2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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The only good thing about paul george injury is japanair finally removed that god awful cheesy lebron im coming home thread title :lol:
I think you missed my point.

I never said he should have to apologize. Neither should Dwight or Rihanna. Especially when all they did was express support for the victims of Palestine.

I know Jewish people run America...but it's alarming that a "Pray for Palestine" tweet can get you in hot water.

For what its worth, I don't think they should have to apologize either. And in the interest of full disclosure, I was raised Jewish. (I don't consider myself a practicing Jew because of my views on organized religion in general, but that's not really a topic I want to get into).
By the way, I think its worth noting that Blatt's comments were made to an ISRAELI newspaper. It's not like he's on Good Morning America pushing his views. (And I still thin he's entitled to express his opinion - even on GMA). The point is, he really had no choice but to comment.
Sidebar: Fan of the show, or just an example?
David Blatt put the noose around his own neck

i highly doubt he gets in any real trouble. you do know who runs television, entertainment, nba, etc., right?

if anything, his priority is to convince lebron that he is the right coach
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I wish I had woken earlier to discuss the situation at hand.

I'll just say I hope people are watching alternative news sources.

Otherwise, you're likely being lied to.

Word to Rula Jebreal, Reza Aslan, and James Baldwin.

Julius Wrek
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The more I think about the potential trade between Cavs and Wolves, the more it makes sense for both sides. Having Kevin Love has really done nothing for the club, as they have never made it to the post season with him as their star. In Cleveland, they are giving up two pieces who have not proven themselves and don't know really how good they will be, we've gotten a small taste with the 2nd year players involved in trade.
There is NOTHING wrong, shocking, or controversial about what Blatt said.

Don't root for the team if it bothers you that much. Gilbert probably shares the same view anyway.

You're ignorant, so it doesn't matter. Plus, I've already proved that you're a racist with your alternate "Queens" username you made a couple years ago.
The more I think about the potential trade between Cavs and Wolves, the more it makes sense for both sides. Having Kevin Love has really done nothing for the club, as they have never made it to the post season with him as their star. In Cleveland, they are giving up two pieces who have not proven themselves and don't know really how good they will be, we've gotten a small taste with the 2nd year players involved in trade.

It took you some time to see this viewpoint on the trade ?

not being funny but's that like the obvious or simple way to look at it :lol:
You're ignorant, so it doesn't matter. Plus, I've already proved that you're a racist with your alternate "Queens" username you made a couple years ago.

Let's see the racist quote you speak of Mr. I throw tantrum and cry whenever someone says something other than "Israel = bad, Hamas = good"

Have fun rooting for a Zionist

Think about what you guys are crying about. Man who lived in Israel supports israel. What a shocker.
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I still feel like the Cavs would've been better served to at least see what they have with Bennett yr. 2 and Wiggins while both are playing next to the best player on the planet. You have the assets they covet and Love has to be traded before the season ends. There is no immediate need to do this now.
Thing is minny is looking to get rid of him NOW. And whose to say love goes to another team enjoys it and decides to reup? Not only that they would still need to dump those guys in order to sign him. So they would have to leave regardless. 

Say they wait till the end of the season. Love isnt gonna resign with minny in hopes a team has players minny want so he can be traded to the team he wants. He would be on the free market, and in all likely would go to the highest bidder, which wouldnt be the cavs. Plus the best time to trade those guys is now, when hype etc overshadows production. 

You wait a year or so and bennett doesnt improve or wiggins doesnt show any signs now the value of the trade and teams interested in the players diminished. 

Then what you basically offer the exact same thing the following season with the top draft picks that they will have. Only thing is no one in next yrs draft will have the hype etc.. of a wiggins. There isnt any projected next year to be some stud etc. So then you stuck with those players and draft picks in a class where the picks wont be really good and now your stuck with all these young pieces, all while time is ticking and lebron is getting older. 

Your basically turning down a proven all star, and a player basically in his prime, for a 1 yr #1 pick who hasnt shown much of anything, a current #1 who had flashes of goodness in one yr of college, and draft picks of a weak draft. In hopes that someday down the road some or one of these picks pans out and be good.

It just doesnt make sense to take that much of a risk gamble, especially considering what you could get in return with Love.
Bruh you just typed all that up for no reason.

Love will be a FA after this season. Minnesota has from now until the trade deadline in February to trade him. Their owner would like to keep him. Flip Saunders prefers to go into the season with Love on the roster and convince him they will be competitive since he's the new head coach. So from all indications...the Cavaliers are the ones pushing to get this done sooner rather than later.

The trade is still there to be made in November-January if you don't want to wait all the way until the deadline. A few months time might give them an indication if it's worth giving up valuable assets in Wiggins/Bennett. That's what I'm referring to.

The constant leaks have turned this into a huge distraction so it's almost like it has to happen now just to get it over with. Their mishandling will cost them the opportunity (at little risk) to determine whether it's really worth it on their end.
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Guys guys guys come on now. This is the nba thread lets all be friends! Lets all go back to talking about the nba, you know player a vs player b, how much the lakers suck, lebron coming home, and zyzz sexuality!
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You're ignorant, so it doesn't matter. Plus, I've already proved that you're a racist with your alternate "Queens" username you made a couple years ago.

Let's see the racist quote you speak of Mr. I throw tantrum and cry whenever someone says something other than "Israel = bad, Hamas = good"

Have fun rooting for a Zionist

Think about what you guys are crying about. Man who lived in Israel supports israel. What a shocker.

Hahaha. Resort to making up lies to cover your act I see, sounds so familiar. And FTR, no one ever said Hamas = Good; but I did definitely say the government/leaders representing your country are terrorist and in fact are imposing a genocide on the people of Palestine...that, is in fact...A FACT.

Plus, you don't want me to expose you to those who don't know you, right Mr Queens? Lets keep that between me and you :wink:

...and if you know anything about coaching in the NBA, you should know that the head coaching position in the NBA is a revolving exit door that never stops spinning - and if this Pro-Zionist can't please Mr Lebron Raymone James in the slightest, he'll be out quicker than your last team's coach.
Guys guys guys come on now. This is the nba thread lets all be friends! Lets all go back to talking about the nba, you know player a vs player b, how much the lakers suck, lebron coming home, and zyzz sexuality!

Zyzz is Kobe-sexual. We all know that. Nothing to discuss .

I was reaching? Yeah, ooookay. You talkin bout kobe haters having some pent up hate after all these years as if kobe has done ANYTHING these past three years. :lol: That right there was ALREADY laughable.

Then now you wanna you say you didn't "call anyone out" as if you saying Kobe haters having all this pent up hate and had to "sit down and shut up" isn't a slight jab. Yeah oookay. Whatever you say buddy.

Oh, and I didn't even mention that swaggy p and kobe thing cause that had NOTHING to do with what i was pointing out and for the fact that I don't even pay that troll any mind. What I was simply pointing out was you trying to say Kobe haters have all this pent up hate and are now talking trash when YOU'VE been doing the EXACT same thing these past two months. What about that is soooo hard to understand?


That was the point of my first post bro because I know the position they're coming from.

Bron wins I shutup until there's an opportunity to talk ****, had a blast in the haters thread and I will again this year :smokin

Kobe wins and haters gotta take a seat , now he's questionable so the haters revved up their engines again. Kobe slander on the rise now as we see in this same thread.

So basically you're calling me out for what u call a " light jab " ? :lol:

Must've rustled your Jimmies a bit because there's really nothing contradictory or to argue about.
I couldn't care less what you and your power trip having *** wants to "expose"

Only thing I want exposed is who was the genius that thought it would be a good idea to make you a mod.
This may need to go the route of the Donald Sterling situation and get its own thread.

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