2014 NBA Draft Thread

Kyle Anderson can't play SF, has to play PF.

Not even a little.

You sure you're not confusing him with someone else? We're talking Jalen Rose-lite here, not Anthony Mason-lite. There's no way he's banging in the post or guarding 4's on the block.

I don't what to say, he can't gaurd anyone on the perimeter, not soul, he couldn't do it in the Pac-12 how the hell is he supposed to do it in the NBA?
I believe Kyle Anderson’s ceiling is as a high level sixth man, a really unique point forward who could be a primary ball handler against smaller, less skilled 2nd units, I can’t imagine him being a starter because he isn’t effective enough without dominating the ball, he doesn’t offer enough offensive upside to justify compromising your entire defense in order to cater to his unique style of play.

The biggest problem is defense, the position you play in the NBA is defined by who you can guard, he is simply to slow to guard any mildly competent perimeter player in the NBA, he is very slow laterally, and has an extremely high center of gravity that that turns into essentially a very tall pylon, he isn’t any better in the post, at soft 230 lbs, he can be easily overpowered. Kyle had to be hidden on non scorers, and non shooters in the PAC-12, will a coach being to hide Kyle against can you hide against more skilled NBA players?

Even Anderson’s most translatable skill, passing, isn’t a perfect projection to the NBA, he didn’t really operate out of the pick and roll a ton at UCLA, most of his assists came from, drive and dish opportunities, attacking from top of the key, using his size and length to bully smaller defenders down below the free throw line forcing the defense to collapse and hitting cutters for easy baskets.

Will he still be a threat to score when bigger stronger defenders are guarding him? can he force NBA defense to collapse on him a create passing lanes for other teammates like he did in college?

and what happens if he can't shoot? Then your left with Luke Walton.
He's not the athlete Parsons is? Its not like Parsons had unbelievable numbers in the combine :lol:

The biggest difference is Parsons lateral quickness compared to Anderson. In terms of pure athletic ability, I don't see Parsons just exploding to the rim. One thing Anderson has to make up for his lack of quickness is his wingspan. Parsons has gator arms, while Anderson has a 7'3 wingspan.

I can see Anderson playing a little PF, but not as his primary position. Defense is about instincts. If the right coach can teach him how to improve on the defensive end, he will be capable of guarding players on the perimeter ESPECIALLY if he's on a good defensive team.
Damn, took my Puke Walton comparison. :smh:


He's not the athlete Parsons is? Its not like Parsons had unbelievable numbers in the combine :lol:

The biggest difference is Parsons lateral quickness compared to Anderson. In terms of pure athletic ability, I don't see Parsons just exploding to the rim. One thing Anderson has to make up for his lack of quickness is his wingspan. Parsons has gator arms, while Anderson has a 7'3 wingspan.

I can see Anderson playing a little PF, but not as his primary position. Defense is about instincts. If the right coach can teach him how to improve on the defensive end, he will be capable of guarding players on the perimeter ESPECIALLY if he's on a good defensive team.
It is not close athletically between Parsons and Anderson.
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He's not the athlete Parsons is? Its not like Parsons had unbelievable numbers in the combine

The biggest difference is Parsons lateral quickness compared to Anderson. In terms of pure athletic ability, I don't see Parsons just exploding to the rim. One thing Anderson has to make up for his lack of quickness is his wingspan. Parsons has gator arms, while Anderson has a 7'3 wingspan.

I can see Anderson playing a little PF, but not as his primary position. Defense is about instincts. If the right coach can teach him how to improve on the defensive end, he will be capable of guarding players on the perimeter ESPECIALLY if he's on a good defensive team.
That's exactly my point. Parsons is an average NBA athlete and he's still a much more fluid athlete than Anderson. 
Kyle has pretty much played PG all his life, yes he's slow and not as athletic as he should be, we've been saying that since he was 12.

With that said, I don't see him primarily playing the 4 in the NBA.
If Turkoglu could make it in the league as a SF, I'm sure Anderson can.

Play OKC? Put him on Thabo
Play Houston? Put him on Parsons
Play Spurs? Put him on Belinelli/Green
Play LAC? Put him on whoever their SF is
Play GSW? Put him on Klay

The list goes on.

You can literally hide him on any player defensively. His biggest issue will be fighting through screens against shooters. The majority of the guys you play him on are not going to isolate him and take him to the rim. He'll be a work in progress, though. The Grizz were still one of the better defensive teams in the league with slow *** Tayshaun Prince at SF. His lateral quickness is terrible at his current age and he was just bad all around, yet they still were a top 10 defensive team.
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Listing an outlier like Turkolgu is pretty dangerous. He may have just been the exception to the rule.
I see a lot of Diaw potential in Kyle's game. He's going to have to learn to dominate the ball less in the NBA and do more "big" stuff. But he's huge. If he can rebound, facilitate, break down slower 4s off the dribble, pick and pop a bit - he becomes a pretty damn useful player. If he wants to take the ball up like a PG, he can do it off of rebounds.

In today's NBA, you can't afford to have someone that unathletic and slow playing the 3. The NBA isn't 1v1. You can hide him on a "weaker" offensive player but if he's too slow to run through screens, help-and-recover out to shooters, contest shooters in control, etc. - he's going to REALLY hurt your defense. Doesn't matter who he's guarding. It's why 3 bigmen lineups just don't work 99% of the time.

Not to mention, scoring on 3s is ridiculously difficult. He'd have a tough time dealing with the 3s and their combination of strength/speed. It nullifies a lot of his advantage. He'd be an easy cover without a great jumpshot too.
Listing an outlier like Turkolgu is pretty dangerous. He may have just been the exception to the rule.


I guess what I'm saying is, starting Anderson at SF on a good defensive team will not result in the team going downhill due to his lack of quickness against perimeter players. I think what he brings on the offensive end will be more valuable to make up what he lacks on the defensive end. You can be a good defensive team with one weak perimeter defender.
I see a lot of Diaw potential in Kyle's game. He's going to have to learn to dominate the ball less in the NBA and do more "big" stuff. But he's huge. If he can rebound, facilitate, break down slower 4s off the dribble, pick and pop a bit - he becomes a pretty damn useful player. If he wants to take the ball up like a PG, he can do it off of rebounds.

In today's NBA, you can't afford to have someone that unathletic and slow playing the 3. The NBA isn't 1v1. You can hide him on a "weaker" offensive player but if he's too slow to run through screens, help-and-recover out to shooters, contest shooters in control, etc. - he's going to REALLY hurt your defense. Doesn't matter who he's guarding. It's why 3 bigmen lineups just don't work 99% of the time.

Not to mention, scoring on 3s is ridiculously difficult. He'd have a tough time dealing with the 3s and their combination of strength/speed. It nullifies a lot of his advantage. He'd be an easy cover without a great jumpshot too.

Thank you.

People think this is NBA Jam. :lol:
Tayshaun Prince at his current age... Still a better athlete than Anderson
I don't think y'all have really watched this kid over the past few years.
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If quincy miller is a 4(a slow guy more athletic than kyle) kyle is def a 4, just because you played pg your whole life means nothing in the league & i doubt he will be able to get to the basket in the league
Man listen, and I see a few people have pointed this out about slow mo already, but he's flat out not a good NBA player to me.

I can't project him because I legit can see him translating into the NBA well at all. There's nothing offensively or defensively that he does well enough that makes me say "Well this can translate well in the NBA."

He can't guard 1 - 4. That's a huge issue. He also isn't going to be a point in the NBA. No NBA team is going to allow him to dominate the ball enough for him to even be semi effective, (because he's not good enough for teams to allow him to do that) and he can't create his own shoot. He also isn't a knockdown shooter as well.

IMO there are so many flaws sticking out with Kyle man, I just don't see how he pans out in the NBA. How is he going to be effective? He can't guard, he can't defend, he can't effective the game offensively unless he's dominating the ball, he's just flat out not built for the NBA.
Well, I guess at this point...why is he even considered a 1st rounder in this type of draft? With the way some people talk, he's more of a 2nd round talent.
Look at this Heat and Spurs series. Shooting is everywhere. For his size he can't play inside, and he doesn't possess enough shooting or offensively ability to play on the outside. He can't defend, he was horrible defending off the ball at UCLA. He can't fight through screens well at all, he gets broken down easy, and he can't defend in the post either.

Whatever positives Anderson has, are being offset by all of his question marks, and the fact that even his assets and good points have a marginal at best chance of translating to the league. I'm even lower on Anderson than I am on Julius Randle and i'm really low on him :lol:
Well, I guess at this point...why is he even considered a 1st rounder in this type of draft? With the way some people talk, he's more of a 2nd round talent.

He really is and he may fall to the second round, but unfortunately one of the things that people value is the school you came from, and how successful you were as a prep. Then you see a guy like Boris Diaw or Hedo be successful in the league and and boom, he's a "first round talent" nevermind the outlying qualities that those two players possess.
Well, I guess at this point...why is he even considered a 1st rounder in this type of draft? With the way some people talk, he's more of a 2nd round talent.

Being considered a first rounder doesnt mean anything, nerlens was still a "lock" last season after the injury & look what happened

Kyle is a homeless lamar odom
Think about this...cut all the BS out. If Kyle isn't given the keys to a team (which he won't) and isn't the PG, what's his use on the floor?

His best attribute probably is his passing and court vision from the point. If he isn't playing the point he's useless really and even then if he was, he still can't defend anyone. Got to attend a lot of UCLA games this year and watched virtually all of them, I can't fathom how he pans out in the L. I'll give him 3,4 years before he's overseas.
Well, I guess at this point...why is he even considered a 1st rounder in this type of draft? With the way some people talk, he's more of a 2nd round talent.

Well, Shoeking is probably about as negative on him as you can be (he could be right though). He did shoot the ball pretty well last year, if that can translate - along with ball handling, BBIQ and passing - at 6'9 with a 7'2 wing span - that equals a pretty damn good offensive player. He's big enough to work at PF on defense. He averaged almost 9 boards. 2 steals. He has potential. Definite 1st round talent. The question is his position, his role, and whether he can defend. The talent and tools are there.
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Embiid workout.  Short but you get the picture.  Literally looks like hes playing on a mini goal with his size, length 

Beginning of the season, I didn't know what everyone was so high on him for.  Now, I feel like the Cavs would be idiots not to draft him at 1.

*If the back checks out which it supposedly did*

I wonder what kind of range he will have in the nba 
 That form looks great
Well, Shoeking is probably about as negative on him as you can be. He did shoot the ball pretty well last year, if that can translate - along with ball handling, BBIQ and passing - at 6'9 with a 7'2 wing span - that equals a pretty damn good offensive player. He's big enough to work at PF on defense. He averaged almost 9 boards. 2 steals. He has potential. Definite 1st round talent. The question is his position, his role, and whether he can defend. The talent and tools are there.

I probably am OD negative on him :lol: (plus he's a great guy too)

But BBIQ, ball handling, passing, at 6'9....you're describing Luke Walton fam.
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