2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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The Ruler's Back
This is a real thing. 

Before anyone cared where I would play basketball, I was a kid raised in Enumclaw, Washington. It’s where I walked.  It’s where I ran.  It’s where I did a paper route at age six.  It’s always held a special place in my heart until 2005. From the moment I signed with the Celtics, I knew this was my new home. Most of the people are just like me, they work hard, they play hard, and the passion they have for their sports team is unlike anywhere in the world. I had passion for my team just like the fans.  I guess I was kind of like the fans except I had a courtside seat for free and if we were up by 20 with less than two minutes to play I would get to go into the game.  Where was I – the great American city of Boston.  In Boston, people's passion can be overwhelming.  But it drove me.  The Celtics hadn’t won a championship since the Larry Bird era of the 80s, so I wanted to give them hope when I could.  I wanted to inspire them when I could.  My relationship with Boston became bigger than basketball.  I didn’t realize that when I left Boston in free agency four years ago.  I do now.

Remember when I spurned the Celtics and signed with the Chicago Bulls in 2010? Actually I begged Ainge to keep me and he wished me the best of luck.  I was thinking, "This is really tough."  I could feel it.  I was leaving something I had spent five years creating.  I haven’t paid for a meal since 2008.  What if all of this goes away? But if I had to do it all over again, I’d probably still have left.  Chicago, for me, has always been like graduate school for rich suburban white kids.  I myself had always considered getting my MBA at Northwestern.  These past four years helped bolster my resume to showcase the well-rounded individual I am.  I'm a better player, a better coach, a better broadcaster, and a better Mamba.  I've learned a great deal in my time spent with four franchises…actually five if you count my stint in Italy because of the lockout. What was the purpose of the lockout again?   I will always think of Chicago as my third home and Oakland probably as my fourth home…but not like the hood in downtown Oakland, more like the suburbs.  Without the experiences I've had in these places, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing today.

I went to Chicago because of Tibs and D-Rose and the crazy energy of Joakim Noah, and it was my only job offer in the states, but we made sacrifices to keep Jannero Pargo, John Lucas, and Mike James.  I loved becoming an everyday customer at Giordano’s Pizza, the free meals were back.  I loved the fans and the creation of the White Mamba by Stacy King. Chicago was exactly what I needed and I believed we could do something magical if we came together.  But we fell short.  So I took my talents to Golden State searching for their championship and I really believed we could do something magical if we came together.  But then I was sent down to the D-League where we flew to Hidalgo, TX on commercial flights with no first class sitting next to a 7’2” center named Ognjen Kuzmic. There was nothing magical happening down there, no matter how much we came together. And that’s when I knew it was time to come home.

I’m doing this essay because I want an opportunity to explain myself uninterrupted...and gather some great press based on another recent NBA signing...in almost the exact same way.  I don’t want anyone thinking: He and Mark Jackson didn’t get along … The Bulls and Warriors couldn’t put the right team together … Does anyone really care what Brian Scalabrine is doing right now?  None of these things were true.  And for the record I never played for the Warriors, I was just a coach, didn’t people see me holding my clipboard.  I don’t understand why people couldn’t put it together, I was holding a clipboard, I was a real coach.

I may have a press conference, and I am definitely having a party.  And all of Boston will be invited.  And when we are done, we will still have a few months before we have to get to work.

When I left Boston, I was on a mission.  I was seeking another championship. I wanted to ride in another parade, pop enormous bottles of champagne, and maybe even crash the podium.  But Chicago already knew that feeling with MJ and Oakland had that feeling in baseball with the Bash Brothers.  How did those guys only win one ring together? Seriously. Celtics fans haven't had that feeling since I was last there.  My goal is for the Celtics to win the most titles of any other NBA franchise, and I will not sleep until we are done.  No question.

I always believed that I’d return to Boston and finish my career there.  I just didn’t know when.  After the season, I went to see 22 Jump Street.  Then, I saw They Came Together with Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler.  It was delightful. But I have two girls and one boy. We have a lovely family.  I started thinking about what it would be like to raise my family in Boston, well not like downtown, more like Metro West or at least twenty minutes outside the city.  I looked at other teams, but I wasn’t going to leave Oakland for anywhere except Boston…or maybe Chicago…or maybe Brooklyn…or possibly Los Angeles to go back with Doc.  The more time passed, the more it felt right.  This is what makes me happy.

The last time I was in the Boston, the fans were all over me.  They said I didn’t have it any more, and they challenged me to games of one-on-one.  They called it the Scallenge, and I gave those fans a beantown beatdown.  

I took the ball, took their pride, and showed them what the White Mamba was all about. They wrote me letters and asked for my autograph.  Some even invited me to their weddings, it go a little weird.  Even Bill Simmons has wanted me back for quite some time.  I've met with Bill, face-to-face, man-to-man.  We’ve hashed it out. Bill fist pumped on the air during this year's NBA Draft.  Everybody makes mistakes.  I’ve made mistakes as well – I once mispronounced Omer Asik’s name in Chicago. Who am I to hold a grudge?

I’m not promising a championship.  I know how hard that is to deliver.  We’re not ready right now.  No way.  Of course, I want to win next year, but I’m realistic.  I’m only a broadcaster - what could I really do?  It will be a long process, much longer than in 2008. My patience will get tested.  I know that.  I’m going into a situation with a young team and a young coach.  I will be the young Comcast SportsNet announcer in the booth next to the greatest color analyst in the game Mr. Tommy Heinsohn. I know that I have a lot to learn but I see myself as a Champion, and I think I can help breakdown some great Marcus Smart dunks this season.  I think I can elevate Kelly Olynyk and Chris Babb’s game by the amount of research I make my interns do before announcing road games.

And I can’t wait to reunite with Rajon Rondo, one of my favorite teammates.  Paul, KG, and Ray may have all left, but Rondo and the White Mamba remain in Boston, at least for now.

But this is not about the roster or the organization.  Thinking twice about it, it really is about the organization.  Does it get any better than the Celtics?  I feel my calling here goes above basketball – get it...calling... double meaning?They call that a pun.  I have a responsibility to lead, in more ways than one, and I take that very seriously.  I want kids in Boston, like the hundreds of elementary school kids who have red hair and no chance of making the NBA, to realize that there’s no better place to grow up.   Maybe some of them will come home after college and work at a bank or even better run a private equity fund.  I have no idea what exactly they do besides just print money.  My kids better get into private equity, even amongst the myriad of financial constraints that the government has put on us since we hung that 17th banner in 2008.  That would make me smile.  Our community, which has struggled.  Well, not really.  Winning eight championships since

2000 isn’t much of a struggle, and I guess the Sox won last year.  I should have known that … where was I?  Oh yeah,  I want to bring another championship back to Boston. Really, I just want to ride in another championship parade and smoke an overpriced Cuban cigar as a tribute to Red after we hang banner number 18.

In Boston, nothing is given.  Remember in the movie The Departed when Francis Costello said, “No one gives it to you.  You have to take it.”  That was a great scene and a great Boston movie.

I’m ready to accept the Scallenge.  Boston, I’m coming home.


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Melo has been playing better defense tho, obviously not an elite level but his bad defense is being grossly exaggerated due to the NY media and spotlight.

Stepped up his rebounding too but until he wins just like Bron and Kobe the doubters will keep the slander bus filled with ultra.

That was the point of my first post bro because I know the position they're coming from.

Bron wins I shutup until there's an opportunity to talk ****, had a blast in the haters thread and I will again this year :smokin

Kobe wins and haters gotta take a seat , now he's questionable so the haters revved up their engines again. Kobe slander on the rise now as we see in this same thread.

So basically you're calling me out for what u call a " light jab " ? :lol:

Must've rustled your Jimmies a bit because there's really nothing contradictory or to argue about.

Didn't rustle my jimmies at all man. I was just pointing out what you were doing cause you made it seem like you were just coming from a certain "position" but the way you responded sounded like you were bothered so you tried to throw a sly lil jab.

If you responded how you did with this post:

I'm not calling em hypocrites but in fact telling people to let the Kobe haters flourish because they've been waiting years for this moment again so talking to them is a moot point

...then nobody would've "called" you out.

Anyway, it's all good cause at the end of the day, you Lebron haters will go at him when he's down and us Kobe haters will do the same with Kobe so it is what it is.

Moving along.
Oh SNAP! I see AT brought his anti semitic views to the NBA thread as well.

Just because someone doesnt share your views doesnt mean they're "uneducated."

You are BY FAR the worst poster on this forum. I rather have 10 Zyzzs, CFBs, DBDs running around here than read any of your garbage posts.
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but he did lead a team to the finals... and pretty much phil or no phil shaq was gonna eventually get a ring. i cant honestly say that about melo.... especially this far into his career and never even making it to the finals 

plus this

alot of ppl like to clown the tmacs etc... but melo has the worst playoff record/performance of any player in the last 20 years.... he needs some help
Should've went 2 the Bulls, oh well :lol: :lol:
I wanna hear more about DubA being a racist :lol:

Why AT bluffin', tho?

as Bobby Bonilla would say... "make ya move."

How u gonna passive aggressively say something about DubA and NOT give the details? :lol:
Only thing i can think of is an out of context post from the last war. Or the one before that, i cant remember which.

has to do with us arguing about the same exact conflict years ago. Which actually is really, really sad. We have been arguing for years. About the same thing. And we will argue 20 years from now. Sucks when u really think about it
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Only thing i can think of is an out of context post from the last war. Or the one before that, i cant remember which.

has to do with us arguing about the same exact conflict years ago. Which actually is really, really sad. We have been arguing for years. About the same thing. And we will argue 20 years from now. Sucks when u really think about it

I mean, for as long as I've been on here, you've been a good dude. Not sure of AT's angle.
Why yall think LeBron should do anything regarding Wiggins? He is at no fault in this situation. He made his stance abundantly clear when he omitted Wiggins name from his letter about coming home. Why pretend it's the opposite when it's not? He doesn't need to talk to him for obvious reasons.
Finally Famous really taking that villain role to heart.

Dub A a raicst? :smh:

But can you guys take that to the thread in General.
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