2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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kd needs to quit the nba and only play in 1v1 tournaments 
U need to quit niketalk
unlike kd im not a quitter
Unlike kd u suck at basketball

How u gon slander the best up and coming players of our generation :lol:

Stick to cp0 slander fam

Kd is iff limits
hes not going to be the best anything unless he grows a pair and stops being a pushover 

cp3 needs a running jump just to highfive kd, there is no excuse for him to look so bad with a 6ft defender on him
He was getting double teamed bruh

I hate when ppl say grow a pair. There is no meaning to that. Its basically a copout when u have no real argument

Kevin durant still has a lot to learn far from perfect but ill be damned if he aint the second best player in the league
kd needs to quit the nba and only play in 1v1 tournaments 
U need to quit niketalk
unlike kd im not a quitter
Unlike kd u suck at basketball

How u gon slander the best up and coming players of our generation

Stick to cp0 slander fam

Kd is iff limits
hes not going to be the best anything unless he grows a pair and stops being a pushover 

cp3 needs a running jump just to highfive kd, there is no excuse for him to look so bad with a 6ft defender on him
He was getting double teamed bruh

I hate when ppl say grow a pair. There is no meaning to that. Its basically a copout when u have no real argument

Kevin durant still has a lot to learn far from perfect but ill be damned if he aint the second best player in the league
people get double teamed everyday b

i dont see other star players panicing and throwing soft passes at the other teams players

hes a foot taller than both defenders, no reason to need to give the ball up as soon as he sees a second defender running at him

he did it today, he did it vs tony allen. when faced with tough defense he stops being aggressive which results in westbrook doing all the work

i dont care if hes the 2nd best player in the league, there is only one champion every year and if he keeps playing like this he will never get there

hes too nice, too soft. you dont win championships being nice and soft
that sea manup dude posts like KD ****** his girl every day. Don't  know why ya'll even entertain his ********.
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look at this dude's soft *** passes out of double teams, bad closeouts on collison and not getting back on D resulting in a fastbreak

all in the final 3 minutes

but lets blame the coach 
So is the russ slander back on.. seen some of the highlights from down the strech looks like he doesnt play D on one play... and then tries to play hero ball. instead letting KD go to work??

but then again i didn't see the game. fill me in please
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KD just needs to give another emotional speech tomorrow so they can come out and win the next 2 games again 
KD scores 40 points while shooting 50 pct but he's a pushover :lol:

8 turnovers though, 4 of them coming in the 4th quarter and damn near consecutively while being guarded by a point guard.

They scored on 13 of their last 16 fgas, many of them being and1s, simply because many were live ball turnovers again from lazy KD passes
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