2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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Yes. Rodman and Malone 2 of the most physically dirty guys in the 90's... Constantly pulling each other down was his retort to my gifs of dudes throwing themselves to the ground pretending to be punched by ghosts.

So physically dirty somehow correlates to skill/talent? 

Can you connect the dots a bit? People have presented data / trends / macro-level changes on the international level / etc and you're resorted to posting gifs of flopping. I responded with a gif of Rodman/Malone falling over each other 4 times. You'd probably say that Rodman/Malone falling > anyone in 2014 falling. Would you prefer if LeBron/CP3 pulled each other down time after time going down the court? 

Like what difference does it make? Can we focus on what the subject actually is: talent level. Or do you want to keep running around in circles talking about walls and defenses when NONE of the data supports what you're saying? What next, analytics in the 90s > 2014 and the data is flawed? 

It's as if you saw someone say Tom Brady = GOAT and you post a pic of him yelling at the refs or a picture from an Uggs photoshoot...stay on topic my dude, you've been here for 10 years and 14k posts...we deserve better. 
No you didn't have to "go through more walls" to score back then. Because of the illegal defense rule it was the exact opposite.
But I'm trolling...

We're on the same page with that statement...but I'm trolling according to this galaxy guy
Re-read what he said, he actually said the data shows baskets were easier to come by in the 90s.

This is the 2nd time in 3 pages that you've proven your sarcasm detector is completely busted. I'm beginning to think it's not the only thing that's busted in that head of yours.

Keep talking though, I need more data points to prove 90s basketball > your IQ level. 
The NBA has definitely gotten softer. What used to be fouls are flagrants, what used to be flagrants gets you thrown out. After damn near every foul they have to "review" it and figure out what kinda foul it is. They don't even let dudes trash nowadays. Back in the 90's and early 00's dudes flopped but wasn't that many. Now... Probably every team has at least 3 or 4 dudes tryna win oscars.

But I'm trolling...

We're on the same page with that statement...but I'm trolling according to this galaxy guy

Sheesh :lol:
Re-read what he said, he actually said the data shows baskets were easier to come by in the 90s.

This is the 2nd time in 3 pages that you've proven your sarcasm detector is completely busted. I'm beginning to think it's not the only thing that's busted in that head of yours.

Keep talking though, I need more data points to prove 90s basketball > your IQ level. 

For sure bro.
You're basketball IQ trumps all of us.
I didn't even start watching basketball until 3 days ago.
Please teach us more, wise one.

how's my sarcasm bro?
For sure bro.
You're basketball IQ trumps all of us.
I didn't even start watching basketball until 3 days ago.
Please teach us more, wise one.
how's my sarcasm bro?

Your sarcasm detector & your grammar need help.

Please review the data that folks linked previously and read the following ESPN analysis. If possible, continue to ignore all data presented and respond with more flopping gifs so 1) more people block you 2) your reputation as a troll will continue.

"But overall, in fact, scoring was much easier for most of the 1990s, including Jordan's heyday. (And it was even easier in the 1980s.) Not only was the game played faster, a clear sign that there was relatively little resistance as players went up and down the court and to the basket, but teams also scored a lot more per possession. For instance, in 1992-93, known for a rough-and-tumble series between the Knicks and the Bulls, scoring was at 108.0 points per 100 possessions. This year, it's down to 105.8, which is actually an increase from last season.

But defenses are so fast, physical and prepared that, even with much improved outside shooting in the game these days (the 3-point percentage across the league is 35.9, as opposed to 32.0 percent in Jordan's first championship season), scoring is down. In the 1990s, teams shot a much higher percentage from the field than they do now, and a higher percentage on 2-point baskets. If players were getting banged on every play, why was it so much easier for the skinnier players of that decade to score? Why was it so much easier then to get to the bucket and score on 2-point shots? And, if they were better shooters then, why is 3-point shooting better now?

This is where someone suggests that the heightened physical play is obvious if you merely watch those old games. I would respond that you indeed should go back and watch. What you'll find in those '90s "slugfests" might shock you. Yep, there are some hard fouls (just as there are today). But defensive communication is often weak; screens are dealt with poorly; and double-teams result in wide-open shots. For an example, witness Penny Hardaway knifing through the Bulls for 38 points in the 1996 Eastern Conference finals. Skinny Penny does it with undeniable skill, but he also gets to the rim with ridiculous ease. Keep in mind, these are the 72-win Bulls we're talking about, the greatest team to ever play -- the team with the No. 1 defense in the league that season. Just imagine how easy it was to score on the Celtics that year as they were giving up 107.0 points per game, or the Vancouver Grizzlies, with Big Country Reeves manning the middle. Weakside defense was, indeed, weak."

Like I've been saying, go back and watch the film. YouTube 1996 Magic Bulls and not 1990s NBA Greatest Fights / Knockouts.

Ball is in your court troll. 
Its a shame that even having a difference stance makes you labeled a "troll" these days.
Disagree with someone?

You're opinion isn't agreed with.

Last thing I've ever done is try to troll this thread.
In fact, I've tried to stay away from it as much as I can over the last year.

But meeting you has made me feel foolish for even thinking I could come back in here and discuss basketball.

I now apparently have a "troll reputation" to fix.
So I'll go ahead attend troll meetings and get my issues fixed, since believing that basketball today is softer than ever before is trolling.
That's truly trolling, apparently.

I'll give you this, at least your last post gave me some reasonable evidence to support your claims.
It's a shame some mature points had to be clouded with more immaturity.

If you hadn't continued to call me a troll, I'd want to continue discussing it. I genuinely would love to respond to those valid points.
But it's hard to want to do that when every response I give you will be followed by being labeled a troll.

So have a good day man.
I'll leave you to keep preaching I'll take my "troll" self out of here.

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I can at least respect shoeking for not resorting to remarks about post counts and immature claims of trolling.

May not have agreed with you shoe, but you're a cool dude.

Like I said earlier, I know your a smart poster. We just disagree on a few topics.
All weekend people here in the city have been decked and laced out in Spurs gear. All the fans have come out now in full blast. Can't wait for the Spurs to be crowned CHAMPS.
The NBA is softer? For sure in the regalar season. Playoffs this days are fisically challenging. Imho the game become softer because teams to day look more to tecnical/skilled big man Who can dribbling and shoot instead of fisically strong Bigs.

This league isn't any more a Dale Davis league.

Don't know if i explaained my point
You really wanna compare 2014 basketball to a whole other generation of basketball bro?

I didn't wanna get into it but c'mon bro.

Be smart. You're not a stupid poster.

Basketball in 98 was never a cake walk, against anyone.
In 2014 you get technicals for smiling at refs. That's how soft ***** gotten.
In 98 it would take knocking dudes out to be t'ed up.

Every game was physical.
Every game was competitive in the 90's even if the score said otherwise.

Hand check fouls? LOL. YEAH... Right.

360 degree spin flops?
Et tu Joey Crawford begging for fouls?

Comparing 96 sonics and their physical path to the finals, to the 2014 Heat and their cake walk baby butt soft *** path is ludicrous.

Do I really have to go into any further detail as to why?
You know why.
You can't have it both ways. Be respectful of other's opinions & present data/facts when possible and the word troll definitely won't be typed on my keyboard.

But look at this post I quoted and notice how it all went downhill from here.

Carry on. 
I can at least respect shoeking for not resorting to remarks about post counts and immature claims of trolling.

May not have agreed with you shoe, but you're a cool dude.

Like I said earlier, I know your a smart poster. We just disagree on a few topics.

Thanks my guy. Appreciate that. Repped.
It's the rules that determine which players flourish and which don't. Sure, the cream of the crop players can play in both eras but the rules influence the middle tier players.

The elimination of hand checking, illegal defense, the legalization of the zone put a premium on foot speed and shooting from multiple positions. It also means it's harder to plan an offense around a big.

A lot of people point to the depth of bigs to argue 90s>today's NBA but I wonder outside of the very best bigs in the 90s how many of them would be as impactful in today's NBA given the rule changes.

I recognize the argument works the other way also. People that are pro - today point to the depth of point guards and shooting bigs to say today>90s but I wonder how outside of the best of them how many of them would be just as impactful with 90s rules in place - with the increased physicality and hand checking taking away the strengths of the middle tier guards and stretch fours.
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By the way, for all the East is super weak talk, the top 6 teams were right in line with the playoff West teams for the 2nd half of the season. The problem was Chicago, Brooklyn, Washington and even Toronto started off slow. Mostly due to injuries. The difference between conferences is vastly overstated.
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By the way, for all the East is super weak talk, the top 6 teams were right in line with the playoff West teams for the 2nd half of the season. The problem was Chicago, Brooklyn, Washington and even Toronto started off slow. Mostly due to injuries. The difference between conferences is vastly overstated.
Come on bro. the 8th team in the West gave the Spurs more problems than the Heat are

The difference in the conferences is not overstated.  East is a ******* joke.  
quantity aint quality.

just cuz its a couple of ppl are in the finals (gino, parker and diaw) dont mean that every international player now is better than an american or international players from the 90's.

i dont understand your second point.   the dream team did a lot for the sport, so with an influx of more players there would have to be more teams right?

if the logic is 3>2, then why are the best shooters in history from the past era's and not today? we only have steph?
dude you are missing the Forrest for the trees.

You are focusing on individuals and ignoring the overall quality of play of the entire league.

shooting is better = fact. look at the percentages and the attempts, Reggie, and Mullin and guys like that stand out because they were so much better in comparison to everyone else.

in the 90's it wasn't uncommon to have a starting gaurd shoot sub 30% from 3, now it almost never happens.
im not, you brought up the finals

there have been so many international busts that for every gem like dirk there are 20 nikolov tshivilli's and darko milicics

overall, how many international players are killing today vs back then?  id guess there are the same amount of good int'l players then as now.

saying that hofer's like reggie are only good in comparison to "everyone else" is the point.  thats why theyre hof.

the reason nobody shoots sub 30 from 3 now is because they arent as good shooters now.  
why was this ignored?
So what would Houston have to do, theoretically, to sign Melo? Assuming the deal is near max money.

Relocate to Los Angeles, Miami or New York, ie a city a young rich ***** wants to live in for the rest of his career.

There's loads of athletes who live here the rest of their career, whether they finish on the home team, or get traded/leave for FA and come back. You clearly don't know what you're talking about :lol:

To actually answer the question, Lin, Asik, and possibly Parsons and/or another player would have to be gone.
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