2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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This **** sickens me man, i'm tired of athletes being treated like 4 yr olds because the things they say piss off a soccer mom somewhere in america. I miss guys like Ali, Barkely, Johnson who said what they meant and stood by it.

Athletes can touch on any touchy subject in the least bit because it's controversial so ****** what we live in a world full of controversy.
This **** sickens me man, i'm tired of athletes being treated like 4 yr olds because the things they say piss off a soccer mom somewhere in america. I miss guys like Ali, Barkely, Johnson who said what they meant and stood by it.

Athletes can touch on any touchy subject in the least bit because it's controversial so ****** what we live in a world full of controversy.

Pretty sure none of those guys you mentioned would be dumb enough to make comments condoning domestic violence when its the hottest topic in the country.

And I'm pretty sure a lot of people besides just soccer moms found PG's comments offensive.
It's a different era... athletes back then didn't have the ability to comment on any possible subject the instant they feel like it. Now, you don't even need to run it by a reporter first, you just pick up your phone and say some dumb stuff.

It's one thing to make comments, take a stand against something, and deal with the consequences, but tweeting something dumb like that is a different story. If Paul George made controversial comments about the prison industrial complex, institutional racism, police brutality, the water crisis, poverty, etc. I think a lot more people would respect him saying something real. Tweeting some pseudo defense of Ray Rice or "If she's cool with it, then I'm cool with it" is just short-sighted and idiotic. The issue of domestic violence are far more complex and George tweeting while he's on the toilet shouldn't be the way to address it.

Paul George should be banned from social media... it's not your thing, buddy.
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Pretty sure none of those guys you mentioned would be dumb enough to make comments condoning domestic violence when its the hottest topic in the country.

And I'm pretty sure a lot of people besides just soccer moms found PG's comments offensive.

I just peeped the tweet about "A woman hitting you first" that was STUPID because 1) she didn't really provoke him 2) especially with everyone being "fake" irate at the moment.

But all the other tweets weren't condoning anything, i took it as him wishing Ray Rice & his family the best in difficult times. Wanting someone who hit his wife to not completely die doesn't exactly warrant condoning domestic violence. Dudes are upset that he has compassion for another athlete going through a ridiculously rough time in his life. It's not like he said his wife deserved it or that Ray shouldn't be punished.

Everyone is so quick to blame athletes for the things they say and do but go out on an average day and don't hold those standards to their selves.
Pretty sure none of those guys you mentioned would be dumb enough to make comments condoning domestic violence when its the hottest topic in the country.

And I'm pretty sure a lot of people besides just soccer moms found PG's comments offensive.

I just peeped the tweet about "A woman hitting you first" that was STUPID because 1) she didn't really provoke him 2) especially with everyone being "fake" irate at the moment.

But all the other tweets weren't condoning anything, i took it as him wishing Ray Rice & his family the best in difficult times. Wanting someone who hit his wife to not completely die doesn't exactly warrant condoning domestic violence. Dudes are upset that he has compassion for another athlete going through a ridiculously rough time in his life. It's not like he said his wife deserved it or that Ray shouldn't be punished.

Everyone is so quick to blame athletes for the things they say and do but go out on an average day and don't hold those standards to their selves

Think about what you wrote for a second. You're comparing a well-known public figure to an everyday joe.

People get called out for dumb **** all the time. Only difference Paul George has hundreds of thousands of followers compared to that everyday joe.

Like Big J said, social media ain't PGs thing. He's proven to be dumb as rocks.
I just peeped the tweet about "A woman hitting you first" that was STUPID because 1) she didn't really provoke him 2) especially with everyone being "fake" irate at the moment.

But all the other tweets weren't condoning anything, i took it as him wishing Ray Rice & his family the best in difficult times. Wanting someone who hit his wife to not completely die doesn't exactly warrant condoning domestic violence. Dudes are upset that he has compassion for another athlete going through a ridiculously rough time in his life. It's not like he said his wife deserved it or that Ray shouldn't be punished.

Everyone is so quick to blame athletes for the things they say and do but go out on an average day and don't hold those standards to their selves.

"If she ain't trippin then I ain't trippin? Let the man play?"

That's absolutely an extremely harmful mentality man. You know how many victims "aren't trippin" because they legitimately fear for their lives if they do "trip". How many victims don't "trip" because the abuser is in a position of power over them, their money, their kids?

Compassion is wishing Rice luck in the future, hoping he gets help, and hoping he gets back on an NFL team. Compassion isn't laughing about the situation, saying it's not a problem if the victim doesn't say it's a problem. That's stupidity and it's a huge part of why domestic violence is a big problem.
So according to PG, if your girl is ok with getting hit just hit her ...... :smh:

What an idiot

and THIS is why athletes can't tweet because people don't know how to comprehend. How did you get "So according to PG, if your girl is ok with getting hit just hit her" out of " I don't condone hittin women or think it's coo BUT if SHE ain't trippin then I ain't trippin"

all i got out of that tweet is if Ray's wife can accept this situation and show forgiveness then why should i not be able to show compassion for him, but now every blog has picked this up and is stating that he's "defending" Ray Rice.
So according to PG, if your girl is ok with getting hit just hit her ...... :smh:

What an idiot

and THIS is why athletes can't tweet because people don't know how to comprehend. How did you get "So according to PG, if your girl is ok with getting hit just hit her" out of " I don't condone hittin women or think it's coo BUT if SHE ain't trippin then I ain't trippin"

all i got out of that tweet is if Ray's wife can accept this situation and show forgiveness then why should i not be able to show compassion for him, but now every blog has picked this up and is stating that he's "defending" Ray Rice.

But when you're tweeting **** like this:


it's hard to give the benefit of the doubt.
But when you're tweeting **** like this:


it's hard to give the benefit of the doubt.

That was completely ****** ******ed & should be apologized for no doubt..... the rest of the tweets not so much, but when you tie yourself to these big corporations you can't say a damn thing even up for interpretation.

On on a point someone made earlier about him possibly speaking up on a social ill, sure they would support it if he had a hashtag tweet or just tweeted the support for an orginization no problem.... but if he was to get really into detail about something like Ferguson & the ills behind it like many regular people on social media have he would be HUNG by his advertisers, social media & regular media alike.

Because i REFUSE to believe when the sterling situation broke out all NBA players had to say was "this is unacceptable".
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That was completely ****** ******ed & should be apologized for no doubt..... the rest of the tweets not so much, but when you tie yourself to these big corporations you can't say a damn thing even up for interpretation.

If an athlete is going to take millions and in some cases tens of millions of dollars from a corporation to endorse their products, I think its pretty fair for the company to expect that athlete not to do anything that is going to alienate a major segment of the market.
PG13 did what many people are doing. They mean no harm but they can't word anything for ****
If Twitter existed during the Barkley, Jordan, Bird, Magic, Isiah, Laimbeer(!!!) Rodman, Karl Malone Ewing, Drexler, days, it would have been the same type of stupidity, just during a different era of issues.

They could do anything back then, and nobody was gonna see nothin. Now you can't even kill somebody without them being able to track you down to the pack of gum you bought beforehand. Word to Aaron Hernandez. :lol:

Imagine all the groupies tweeting back then. Random skanks tweeting they just got done with Magic, and it being retweeted by half a dozen other skanks that were there too. :lol:
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I don't even need my own PR firm, but I'll just start up a service where athletes send me their tweets before they post them.

I'll spellcheck, review the grammar and syntax, and make sure they don't accidentally say something racist, sexist, ignorant, and generally stupid.

I think I'd have a lot of business, I'll even call up the old members of the Grammar Police and see if they want to join.
There's a difference between being outspoken and sharing a well-thought out opinion, and doing what Paul George just did. 

Sad thing is, I like the "idea" of where he was headed with the police thing, but that doesn't mean you just allow beating women to get at the police. :lol:

He needed to piece that together better. You want to get at Ferguson, then get at them, don't use Ray Rice situation in the same convo.
what is he even trying to say?
imo my man PG13 was just trying to say that Ray Rice, a fellow professional athlete, shouldn't be crucifixed and lose his professional career because of a mistake he made. Although, his mistake was beating his girlfriend, he isn't a fan of beating females but if his wife can forgive him, then the rest of America should at least try. Even though he got on tape beating his wife, it is not a one-side abusive relationship because she hits him, too. He is human and he slipped up. Then he tries to say if we used all this energy we are using on someone else personal life and used it on public problems such as the one at Ferguson, maybe we could already fixed that problem, instead.
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With Twitter it is hard to express nuanced positions to important issues with so few characters. It is better to avoid using Twitter to convey a nuanced point because people will often miss the point.
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