2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Why should Boogie and AD get the All star Nod when they aren't better players than Dwight yet?

I swear, once y'all hate a player...y'all totally discredit them. As bad as you make Dwight's offense to be....he still can get you 20 & 13 a night.

Honestly, Dwight is a clown...but the hate is absurd. Dude even with his offensive limitations is a great player and a futur Hofer.

What more do you want?

Cousins isn't as good as Dwight. Pretty simple.
Clips were def hyped up to be a title contender especially with doc & they had a better bench & starting lineup than okc so idk what makes them less of a team than okc

You can talk that hype all you want. They were a contender. When you come that close to beating OKC, and playing the Spurs in the WCF...you are a contender. You act like they got swept or something lol.

And facts are facts. You talk Hype, OKC finished above them and were predicted to win that series. Basketball isn't played on paper...and if it was...those teams are still pretty even, hence a toss up series.
So Dwight, who puts up similar numbers on a team that wins 30 MORE GAMES than AD or Cousins, should not be an All star because he is 8 years older than those guys, and has less potential?

Got you. All the sense in the world big cat. Lmao.
no he really didnt play at an allstar level plus his overall team is better thus having a better record... If all that matter is team records then hell most of the spurs should have been on the all star team.... end of the day dwight wasnt horrible... he played ok... not good/great but ok and that was enough granted the level of talent on his team. But as a individual he didnt have a great season and ad especially for a young player and being on a bad squad did. 
no he really didnt play at an allstar level plus his overall team is better thus having a better record... If all that matter is team records then hell most of the spurs should have been on the all star team.... end of the day dwight wasnt horrible... he played ok... not good/great but ok and that was enough granted the level of talent on his team. But as a individual he didnt have a great season and ad especially for a young player and being on a bad squad did. 

So a 19 & 13 CENTER as arguably the best player on a 50 win team...is NOT deserving of an all star nod over players who put up similar stats on teams that couldn't sniff the playoffs.

But, but, but.....they should get in because they are younger huh. SO Andre Drummond should have been an All Star over Joahkim Noah too huh #NTLOGIC
Cousins isn't as good as Dwight. Pretty simple.
dwight maybe a future hof, but lets be honest it wont be for his gameplay moreso that it will be a lack of centers, players at his position and basically process of elimination. tbh when thinking of all time great centers.... hell not even of all time but the last few generations i couldnt see him cracking top 5... he gets the lack of any other players pass.... but lets not act like you could throw dude in there with a prime shaq, or keem or ewing, robinson etc... and he would hold his own.
T'Wolves hinting at Mo Gotti being apart of the Love deal?


That's the only way I'll accept the fact that Wiggins will be in the trade; If Mo returns to Cleveland with Bron 
And I guess there's this new stat called the almost stat. When you almost do something you get it.......... Well you almost get it....
dwight maybe a future hof, but lets be honest it wont be for his gameplay moreso that it will be a lack of centers, players at his position and basically process of elimination. tbh when thinking of all time great centers.... hell not even of all time but the last few generations i couldnt see him cracking top 5... he gets the lack of any other players pass.... but lets not act like you could throw dude in there with a prime shaq, or keem or ewing, robinson etc... and he would hold his own.

Feel like you snuck Ewing in there a little bit, but maybe I'm being unfair.

He might not be at that level but he's still one of the best defensive players of the decade, and overall players at his position.
So a 19 & 13 CENTER as arguably the best player on a 50 win team...is NOT deserving of an all star nod over players who put up similar stats on teams that couldn't sniff the playoffs.

But, but, but.....they should get in because they are younger huh. SO Andre Drummond should have been an All Star over Joahkim Noah too huh #NTLOGIC
if he had the same numbers and showed improvement, and if noah regressed then yes... i wouldnt be like oh despite playing worse, and regressing.... imma pick you as an allstar because the other player is younger so i cant pick him...
Feel like you snuck Ewing in there a little bit, but maybe I'm being unfair.

He might not be at that level but he's still one of the best defensive players of the decade, and overall players at his position.
nah i respect ewing even tho not much of a knicks fan.... he is one of the best because he is one of the only ones... aint hard to be best when its really no one playing the position... Hell yall make it sound like there is even a decent amount of centers and dwight is just head and shoulders above a pool of competition.....lol Lack of centers competition>skill set and bball iq and talent as far as dwight success goes. 
if he had the same numbers and showed improvement, and if noah regressed then yes... i wouldnt be like oh despite playing worse, and regressing.... imma pick you as an allstar because the other player is younger so i cant pick him...

Man shut up. What in the world does regressing have to do with still averaging 19 & 13 as the best player on a 50 win team.

If anything, that's a testament to how talented Dwight is that he is STILL better than your young boys...despite regressing.

Dude still gets it done at the highest level at his position. You want your young guys to be ALL Stars...well they need to put up some insane numbers, or contribute to winning. Then they'll have a case.

Dudes basing all star nods on potential now lol. Acting like Dwight wasn't in the same position as these guys when he was younger.
At the end of the day I see 4-2.

That isn't almost beating a team.
That just tells me you don't really watch games.
Do you remember how close the 2004 Western Conference Semifinals was when the T-Wolves played the Lakers

The T-Wolves lost the series 4-2 exactly 10 years ago, like the Clippers did this year 

Nobody remember individual games (unless its a major record performance or classic game), only the playoff series result

Losing 4-2 is just as close to "almost" getting swept, as "almost" winning
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