2013-2014 NBA Finals - Spurs SMASH Heat 4-1 - San Antonio Spurs NBA Champions [RIP Dwyane Wade]

Who will Lebron James play for next year?

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Let's dead this dumb *** comment once and for all.

He grew up in Akron. Which means from the time his mother gave birth to him to until he was 25, all he's ever known is Akron/Cleveland. He loves home. There isn't a place he'd rather be than with his family at home, whenever that may be.

To sit there and say 'he'll ge bored, its regression" is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard for a reason not to go to a place to play. To sit here and say he doesn't care about Cleveland, means he doesn't care about Akron.

What some of you don't understand is Akron is basically Cleveland. 99% of Akron people are Cleveland fans. Until some of you visit Akron, your words mean nothing on the subject of his sentiments towards Northeast Ohio.

Didn't bron also say something along the lines of "I'm from Akron not Cleveland. People from Cleveland looked down on us"????
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Let's dead this dumb *** comment once and for all.

He grew up in Akron. Which means from the time his mother gave birth to him to until he was 25, all he's ever known is Akron/Cleveland. He loves home. There isn't a place he'd rather be than with his family at home, whenever that may be.

To sit there and say 'he'll ge bored, its regression" is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard for a reason not to go to a place to play. To sit here and say he doesn't care about Cleveland, means he doesn't care about Akron.

What some of you don't understand is Akron is basically Cleveland. 99% of Akron people are Cleveland fans. Until some of you visit Akron, your words mean nothing on the subject of his sentiments towards Northeast Ohio.

Didn't bron also say something along the lines of "I'm from Akron not Cleveland. People from Cleveland looked down on us"????

Bro let this dawn on you....Lebron doesn't dictate what happens between Akron and Cleveland.
The Spurs are the smartest organization in the NBA, they were far ahead of the curve on international scouting over a decade ago, they were far ahead of the curve on the importance of corner threes (both shooting and defending) over a decade ago, and they're currently far ahead of the curve on managing minutes.

Pop and Buford are Gods man.
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Every other superstar in history got the blame when their team loses. But not bron bron. You need to give his PR team and ESPN some type of award. The way they protect this guy is magical. Very impressive.

Payton Manning's good old boy self got super Dooper slander for getting whomped in the ultimate team sport. But the team sport where an indidual has the most impact got a magic shield around him.


No one saying Lebron shouldn't take any blame, but haters not unlike yourself place all the blame on his shoulders, when it's a team sport. Like you said. He deserves some of the blame, because of his effort in het he last three quarters of game 3 and second quarter of game 4 but you literally push aside the fact none of his teammates showed up yesterday and go directly for the Lebron slander. No thought about the way Wade played, or does that not factor into the Heat losing?

And please don't compare Lebron to Peyton. Peyton never played well for a entire postseason run, it's a joke that he even has 1 ring. Lebron dominated for back to back championship runs. If Lebron's teammates could carry him the way Peyton's did in 07, he'd have 4 rings.
Had a very early meeting friday morning, so I skipped the 2nd half. Just finished watching the 3rd quarter on the DVR.

Lebron had 19 in the quarter. Every other Heat player had a combined 2 points. So Bron had 19 in the quarter and the Spurs lead increased anyway.
I'm not even gonna bother with the 4th quarter or game 5.

Oh yea:

So he took 30 games off in the regular season mostly for rest, went half speed during the first 2 rounds of the playoffs just to get to this point. And now he can only muster 16 ppg, has 12 assists vs. 15 turnovers, and is playing that brand of defense. Time to retire or take a steep paycut.
Not sure if srs.

Majority of your posts in here are you defending or slurping Lebron. The second someone says anything ill of him, here you come with your freshly pressed cape.

Again. If what you said is true show me. Prove it. Show me the caping I do for Lebron in here. If the majority of my post in here about Lebron it should be easy to do. Prove it or hush
Had a very early meeting friday morning, so I skipped the 2nd half. Just finished watching the 3rd quarter on the DVR.

Lebron had 19 in the quarter. Every other Heat player had a combined 2 points. So Bron had 19 in the quarter and the Spurs lead increased anyway.
I'm not even gonna bother with the 4th quarter or game 5.

Oh yea:

So he took 30 games off in the regular season mostly for rest, went half speed during the first 2 rounds of the playoffs just to get to this point. And now he can only muster 16 ppg, has 12 assists vs. 15 turnovers, and is playing that brand of defense. Time to retire or take a steep paycut.

Sad what he's become man. Legit sad. Like it's over for D Wade :frown:
No one saying Lebron shouldn't take any blame, but haters not unlike yourself place all the blame on his shoulders, when it's a team sport. Like you said. He deserves some of the blame, because of his effort in het he last three quarters of game 3 and second quarter of game 4 but you literally push aside the fact none of his teammates showed up yesterday and go directly for the Lebron slander. No thought about the way Wade played, or does that not factor into the Heat losing?

And please don't compare Lebron to Peyton. Peyton never played well for a entire postseason run, it's a joke that he even has 1 ring. Lebron dominated for back to back championship runs. If Lebron's teammates could carry him the way Peyton's did in 07, he'd have 4 rings.

Top shelf caping :pimp:

I said Lebron deserves some blame but not all and it's caping...

Suprised you didn't hit us with the "I'm not even a Bron hater" line you so elegantly perfected.
Same reason I don't need to prove that water is wet.

Just go back and look at all your posts with regards to Lebron slander or following a loss.

All that damn caping and slurping like the man even knows you exist. :x :x

Don't wanna go back and look my post. You're making the statement that i'm caping for Bron when all I do is post about hoops in regards to Lebron from an unbiased perspective.

If i'm caping, again show me. If not shut up. That simple :lol: :lol:
You can't even have rational discussions in here :lol:

Y'all think y'all can just spew garbage, then when someone calls you on it you can just accuse them of caping and call it a day. Son didn't even respond to his post, just said "top shelf caping" :lol:

I agree with you though Merton, he's not free of blame. Whether right or wrong, part of the gameplan or not, he's gotta realize his teammates are struggling and pretty much try to take over from the start. Can't try and get them going, then turn it on in the 3rd. Although, he did do that in game 3, and the spurs still cruised. If that isn't enough, then they just don't deserve the chip. Point blank.
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