2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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When asked today on the local radio station "Why is P Jones not playing, is there something we should know?"

Dean Blevins responds: "He's a defensive liability"
Now this is what I don't understand, with the Thunder @ 100% , they've given up over 100pts to the worst teams, even with Ibaka in the lineup. The 3/4 times that OKC beat Spurs this year, Spurs still put up 100+pts even with Ibaka averaging 4blks per game. 

When will we learn that, leaving an offensive player out of the lineup because he is a liability on defense is just something that you shouldn't do.
Thunder wins by outscoring their opponents, plain and simple. If you constantly say Russ and KD need help offensively, this is why, the players that can score off the bench get no run because they are a liability on defense.
if you can't tell,  IM A BIT SALTY TODAY, but I'm done complaining.

AND...Anyone that doesn't think the Thunder can still win in 5 games, ask the 2012 Playoffs when they swept the spurs 4 games after being down 2 games

Not defending the move at all but giving up 100 points isn't a barometer for anything. Literally only depends on pace. The fastest teams can play elite defense and still give up around 100. The slowest teams can play terrible defense and never give up over 95.

If you throw out someone who gets lost on defense, misses rotations, helps too much or not enough against the Spurs, the team is going to pick you apart. It's not about him guarding Leonard or Splitter straight up. It's about him not helping properly on Parker-Duncan PnRs or getting beat on back cuts or getting flustered by SA's constant screening and motion. The real issue is that PJ3 isn't a great offensive player either - so he doesn't really offset his inexperience defensively. This is big, big trouble against the Spurs. They pick apart liabilities better than any team in the league.

But I'm not completely disagreeing with you. This is exactly why you develop guys like Lamb/PJ3 during the season, so during the playoffs, you don't have to play guys like Fisher/Perk/etc. heavy minutes.
Not defending the move at all but giving up 100 points isn't a barometer for anything. Literally only depends on pace. The fastest teams can play elite defense and still give up around 100. The slowest teams can play terrible defense and never give up over 95.

If you throw out someone who gets lost on defense, misses rotations, helps too much or not enough against the Spurs, the team is going to pick you apart. It's not about him guarding Leonard or Splitter straight up. It's about him not helping properly on Parker-Duncan PnRs or getting beat on back cuts or getting flustered by SA's constant screening and motion. The real issue is that PJ3 isn't a great offensive player either - so he doesn't really offset his inexperience defensively. This is big, big trouble against the Spurs. They pick apart liabilities better than any team in the league.

But I'm not completely disagreeing with you. This is exactly why you develop guys like Lamb/PJ3 during the season, so during the playoffs, you don't have to play guys like Fisher/Perk/etc. heavy minutes.
Still doesn't make sense why Brooks doesn't play Lamb :smh:
Damn guys :lol:

I can only block trolls, straight clowns like Uncharted who have nothing to say

A lot of those guys on your block lists might get delusional, argumentative or whatever, but it's not that bad...
I hate playing catch up in here don't even make sense responding to posts 
damn, i don't have anybody blocked.

i guess i can tolerate a lot of trolling or just scroll over it
I was just going to ask if there was anyone who has zero blocked people?

Was going to say that I don't, but I'm sure people would just think "You're a mod. You can't block people."

No, I just don't care. Tolerate it & scroll over it; don't care.

Anyone else?
I think I had one person blocked from a like a year ago.. forget his name but I remember why I blocked him, it was in General and he said something ridic, I think he ended up getting da permaban too.

Or I just don't see him post cause he's blocked 
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I remember when someone said they blocked me. :frown:

The bad thing about blocking people is that eventually, someone will quote them. Hell, someone may quote every single one of their posts and you will STILL see it (I'm assuming). :lol:
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"Block party, block party we're having a party in the paint!" (Stacey King voice)

I don't have anyone blocked, some posts make me cringe but I can tolerate it :lol:
I was just going to ask if there was anyone who has zero blocked people?

Was going to say that I don't, but I'm sure people would just think "You're a mod. You can't block people."

No, I just don't care. Tolerate it & scroll over it; don't care.

Anyone else?
tbh I didn't know u could block users on NT
I was just going to ask if there was anyone who has zero blocked people?

Was going to say that I don't, but I'm sure people would just think "You're a mod. You can't block people."

No, I just don't care. Tolerate it & scroll over it; don't care.

Anyone else?

I don't. What's the point? When I see that spoiler thing I click it every time anyway. Same deal. To block someone is to show just how much they've hurt your heart on and off NT.
Dude's screen's be like

He does have some quality posters on that block list tho 

It takes a lot for someone to end on my block list.. probably how I only have one.. I think he said something about my unborn kid at the time in TAN
When asked today on the local radio station "Why is P Jones not playing, is there something we should know?"

Dean Blevins responds: "He's a defensive liability"
Now this is what I don't understand, with the Thunder @ 100% , they've given up over 100pts to the worst teams, even with Ibaka in the lineup. The 3/4 times that OKC beat Spurs this year, Spurs still put up 100+pts even with Ibaka averaging 4blks per game. 

When will we learn that, leaving an offensive player out of the lineup because he is a liability on defense is just something that you shouldn't do.
Thunder wins by outscoring their opponents, plain and simple. If you constantly say Russ and KD need help offensively, this is why, the players that can score off the bench get no run because they are a liability on defense.
if you can't tell,  IM A BIT SALTY TODAY, but I'm done complaining.

AND...Anyone that doesn't think the Thunder can still win in 5 games, ask the 2012 Playoffs when they swept the spurs 4 games after being down 2 games
Not defending the move at all but giving up 100 points isn't a barometer for anything. Literally only depends on pace. The fastest teams can play elite defense and still give up around 100. The slowest teams can play terrible defense and never give up over 95.

If you throw out someone who gets lost on defense, misses rotations, helps too much or not enough against the Spurs, the team is going to pick you apart. It's not about him guarding Leonard or Splitter straight up. It's about him not helping properly on Parker-Duncan PnRs or getting beat on back cuts or getting flustered by SA's constant screening and motion. The real issue is that PJ3 isn't a great offensive player either - so he doesn't really offset his inexperience defensively. This is big, big trouble against the Spurs. They pick apart liabilities better than any team in the league.

But I'm not completely disagreeing with you. This is exactly why you develop guys like Lamb/PJ3 during the season, so during the playoffs, you don't have to play guys like Fisher/Perk/etc. heavy minutes.
All good points you made. What you said in your first line though is LEGIT. "The fastest teams can play elite defense  and still give up around 100". Thunder have never played elite defense. Thunder should be outscoring the SPURS plain and simple. There is no excuse for a loss. At all.

Pop, or Timmy or Tony penetrating the paint are things that are going to happen regardless. 
Blocked lists are for chatrooms.

If you block a poster in here, but he posts info you may  need in other parts of this Forum, you will never know.

I see a lot of info I could care less about in this thread and elsewhere, I've just learned to scroll over, and not even engage. 

Bragging about a block list though, Only in America 
Thunder should be outscoring the SPURS plain and simple. There is no excuse for a loss. At all.
Pop, or Timmy or Tony penetrating the paint are things that are going to happen regardless. 

Why should the Thunder be outscoring the SPURS when they barely outscored them in the regular season?

The Spurs are the #1 scoring team left in the playoffs. That 122 last night wasn't a fluke.
Thunder should be outscoring the SPURS plain and simple. There is no excuse for a loss. At all.
Pop, or Timmy or Tony penetrating the paint are things that are going to happen regardless. 
Why should the Thunder be outscoring the SPURS when they barely outscored them in the regular season?

The Spurs are the #1 scoring team left in the playoffs. That 122 last night wasn't a fluke.
Is this a real question? I'm not sure, I'm being serious
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