2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

I forgot Mcnabb on the Vikings ever happened. That's as weird as seeing Moss in a Titans jersey.

If not for AP, I don’t think the Vikings would have even existed to most people during that and forthcoming seasons.

Well, that and the Metrodome being deflated by snow where a MNF game was moved to a Tuesday or Wednesday or some ****...A game started by Joe Webb...:lol:

Too bad this bum is the QB


foh with the carr slander >D
Do yourself a favor. Next time you go to In n Out order this:

Fried mustard
Grilled onions
Ketchup on the top bun
With chilies

And well done fries.

Y’all sayin it’s over rated just don’t know...

its overrated. dont @ me.
Aren’t they having an issue with Sunday ticket this year, where it’s not available? I thought I read something on that.
Watched HK last night. Abram is annoying as **** :sick: you can tell he acted out for the cameras.

Dude is a ******* idiot. Truck sticking his own team’s TE in walkthroughs then walking around telling his coaches they can’t him after they tell him not to do it.
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Watched HK last night. Abram is annoying as **** :sick: you can tell he acted out for the cameras.

This. I was reading that Abram is going to be the next fan 'favorite' of HK. Nah, that dude was just doing to much especially when he was trying to pronounce salmon and play bully ball with shells on. Reminded me of when OchoCinco was going hard in a walk through on HK a few years back, lol.

Also Ronald Ollie. What a disgrace that was. Maybe that is edited for TV but all you hear about is that he wants to make the team and then dude pulls himself out of practice because his foot was hurting. Dude, you are an UN-DRAFTED, ROOKIE. If you want to make the team unless your foot is literally falling off zero way I would give up my reps. Some where Ms. Brittany is shaking her head.
the one thing that's annoying is that you'll be delayed. so if your friends are on normal cable or antenna...they'll text you about a play 30 seconds before it happens :lol:

direct tv now was like 1-2 minutes behind. it was AWFUL. i'm on youtube tv now and it's less than 30 seconds delayed

That Youtube TV delay kills me! I have to keep my phone face down on game day :lol::lol::lol:

My homegirl was a developer for YT Tv so I'm on her account, she hooked it up to have Chicago settings and channels although I'm in Miami. Everytime It tells me to log in from my home network I just log out and she logs in for me from Chicago. ****'s lovely. I actually set the Bears game to record this morning before I left work cause I have a softball game tonight at 8.

Last year also had a homie give me a "stolen" NFL Sunday Ticket package log in and it had Redzone as well for $50.

That came in handy. Need that again :lol:
Y’all watch full pre season games?

Not really.. I’ll be there for the eagles game, but I ain’t really really paying attention outside of 1st couple drives.. eagles only games I’ll plan to see or try to seat in front of the tv for while half@$$ watching
I tried doing streaming for games and that last A game.. soon as I was missing downs and/or that shh would pause, I was out
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