2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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i honestly think the main reason OKC can unearth so many good young players who develop rapidly is due to having to go against KD and Russ in practice. Not saying this doesn't happen with great players on other teams...but if I had to go against Russ in practice every day and get chewed out nonstop, real games would be cakewalk.
i honestly think the main reason OKC can unearth so many good young players who develop rapidly is due to having to go against KD and Russ in practice. Not saying this doesn't happen with great players on other teams...but if I had to go against Russ in practice every day and get chewed out nonstop, real games would be cakewalk.

I'll roll with that because it definitely ain't the coaching.
it def aint broo
i honestly think the main reason OKC can unearth so many good young players who develop rapidly is due to having to go against KD and Russ in practice. Not saying this doesn't happen with great players on other teams...but if I had to go against Russ in practice every day and get chewed out nonstop, real games would be cakewalk.

I'll roll with that because it definitely ain't the coaching.

damn u aww.... was typing that
i honestly think the main reason OKC can unearth so many good young players who develop rapidly is due to having to go against KD and Russ in practice. Not saying this doesn't happen with great players on other teams...but if I had to go against Russ in practice every day and get chewed out nonstop, real games would be cakewalk.

I'll roll with that because it definitely ain't the coaching.

Damn :lol:

Yall ain't got no love for Scott Brooks.
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Bosh is a HOF already. You guys stop.

Westbrook will be a detriment to the team come finals.

And Scott Brooks gets wayyyyy to much Heat and Frank Vogel isn't getting enough
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You really gonna defend Brooks for his crappy adjustments and terrible rotations? He's just lucky to have KD and Westbrook on the team

1) Who said I was defending brooks? You said if he was coaching the pacers that the pacers wouldn't make it out the first round. Obviously you have some type of gift to know that, so I would like to know what other predictions you could make?

2) For all the flack brooks gets on here, he's on his way to his 2nd final in 3 years. Whatever you hate about brooks, is a moot point because facts are facts and fact is, what he does with okc works. Period. Its not even about defending brooks, its simply recognizing that what he does works.
Westbrook will be a detriment to the team come finals.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that Westbrook is a second superstar playing along side Durant rather than Westbrook being a hindrance to Durant?

3 conference finals in 4 years, + a 2nd round exit in his absence (and only squeaked by the Rockets post PatBev) doesn't say enough apparently.

Brooks, is getting a little better with rotations and adjustments. I still hate that it takes his back totally to be against the wall before he does (changing the lineup in game 5 of the Memphis series, game 3 this series, being forced into playing Lamb because Fish had to get stitches and Adams because Perk had foul trouble).

I wonder how other coaches view him. Do they see him as the best in their profession or just lucky to be blessed with superlative talent and imagine they could do the same or better with that roster.
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It's really the fact that people want to be able to say hey "I told you they can't win with his style of play" rather than admitting that if OKC does win it all, they were wrong. It's all about self gratification for outlandish things that you've said that you need some type of backup for.

Man if OKC wins the title and Russ gets that Finals MVP...bruh this thread will be EPIC.
Bosh is heavily under-appreciated in this thread and throughout the NBA. What he does for the Heat serving as a "release pressure valve" will go unnoticed most nights, but he's a major part to what Miami does. Also, not to mention--he's probably the best guarding pick and roll big in the game. I can't think of another big that hedges the pick so well and can recover quite like Bosh.

Also, having a big that can stretch the floor and consistently hit a mid-range jumper is MAJOR.

The Heat are lucky to have a player like Bosh who has expressed interest in wanting to stay in Miami as well. I have a feeling he wont ask for max money and neither will Wade, because both of those guys want to stay and finish their careers in Miami. Lebron will get the max and Bosh and Wade will take paycuts. I'm almost certain this is happening again.

Although, this is all speculation and much of what happens past July 1st is determined by how the playoffs ends for Miami.
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Every great coach has had HoF level talent. So I have no idea why brooks would be considered "fortunate" or "lucky" to have the roster that he does.

At the end of day, they are a Westbrook injury away from being in the wcf every year since 2011. There's something to be said about that. You may not like what he does but it works. What coach is gonna do better with okc than brooks? With him as the coach, they are wcf and if Westbrook isnt hurt, perennial western conference finalist and nba finalist. You cant do much better than that.
Noah. I htink Noah is the only big that can do what Bosh does defensively on the pnr and perimeter better.

I agree with above statement on Horford and somewhat on Milsap. Aldrigde is another I can see replicating what Bosh does.

Bosh is better laterally. Mid range too so you gotta factor in the spacing he gives you.

But they're better bangers and low post guys and around the rim, have mid range (albeit a hair under Bosh), better rebounders etc

And most of all cheaper than Bosh. If it came down to it and you could take Bosh for the max or one of them and another decent player due to salary I'm sure Pat Riley would have to think about it.
Realistically, do you guys think at this point we could see an OKC Miami Heat Finals match up?

Very realistic. With ibaka in the lineup, the thunder are undefeated against san antonio this year and the margins of the games havent been close. Unlike the bkn mia series, these last two games have showed that the regular season did mean something.
Realistically, do you guys think at this point we could see an OKC Miami Heat Finals match up?

Yes, nba would definitely prefer heat thunder, 2 best players in the world going at it again on the biggest stage. Casual fans don't appreciate the Spurs brand of basketball.
Westbrook will be a detriment to the team come finals.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that Westbrook is a second superstar playing along side Durant rather than Westbrook being a hindrance to Durant?

Because KD is too nice and humble to be blamed when the team loses, it can't possibly be his fault...

What about the times that Russy carries them and wills them wins, which happens more often than people are willing to admit... Then what?
my biggest grip with brooks, is that he doesnt put his players in the best position to succeed..

it is pretty easy to identify the strengths and weaknesses of pretty much all of the players on thunder.. so it bothers me that he doesnt utilize the roster to it's full potential

for example, if durant is going to play 35-40 mins.. well then westbrook should be in the game for the 10-15 mins that durant isnt.. having reggie jackson, should make this pretty easy since he should be getting 30 mins per

you know teams are going focus their defense on westbrook and durant, so dont make their job easier by giving them 2 positions that they can cheat off of because of those players being non-existent on the offense end (thabo and perkins).. and the state of the league at the SG and C positions dont dictate you have to have defensive stoppers at both spots (not that either guy is that thing, but that is brooks' mindset)

and if the older vets are playing horribly (perkins, thabo, butler and fisher), how about trying out some of the younger guys and let them go through the growing pains (adams, lamb, PJ3 and even roberson).. at least the vets have been there before and should be able to bounce back (or they're just done), the younger guys have no clue since they've never been in that position
Im sorry, I thought wins and success defined wjat works and what doesnt.

You're underestimating how much more the greatness of his players are responsible for that success over anything he does as a coach and that they often succeed in spite of bad rotations and adjustments he makes.
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