2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Got the hacky sacks today from NDC.

What's funny is that the box price is $98...but NDC charged $90 plus free shipping.

So when my local store owner says "they're taking our business lol"....he's kinda right, at least in this case.

Add in the fact that a lot of people have cards with rebate or cashback plans (Discover is 10% cash back for NDC for example) then yeah I can REALLY see the shop owners' point.
got my raging bulls in the mail today....:pimp:
I'll be damned if I walk around my kingdom with my head down. My lady knows what I like to spend my hard earned money on, so she couldn't care less as long as the bills are paid. Plus I don't say anything when she asks for help to fund her exotic weaves and her mani's & pedi's.
Repped. When people come in here saying "oh I hope my wife/girlfriend/dog doesn't see!" I can't help but laugh. Even at the homies. Take charge, men! 
I somehow managed to wear my Raging Bulls in front of the wife a week ago without her noticing. And then when I wore them the second time and she questioned it I was all like "Yo. I've had these and I literally just wore them in front of you a few days ago"


epic win :D

LoL, they always try and get bossy
Not really bossy at all. She'll never give me a big wtf, more-so a "really? more?"


Which I can understand. Again, I always keep in my mind that to the normal joe-schmoe seeing a stack of shoe boxes doesn't really make sense. 
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poorniko poorniko

I'm about to put these in the mail for a friend in the UK

I don't usually get flack, and I don't hide anything. I know I'm going to get fussed out today because I've got 3 shipping totes open in the living room while I'm getting stuff together to mail to my parents, but that's more of their mess than mine (although the shoes will get brought into it, thank god they're mostly in the room they belong)

edit: looking at that picture it looks like there's a smudge in the scotchlite. Dangit.
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I'll be damned if I walk around my kingdom with my head down. My lady knows what I like to spend my hard earned money on, so she couldn't care less as long as the bills are paid. Plus I don't say anything when she asks for help to fund her exotic weaves and her mani's & pedi's.


My wife will joke around (she mainly complains about taking up space, which is a somewhat legitimate gripe), but knew what she was getting into. All the bills get paid, savings still happens, so there's not much to complain about.

That said, I've already instructed Corgi that if she approaches him with hundreds of shoes to sell, he must independently confirm my death before responding to her. :tongue:
Hahaha oh I really never plan on having a relationship that ever puts me in those positions. My girl tells me when I am being unreasonable about purchases but only when I'm actually being unreasonable. She supports all of my purchases and really gets into my shoes. When I sell pairs she'll say "Oh no don't sell those, I love those" or  "yeah sell them, they suck" haha
I'll be damned if I walk around my kingdom with my head down. My lady knows what I like to spend my hard earned money on, so she couldn't care less as long as the bills are paid. Plus I don't say anything when she asks for help to fund her exotic weaves and her mani's & pedi's.
Repped. When people come in here saying "oh I hope my wife/girlfriend/dog doesn't see!" I can't help but laugh. Even at the homies. Take charge, men! 
Guess that tail's stuck so far between the legs you don't remember what its like to wag freely. Haha all in good fun, no legitimate shots fired.

Gif execution on point, though. Repped on that alone. And that's one good looking Katniss Everdeen.
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Store in uptown harlems charging $160 for them already and sold out same day. Other shops suppose to get them next week or two and said they except sell out.. 

but the collabs def more demand and def sicker a bit. The collabs at $140 box price i beleive and $108 on these?

I just love the royal color way. Can rock it with anything dark. Looks great!

160?! That's Harlem being Harlem for you. But hey, if some people want to spend that much, good for them. I figure once they're at more shops people will cook. I wouldn't pay a cent over retail.
Guess that tail's stuck so far between the legs you don't remember what its like to wag freely. Haha all in good fun, no legitimate shots fired.

Gif execution on point, though. Repped on that alone. And that's one good looking Katniss Everdeen.
Yeah our discussions aren't really that serious.  My wife is a ball buster but a pair (or six) of shoes won't land me on the couch or anything.
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Yeah our discussions aren't really that serious.  My wife is a ball buster but a pair (or six) of shoes won't land me on the couch or anything.
Yeah I hear that. And on that note, every girl is a little like that. "Seriously, more?" but if you're buying up 6 pairs at a time it's more of an issue than if you just got that new new in and it is your first pair in months. Like I said, though, my girl gets really into my kicks. I had the Ragin Bull 5's (which she called the Drakes) and she was so bummed when I sold them. I still have my Steel 10's (Which she calls the Juicy J's) and she'll give me SERIOUS hell if I try to get rid of them. But alas, I make my own decisions and she just deals with it haha
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