2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I say 24-29 would be most players' primes, 27 usually being a player's peak.

I would say that is a little too young to be in your prime unless we talking about being in prime athletic and physical condition wise
Gotta also consider players entering the league very young. So you have guys in their fifth or sixth year (theoretical prime) but are only 24 or 25.
Melo tried his best this year so I won't fault his effort.. but the team has been in a rough position partially because they gave up pieces to get him there in the first place.

Keep your mouth shut, play out your contract, come to NY in the offseason.. but he wanted his fat contract and to come to the Knicks, then we're surprised he doesn't have a lot of help? Amare's injuries obviously hurt, but still.

And last year's Knicks wasn't Melo as a one man show.. they were a good team. Draining 3's left and right, JR had a great year, the two PG system was working, etc.
Melo in Dallaa would be :smokin
No no no hell no.

If Carmelo is smart, he figures out a way to make it to Chicago. He can go be his ball stopping, chucking self and they'll actually be better for it.

LeBron oughta **** around and go to Houston..
they have enough, dc is the best situation for melo moving forward if hes about winning
Between CHA and WAS? I disagree, I think Charlotte gives him a better chance. Kemba's no John Wall but he's really solid and Al is Top 5 centers in the league. Them plus the #9 pick can make some noise in the east even though that's not saying too much :lol:
This is such a great point, makes me feel silly for calling him contract year Melo.
Yeah you should
Thanks for telling me what I just said breh
It disappoints me that alot of you guys dont know jack **** about Melo and keep on spewing that same jargon from his Denver days. It shows me that alot of you dudes are not as knowledgeable as you perceive to be.
The Atlanta Hawks made the playoffs. No excuses. I don't care how bad the supporting cast is.

He made the playoffs every year since he was a rookie in the West but you're talking about him bot making it in the garbage East.

Melo balled out this season and will get paid whether you like it or not

Our supporting cast didn't show up and Woodson's repetitive plays cost us a ton of CLOSE games
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Melo tried his best this year so I won't fault his effort.. but the team has been in a rough position partially because they gave up pieces to get him there in the first place.

Keep your mouth shut, play out your contract, come to NY in the offseason.. but he wanted his fat contract and to come to the Knicks, then we're surprised he doesn't have a lot of help? Amare's injuries obviously hurt, but still.

And last year's Knicks wasn't Melo as a one man show.. they were a good team. Draining 3's left and right, JR had a great year, the two PG system was working, etc.

This. This guy is the poster child of not thinking long term. His whole career. Im playing the worlds smallest violin for him.

Thankfully he isn't some generational talent to worry about. If he leaves we build properly. If he stays maybe you put better pieces around him. It only gets bad if he stays and we Kobe max him.
I want you to have to root for Lebron.

I'll root for Reggie miller if it means we win. Beggars can't be choosers.

If melo and lebron really wanted to play together they would have opted in one year. It's not happening. So I don't have to worry about it unless lebron comes when he's past his prime and useless. The Knicks way.
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