2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Kevin Loves ineptitude on defense is over exaggerated, just like the "LeBron isnt a good jump shooter" narrative. Things stick and people never let it go. Even when Curry begins to greatly improve on defense, it will never be anything other than "Steph is a weak on ball defender, they hide him on X guy because he cant guard Y

im a huge fan of steph, but there's a reason why the warrior's were hesitant to include klay in a trade for love. i have a strong feeling it has to do with the fact that he can guard opposing pgs (Westbrook, cp3, dame, etc..) that would give steph a huge headache
Rim protection rules.

This is why I was for letting ZBo opt out and testing the market. I fail to believe that a team would have thrown more than 3yrs/$36M at him being that he's not a rim protector, not a good pick and roll defender and can't shoot the 3 ball. Memphis came out okay with the other 2 years being only 2yrs/$20M, but they could have got out of paying Zbo $16.5M for the upcoming season by letting him opt out.
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Rim protection rules.

This is also true but not to stop other post players. It's to stop the guards who get to the rim. My post on perimeter defense being more important was based on individual matchups.

Pippen lol.
Let us not forget how bad Wall played during the scrimmage compared to the other guards. He had a few pointless turnovers. And with FIBA they want shooters.

Not sure why he was cut but I'm pretty sure that game had little to nothing to do with it. They'll learn through the practices who they want.

But you can't dismiss the fact that he had a bad scrimmage and he doesn't shoot as well as the other guards
In the NBA now it's more important IMO to have better perimeter defenders than in the post. You have guys like Westbrook and Rose playing point. Most of the scoring comes from perimeter players. Majority of the big men are just big. No real post game. Hiding Steph is smart if he's a liability on D. No shame in not guarding a Westbrook. Who can really beside Bron maybe? 99% of the league can't stop them guys.

And those 2 guys are blowing by their defenders and living in the paint. If Love is your last resort at that point for a stop, good luck. He should at least learn how to take charges/flop like a Collison/Varajeo/Big Baby and all the other non athletic bigs
@MisterWallaceGA: A source tells the NY Daily News that OKC Thunder's Kevin Durant is considering a deal with Under Armour that could make him $30M a yr.
And those 2 guys are blowing by their defenders and living in the paint. If Love is your last resort at that point for a stop, good luck. He should at least learn how to take charges/flop like a Collison/Varajeo/Big Baby and all the other non athletic bigs

I agree. See my last post but I wouldn't call out Love for his D. For example in DC the radio loves to get on Alex O for the Caps for not making the playoffs or not hustling on a play. All he did was lead the NHL in scoring. Love does so much already the rest should take up the slack. If he played harder on D but scored 6 less points and 3 fewer boards it's a wash.
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I'm speaking of towards the numbers saying love isn't that bad of a defender.

It's similar to GSW hiding steph on 2's IMO

The numbers I was talking about were Minnesota's defense with him on the court and when he's off the court. The margin doesn't indicate he's as poor a defender as people claim.
@MisterWallaceGA: A source tells the NY Daily News that OKC Thunder's Kevin Durant is considering a deal with Under Armour that could make him $30M a yr.
damn 30 mil a year
im a huge fan of steph, but there's a reason why the warrior's were hesitant to include klay in a trade for love. i have a strong feeling it has to do with the fact that he can guard opposing pgs (Westbrook, cp3, dame, etc..) that would give steph a huge headache

I believe if KLove does go to the cavs they can hide his on ball "deficiencies" by pairing him next to varejao. Not many teams have a formidable 4-5 punch so KLove can probably take the lesser assignment each night. P n R defense is another thing. I think that's an area where Love can definitely improve. Interested to see if Marion does sign with the cavs because that'll give them a good "glue" guy to come off the bench and contribute right away on defense and rebounding.
I'd take that deal without hesitation. 30 million a year :x

He gets paid but his brand would take a huge hit. UA isn't in Nikes class of marketing and notoriety.

UA is pretty big, they just havent had anyone to push them to their limits in terms of marketing and brand.

UA will do work, no way they offer Durant so much money without having a solid plan already in place.

While they arent nikes i really wanna see what UA has up their sleeves in designs for kicks.
His brand? You kidding? These dudes don't care about what nike makes for them. I'd be surprised if they're even part of the process at all. Take that money, keep winning > "brand"
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