2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Can someone explain to me why all lefties have perfect form. I have never seen a lefty that did not have a nice shooting pocket.
lefty MKG > righty MKG



supposedly hes changed his form on his jumper this summer and should look more.. normal?

no idea how dude could shoot like that
Kids with that kind of form need to go through shock therapy or something to get out of that habit growing up. No reason anyone should ever shoot a basketball that hideously.
I thought by now we'd see more people who jump on their free throws.
yea especially with guys who normally hit that 10-15 jumper ingame or set shot.... Its not like its against the rules. And i see it like if you can pretty much nail a jumpshot from around the freethrow and struggle with freethrows. Why not? Cant be any worse
I can't get down with the murder of innocent children. What's been done with drones and what's going on now in Gaza is deplorable. War doesn't bring peace.
With the large population of Palestinian-Americans here in the Northeast Ohio region, it wouldn't surprise me to see a bunch of protests during and around the Cavs games this fall.
The coach is Israeli, why is that a surprise to anyone?

People support their own regardless of right or wrong in the situation.
AT been waiting 4 years for the Cavs to be relevant and now he can't appreciate the season cause the coach has questionable views. Poor guy :lol:

If it ain't one thing, it's another....first we get rid of a coach who proudly bragged about black people being treated like dogs in Israel, to hiring some Israeli who supports the terrorism regime, IN ISRAEL.

Get your **** together, NBA. Quit putting these goons in a position of power..
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Why would he get in trouble for showing outward support for an American ally in a time of war? America supports Israel till the end right or wrong, nothing will be made of his comments.

Totally agree what has happened in Gaza is deplorable, but to frame all the blame on Israel when Hamas continues to put those women and children on the front line kind of puts the entire blame on one group of people entirely obscures the reality of the situation.
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