2014 NBA Draft Thread

I bet Embiid still goes #1
Highly doubt it.

Cleveland has failed way too much.

They'll draft Wiggins to be safe.

Parker wants to go play in Milwaukee since its close to home. Bet that.

Philly will draft a PF imo if they don't get Embiid.

Magic taking Exum.

Celtics taking Embiid. Or trading.
if Cleveland trades this #1 pick for Arron Afflalo and the #4 pick and #12 pick they are the dumbest franchise in all of sports.

They won't even get a glimpse of the playoffs and Kyrie will leave.
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Philly is the where the real draft starts.

I'd say that too but we really still have no idea what the Cavs are gonna do. I personally think they're gonna end up trading the pick, and if they do to a team like the Jazz or Magic that want Jabari then the Bucks next choice from what I've heard is Exum....which would slide Wiggins right to the Sixers.
Well I'm telling you the two players they want are Jabari and Exum. They aren't just gonna take Wiggins just because he's ranked higher.
I see the bucks taking Wiggins and then trade g him to Philly for number 3 and thad.

That way they end up with exum and thad.
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Fran Vazquez 

Drake will prove himself to be a master GM tonight
if Cleveland trades this #1 pick for Arron Afflalo and the #4 pick and #12 pick they are the dumbest franchise in all of sports.

They won't even get a glimpse of the playoffs and Kyrie will leave.

On this page alone you single handedly destroyed any credibility you had, my G :lol:

That trade is golden for Cleveland. It's not even debatable.
Man tonight's gonna be interesting I just hope the Nuggets and Hornets don't mess this up. Hopefully they won't take McDermott at 9. Starting to hear a lot about Charlotte thinking PJ won't be on the broad at 24 so it wouldn't surprise me if they took him at 9.
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Not that I have anything against the kid, but if Orlando ends up with Vonleh I'm going to be disappointed.

You're terrible all year, you're going to have a top pick in a loaded draft, you NEED your superstar.. and you might just miss on him. Either Wiggins and Bari would have been great but they will be off the board.. and it's looking like Exum will be too. That's why I say go with Embiid and take a chance. Injuries are a concern, but his value at #4 is still really high and despite the foot problem, if you would have told Orlando after the lotto they'd have a chance at Embiid, they would probably take it.

Exum or Embiid should be Orlando's pick in my mind. I also wouldn't be surprised if they went with Smart.
Yea i feel the same way..we need a star player or draft pick soon, you can only take so much of the team being "young and rebuilding"
Not that I have anything against the kid, but if Orlando ends up with Vonleh I'm going to be disappointed.

You're terrible all year, you're going to have a top pick in a loaded draft, you NEED your superstar.. and you might just miss on him. Either Wiggins and Bari would have been great but they will be off the board.. and it's looking like Exum will be too. That's why I say go with Embiid and take a chance. Injuries are a concern, but his value at #4 is still really high and despite the foot problem, if you would have told Orlando after the lotto they'd have a chance at Embiid, they would probably take it.

Exum or Embiid should be Orlando's pick in my mind. I also wouldn't be surprised if they went with Smart.
Yea i feel the same way..we need a star player or draft pick soon, you can only take so much of the team being "young and rebuilding"
They're the east coast version of the Jazz.
Son.... You had to copy someone else's name and add a little twist to it. I'm talking about another Niketalker. Get your own name breh. 
 You really that bothered by my SN ?,  LOL, man if the Celtics get Randle that would be a wasted pick in a tank year just for another power forward. 3 PF's in a row.  I cant.

P.S: I might just copy your name and invert the number and words. Ok, Papi.

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