2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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Do work, you forgot to add LarryDavid2, LarryDavid3, LarryDavid4, LarryDavidSr, Larrydavidjr, larrydavidXXL, and LarryDavis to the ignore list.
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When asked today on the local radio station "Why is P Jones not playing, is there something we should know?"

Dean Blevins responds: "He's a defensive liability"

Now this is what I don't understand, with the Thunder @ 100% , they've  given up over 100pts to the worst teams, even with Ibaka in the lineup. The 3/4 times that OKC beat Spurs this year, Spurs still put up 100+pts even with Ibaka averaging 4blks per game. 

When will we learn that, leaving an offensive player out of the lineup because he is a liability on defense is just something that you shouldn't do.

Thunder wins by outscoring their opponents, plain and simple. If you constantly say Russ and KD need help offensively, this is why, the players that can score off the bench get no run because they are a liability on defense.

if you can't tell,  IM A BIT SALTY TODAY, but I'm done complaining.

AND...Anyone that doesn't think the Thunder can still win in 5 games, ask the 2012 Playoffs when they swept the spurs 4 games after being down 2 games
How many Bron stans are even in this thread if you really think about it?

One heat fan just stays in the Heat thread (h3at)

One heat fan just posts once a day telling us something that we already know. the games are over, b. we know.

Couple heat fans post here but aren't too bad.

who else?

:rofl: :rofl:
With that block list of yours, can you find a decent conversation about basketball man? I mean damn, you've blocked some quality posters man. And @lawdog1  I watched you block @90sEra  one day because I sad that I had (faceciously of course) 

Block lists though? It never gets tha BAD with anybody. Yall' are silly

It's clear your'e here from the freindships not objective opinionated posting and good basketball talk.
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how do you block Freeze
dude is hilarious
Exactly, or @BLASTERCOMBO  or, damn, how could you block anyone on your list. Even @CertifiedFlyBoi23  is a follower most of the time but he's worth a look
I've joked about blocking posters before....but does it really get that serious to where people are actually going through with it and blocking people :lol: ?
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