team win, just like Duhon, only he actually has skill to help... Nate has given us ALOT moe in his Knicks career thanDuhon, its just that im convinced that D'Antoni and Duhon are %!#%@%@ dl
let me get this straight. nate can't be useful for 10-15 minutes a night? nate shouldn't touch the court for whole games? that's some BS. he'sa good enough player that you can utilize him, in some form for a part of every game. just straight benching him does nothing to improve your team.

duhon has 9 lives
Nate averages like 15 points per every 25-30 minute he's in (not sure how many assists, but I can imagine it's comparable with Duhon's numbers atthe very least).

Keeping him on the bench for the ENTIRE GAME should be indicative to anyone that D'Antoni has him on "punishment" or is holding some kind ofgrudge against him in order to prove a point.

D'Antoni is feeding his own ego with this Nate situation more than holding the team's best interest as a priority.
The way we turn on the coach over one player is hilarious. Steph last year, Nate this year. I doubt benching him is only to feed his ego. You don't becomea successful coach by feeding your ego at all costs. Let's be for real here.

This team has been losing for the last ten years. Nate's been here, and a pretty big piece for three. I have no issue with any of these players beingbenched.

By the way, as far as running an offense and controlling the tempo goes, Duhon > Nate. Duhon has been horrible this year, but I can only recall 2 or 3 gameswhere Nate stayed under control and distributed the ball well.

Based on pure talent, Nate should get 20-25 minutes a game, but these things aren't based on pure talent. This year it isn't even about overall teamcohesiveness. It's about breaking some of these players out of the losing mindstate they used to be in.

It's easy to look in from your livingroom and feel like you know how the team should be run.
[table][tr][td]The Stats Don't Lie…and Chanting is Lame[/td] [/tr][tr][td]By Tommy Dee - Dec 7, 2009 9:28 am[/td] [/tr][/table]
Newsday's Barbara Barker had a great piece on Nate Robinson, who now finds himself out of the Knicks
rotation. It is clear, for now, that the Knicks have a better set rotation without him.
"…In all six of their wins this season, Robinson has played less than 19 minutes. The Knicks are 0-9 when Robinson plays 19 minutes or more and 6-6 when he plays less than 19.

In the past four games, the Knicks have gone 3-1 without Robinson in the rotation. In the only game in which he saw any time, the Knicks beat the Suns on Tuesday. He took only two shots, and half his minutes came in garbage time. Yesterday's game was his third straight DNP-CD.

D'Antoni has long made it known that Robinson tests his patience, but it seems as though several recent events have caused him to send Robinson into this prolonged exile.

The most notable came eight days ago when Robinson scored 22 points in the fourth quarter of a 114-103 loss to the Magic at the Garden. Orlando continued to pull away from the Knicks even as Robinson continued to score, but he didn't seem to notice as he jumped around the court with glee and yelled at fans in celebration even while his team was losing.

Robinson was the first player in the locker room after yesterday's game - probably because he didn't have to shower. He made a point of saying all the right things, stumbling only slightly when he was asked what he felt when the fans cheered him.

"I love the support," he said.

Then, just in case it sounded too selfish, he quickly added, "Hopefully, they will continue to come out and support our whole team, and that's what we need…"

Does this mean no more Will Ferrell?

I said it yesterday and I'll say it again. I don't know who most of these fans who come to games are. Not all of them, mind you, but those who decided during the midst of a huge Knick run that saw them take control of the game that it was a good idea to start chanting for Nate.

He's fun to watch and we all love rooting for the little guy. And it's too easy to just pin the Knicks's success on Nate not playing, but come on people.

The team is actually playing some decent basketball over the last week. Can't you just go to the game and root for the team in white to get a W?

Granted the chats did start when the Knicks were flat and losing, but do we have to hear the chant from now on EVERY time the Knicks are losing?
I hope not.
I love Nate, he's exciting and a hell of a talent. But I trust the coach who is a part of our future over one player who might not be here next year.

Ideally Nate would be getting his minutes off the bench, be a spark plug, score points, and be the entertaining player who know he's capable of, but thisteam has won without him. In a season that we're going to have to struggle and fight for EVERY win, I'm not taking the facts lightly, the team is beendoing better with Nate playing less.

I want to see Nate come back into the rotation and get a chance to play, but I want wins more.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

The way we turn on the coach over one player is hilarious. Steph last year, Nate this year. I doubt benching him is only to feed his ego. You don't become a successful coach by feeding your ego at all costs. Let's be for real here.

bull #$!%+!$ %#%%.
we're turning over, because of the damn mistakes he makes. is it really that hard to preach defense, drive to the hoop, and play with effort night in andout? i know its easier said then then, but cmon.

and that article is ******ed. allens bought the point about the minutes. the knicks are 6-6 when nate plays 19 or less minutes. so what about the 6 losses whennate hasnt gotten pt?
its easy to say that we're 0-9 when nate gets __ amount of time, because hes only been put out when there really isnt no point in the game anymore. hesnever in long enough to get consistent.
whether duhon runs the team better then nate or not, a lineup of hughes-nate-gallo-lee-darko > whatever garbage lineup this bobble head puts out.
so when D'Antoni makes a move that he says he bases on defense, he still preaches no defense.

He can't win.
out of the very few games the knicks tried to come back when they're down big and maybe a few wins, you're going to tell me they played defense?
even so, its still too inconsistent.

you can say all the things you want, i want actions to solidify them.
Is everyone watching AI play or something? How come no one has posted in here yet?

Anyway, did anyone hear Duhon mic'ed up? Son sounds nothing like a leader out there.
^i was watching until halftime. hes been playing well with iggy.
i think he sort of wants the ball more, but yeah. fans are loving him

could have, would have, but didnt.

and allen, thats #%$+*!$#, and you know it. look at carl landry, chuck hayes on the rockets. they're not great players, just players who learned thefundamentals, and play hard. thats all i ask for...
and allen, thats #%$+*!$#, and you know it. look at carl landry, chuck hayes on the rockets. they're not great players, just players who learned the fundamentals, and play hard. thats all i ask for...
what? those guys played the same kinda roles in College. You are what you are in the NBA, nobody is stopping to teach fundamentals.

This team has little to zero personnel to play defense.
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