2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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Trump got all kinda people comin out the woodwork these days. :smh:

If you aren't comfortable speaking your secondary language to hundreds of millions of people, DAILY, you shouldn't have to man.

English is my first language and I wouldn't want to speak in front of millions every day, hell with speakin a language I'm not as strong in. ****
Now what ballerific just typed is what I would deem ignorance.

Just blatant disregard of something to start his own narrative, and then believe it, as true.
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My own narrative? You just said it infuriates you that a foreign player can't speak English. Not sure how many other ways there are to interpret that. I have mad family that can't speak English and been living here since the 50s and have had to go through all kinds of obstacles. They've been through hell and haven't received any help at all but heard people make their dumb *** comments, just like yours and I've gotten into it mad times over this self righteousness ********. What you said was mad foul and ignorant.
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I just don't get how tons of Americans use the "my country, our language" line and then get upset in other countries when they can't find anyone who speaks English.

I lived in Shanghai, China for two years because my dad got a promotion over there. Not once did they try to force him or the rest of my family to speak Chinese just because we were in their country.

This might be a mindfact (a fact in my mind with no proof/evidence to back it up), but the USA seems to be the only country that carries this mindset. I've never once heard a native of a country I've traveled to try and force me to use their language just because I'm on their turf.
Not sure what some of you heard or didn't hear, but the interpreter didn't help Chapman out AT ALL yesterday either.

Chapman was saying things one way, and his interpreter was saying them in a different manner altogether. Not maliciously, just interpreting is hard to convey sometimes.

Chapman later spoke with Pedro Gomez, and he was able to sort it all out perfectly fine.

I read this as well. Is there a link to the initial interview? If this is the case, they need to fire that dude and send me a PM. Just pay me in stadium food.

I don't have the video of it, but I am lucky enough to follow a guy that was on top of it IMMEDIATELY as it was happening. (he happens to be applying with the Philies to be an interpreter himself.

And it was Henry Blanco (former Catcher) that was interpreting.


His TL is extremely great right now. He's pointing out the difference between translating and interpreting, he's pointing out teams are hiring people that are not trained to do it, just speak the same language (which is not the right way to do it) and even explaining his own mistakes along the way.

Blanco wasn't tryin to jam Chapman up, he's just human, tryin to repeat what he was hearing, but framing the context wrong and it made AC look bad for no reason. Thankfully Pedro Gomez was there on sight and helped clear some things up before it got real big.
I just don't get how tons of Americans use the "my country, our language" line and then get upset in other countries when they can't find anyone who speaks English.

I lived in Shanghai, China for two years because my dad got a promotion over there. Not once did they try to force him or the rest of my family to speak Chinese just because we were in their country.

This might be a mindfact (a fact in my mind with no proof/evidence to back it up), but the USA seems to be the only country that carries this mindset. I've never once heard a native of a country I've traveled to try and force me to use their language just because I'm on their turf.
This isn't the same, and it really isn't relative to this particular topic.

And as you can see, nobody in the media is forcing these guys whether Rookies or Vets, to speak in English.

It is I, who said I get upset seeing Chapman not speak English 

Every situation is different, but for a guy such as him, yea that just isn't cool with me.

I mean, I understand it, specifically in this instance, especially after a recent mixup and misquote, but that doesn't change my initial view in general of say.....

Player B gets interviewed after a game.....Player B speaks English....Player B decides to do the interview in Spanish. ***Shrugs

anyway, that's all I will say about this topic......this will go on for days to no benefit of myself, those who oppose, or the thread.

I'm off it.
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I Think he was Reffering to your post where you said you force your roofers to speak English. Assuming you aren't lying about being fluent in Spanish, that's kind of an a-hole move.

It's all good though. I just hope you learn to be a bit more tolerant and understanding in the future.

Back to baseball. Angles finna make that playoff push. :nerd:
I Think he was Reffering to your post where you said you force your roofers to speak English. Assuming you aren't lying about being fluent in Spanish, that's kind of an a-hole move.

It's all good though. I just hope you learn to be a bit more tolerant and understanding in the future.

Back to baseball. Angles finna make that playoff push. :nerd:
Might go to an Angels game this Saturday
I did want to add one thing, apologies if I offended anyone. 

While we all have different opinions on many a different topics, some of them should be kept to ourselves.

This is perhaps one I should have kept to myself.

I don't say that with a blind eye or a deaf ear, nor is it my intent to completely disregard the info thrown at me today.

I'm not a finished product and continue to improve in many areas of my life as I grow old and or more mature.

All in all, I do want to offer up an apology for those NT'ers that I may have offended with that view. 
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I didn't expect to see Mets hitting 11 times against Wainwright

Wainwright has been pitching fantastic this month

I hope Piazza tells Mets to keep Cespedes for a long time
Cardinals' tonight closer Oh Seung-hwan's nickname is The Final Boss :lol:

Pretty cool tho
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