2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Thabo going to the Hawks. Fitting.

Only thing more fitting is if he went to Chicago. #TeamNoOffense
2012-2013 Thabo was good too.

+40% from 3 on good volume.

I don't recall him having surgery though,

are you referring to his calf injury?

Julius F. Wrek

Whatever surgery he had this season or the end of last. And those numbers are skewed some how. During the playoffs me completely drops off and does absolutely nothing. He's 100% replaceable by anyone at this point.

All his shots are 100% wide open off of KD doubles and can't buy a bucket.
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"When OKC acquired Thabo on Feb. 19, 2009, they were 13-41. They went 281-109 after. Not the most important, but a big part of the turnaround"
What a terrible quote though :lol:

Lets just completely forget about KD, Westbrook, and Ibaka getting better every year.
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Lol, YO! If I ever go back to church, Im putting you on that prayer request list mate. For real for real
Phil is competing for a title within 3 years if Melo stays. If he doesn't, he's still doing work. ECF run is in there in 3. He's got a good of chance in NY as Chicago. I think arose stays healthy too, still equal chances in NY
Once again, Phil isn't coaching the Knicks. We have no clue what he will do in the front office nor do we have any clue how star players will respond to Fisher. Lets give it a year before we start throwing statements out like that.
Way to be literal. We all know that's Phil's team mate, you can cross the T's and dot the I's all you want. And half the stuff we talk about in here is speculation. That's what fans do man. 

You can give it a year if it makes you a bit more comfortable or whatever, I call it like I see it. Trophy in 3 if Melo stays, if Melo goes still competing at an ECF level mate.
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