2013-2014 NBA Finals - Spurs SMASH Heat 4-1 - San Antonio Spurs NBA Champions [RIP Dwyane Wade]

Who will Lebron James play for next year?

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D Wade is far from washed and would get a max contract from many teams. His numbers/%s this season are best of his career. Dudes are so dramatic. Team just isn't clicking like the Spurs. Stop overreacting.
No team is giving Wade a max contract. He played less games during the regular season to be ready for this time of year and he looks bad. His body is just breaking down, no team is giving an aging player with a bad body a max contract.
I guess you didn't see what the Lakers did last year then.
D Wade is far from washed and would get a max contract from many teams. His numbers/%s this season are best of his career. Dudes are so dramatic. Team just isn't clicking like the Spurs. Stop overreacting.

Wouldn't surprise me if some crazy gm tried to do that just to make the playoffs :lol:.
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Wouldn't surprise me if some crazy gm tried to do that just to make the playoffs
Michael Jordan
After Pop, Doc, and Thibs, who are the top NBA coaches?

There's a drop off after them. I'd say the second tier of coaches is Carlye, Spoelstra...

Yes I said Spoelstra. True he's got the best player in the world, but his coaching moves are typically spot on. Nothing he can do against this Spurs team but theirs no denying he's a good coach.
Pop HASN'T been running this offense to perfection for years though. This is literally the culmination of it all. There's a reason the spurs haven't won a title since 07. I won't act like the heat always close out on open shots, but when they do the spurs just drive and kick 3 more times on the same possession and end up with another open shot. The amount of ball movement on each possession, but more importantly the willingness to swing and lack of hesitation on the spurs part, is why they're getting all the wide open looks. The ball travels faster than players do, that's why it drives me ******* nuts watching my own rockets run isolations and let the defense settle in instead of constantly moving the ball and getting open looks.

You're lying to yourself thinking Tony Parker is somehow destroying LeBron. Nobody on the heat has consistently guarded any one player because of the amount of switching they're doing on the perimeter.
No body is Denying the spurs good Offense but dudes are acting like Pop ain't been running this Offense to perfection for YEARS!!!, this isn't some unstoppable immovable force man it's pick & roll offense Screens being Set, still not an excuse to Give up literally 8-10 WIDE OPEN 3's a game, that comes from an Effort standpoint man. Your acting like a team that's been to 3 straight finals has never saw a pick & Roll Before. Hell Throughout the season people were Raving about how they handled the Pick & Roll.

Not to mention that alot of these are being created By TP having the ability to drive directly into the Lane whenever he Wants & they put Lebron on him specifically to stop that. We always give Bron props for Shutting down (AKA the Heat can focus their team defense on one player) but when he was placed to slow Down TP he has done NOTHING to throw his game off. considering he had the same matchup for game 6&7 last year & did a phenomenal job against him, it's either effort on Lebrons part or TP has Magically gotten quicker and more elusive at his elder age.

:rofl: The hell are you even mumbling about? You're acting as if TP is the ONLY one out there killing the Heat. The ENTIRE team is killing them. Go a few posts up and peep those Spurs highlights. Dudes are out there running a clinic on them. Let me guess, if Bron was guarding Boris Diaw, your main focus would be how Boris Diaw is killing the heat. or if Bron was guarding Danny Green, you'd say how Danny Green is killing the Heat. Just stop it. We already know your weak agenda.
There's a reason getting to 4 finals is so hard , it's exhausting and everything has to go your way time and time again close game after close game.

It's an accomplishment in itself but these dudes appear to be out of gas, they are soooooo tired :lol:

They lack the passion of years past but they're only human , it's hard to maintain that initial hunger when you've won back to back rings and countless accolades and everybody is calling you the best player in the world hands down.

They're subconsciously complacent and are standing around with a sense of entitlement, look at those weak close outs and that Kawai putback slam. There were four heat players just standing there watching and that is the lack of effort that people are talking about.....it isn't there.
There's a drop off after them. I'd say the second tier of coaches is Carlye, Spoelstra...

Yes I said Spoelstra. True he's got the best player in the world, but his coaching moves are typically spot on. Nothing he can do against this Spurs team but theirs no denying he's a good coach.
Why does Thibodeau belong in that list?

What in the world has he ever done to be above Carlisle or Spoelstra?

The hype is absurd.
There's a reason getting to 4 finals is so hard , it's exhausting and everything has to go your way time and time again close game after close game.

It's an accomplishment in itself but these dudes appear to be out of gas, they are soooooo tired :lol:

They lack the passion of years past but they're only human , it's hard to maintain that initial hunger when you've won back to back rings and countless accolades and everybody is calling you the best player in the world hands down.

They're subconsciously complacent and are standing around with a sense of entitlement, look at those weak close outs and that Kawai putback slam. There were four heat players just standing there watching and that is the lack of effort that people are talking about.....it isn't there.

Don't wanna hear this "out if gas " BS. The east was complete trash and didn't ever require their starters to play to win. Wade played half the season. They're fine. Blame lebron for game after game of stat padding
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Pop HASN'T been running this offense to perfection for years though. This is literally the culmination of it all. There's a reason the spurs haven't won a title since 07. I won't act like the heat always close out on open shots, but when they do the spurs just drive and kick 3 more times on the same possession and end up with another open shot. The amount of ball movement on each possession, but more importantly the willingness to swing and lack of hesitation on the spurs part, is why they're getting all the wide open looks. The ball travels faster than players do, that's why it drives me ******* nuts watching my own rockets run isolations and let the defense settle in instead of constantly moving the ball and getting open looks.

You're lying to yourself thinking Tony Parker is somehow destroying LeBron. Nobody on the heat has consistently guarded any one player because of the amount of switching they're doing on the perimeter.

Nowhere did i say he destroyed Lebron I simply said Lebron (along with any other defender on the heat) hasn't done a thing to stop him from getting to the basket is that a lie? I simply used Lebron because people seem to tell me that he can shutdown players whenever he wants, and surely he would atleast be able to stay infront of TP and make him work hard to get to the paint.
Why does Thibodeau belong in that list?

What in the world has he ever done to be above Carlisle or Spoelstra?

The hype is absurd.

"His teams just play so hard and with a passion. His players would climb mountains for him. Oh they also play defense."

everybody talking about video game james needing to show up, the spurs as a team is in video game god mode. unless everybody has a good game for the heat, they are done.

heat defense isnt even that bad, the spurs are executing at an elite level right now. they are moving that ball without hesitation. unless heat get younger, longer, and more athletic by gm 4, the spurs will be getting those same shots.

every player that steps on the court is a threat and makes a contribution. you can knock tiago all you want, but he is even productive when he gets in the gm. pop is having a shorter leash on guys this finals. he doesnt have to rely on danny green getting hot bc beli and mills are ready to go if he is off
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No body is Denying the spurs good Offense but dudes are acting like Pop ain't been running this Offense to perfection for YEARS!!!, this isn't some unstoppable immovable force man it's pick & roll offense Screens being Set, still not an excuse to Give up literally 8-10 WIDE OPEN 3's a game, that comes from an Effort standpoint man. Your acting like a team that's been to 3 straight finals has never saw a pick & Roll Before. Hell Throughout the season people were Raving about how they handled the Pick & Roll.

Not to mention that alot of these are being created By TP having the ability to drive directly into the Lane whenever he Wants & they put Lebron on him specifically to stop that. We always give Bron props for Shutting down (AKA the Heat can focus their team defense on one player) but when he was placed to slow Down TP he has done NOTHING to throw his game off. considering he had the same matchup for game 6&7 last year & did a phenomenal job against him, it's either effort on Lebrons part or TP has Magically gotten quicker and more elusive at his elder age.

:lol: You do know the Spurs have been a top offense for as long as they've been running this offense to perfection right? They're not going to be easy to stop REGARDLESS

Bron on TP is pretty irrelevant. The rest of the Heat are getting cooked on the perimeter. And TP is just one of 5 options. Shutting him down does nothing considering everyone is out there running the offense.
This shouldn't even be a surprise to anyone, Miami's defense isn't as good as last years even with a "healthier" (i use that lightly) Wade. I don't even consider them the 2nd best team in the league by default behind the Spurs just because of how good the West is. Top 3-5 team sure.

Hope the Spurs can close this out in 5 just because of the unfortunate bounces that went against them last year in Game 6.

As for Lebron, he is asked to do everything. Score the most, get the most rebounds, be the PG and get the most assists, and guard the Spurs PG. I get on him often, but to say he is being passive is kind of idiotic when he is a guy who naturally tries to get his team going.
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I agree with that, Parker has had a very easy time getting in the paint. Your answer is to stick LeBron on him, which I'm also fine with, but then who guards green/Kawhi? Not to mention, the heat schematically are switching on the perimeter to avoid open looks off screens, so when LeBron is on Parker they just run him in circles until they get a switch, or exploit some other matchup. The spurs have an answer for practically everything Miami is doing.
The Spurs Crush the Heat Again, But in a Different Way

Same song, different verse.

The San Antonio Spurs — after defeating the Miami Heat in Game 4 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night — are one win away from a title. The score wasn’t close, 107-86 — the second game in a row that San Antonio dismantled Miami. But in Game 3, it was the Spurs’ offense overwhelming the Heat’s defense with a cascading set of inside-outside and side-to-side actions. In Game 4, the Spurs’ offense continued to perform at a high level, but it also tightened the screws defensively.

The Heat scored at a rate of 99.1 points per 100 possessions in Game 4, more than 13 points lower than Miami’s playoff average. The Spurs controlled the middle of the floor, a factor that manifested in several ways.

According to the NBA’s SportVU Player Tracking Box Score, San Antonio had an enormous rebounding advantage, not just in actual rebounds — 44 to 27 — but also in rebound chances (defined as any time a player is within 3.5 feetof a rebound), 68 to 46. The Spurs were consistently the aggressor around the basket.

That aggressiveness also showed in Game 4’s shot-contesting stats. The Heat were 15 of 34 (44 percent) on shots in the paint. Coming into the game, the Heat had made 64 percent of their shots in the paint, by far the best mark of any team in the playoffs. The Heat — athletic and loaded with finishers — can score in the paint even when a defender is there to challenge a shot. But the Spurs have gotten more aggressive, and it is bothering the Heat in traffic.

Miami’s Shooting Woes


San Antonio contested a slightly lower percentage of Miami’s shots in Game 4, but the Spurs were extremely effective, especially around the basket. The Heat couldn’t get shots to fall.

The Heat have turned the ball over on 18.7 percent of their possessions in the finals, well above the 15.8 percent they had averaged in the regular season. Many of the steals the Spurs are generating have come close to the basket, stripping the ball from a shooter as he heads for the rim. On San Antonio, Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard have been particularly active in this regard, combining for 15 steals and seven blocks in the finals so far.

The Spurs have strung together two of the best performances of the playoffs — one offensive and one defensive. It will take massive changes from Miami to push this series toward a competitive finish.
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what's the heat 's biggest lead in this series? i doubt it is even double digit, but i could be wrong. they probably have led less than 15 minutes throughout the series.
After game 2 everyone in this thread said MIA was going to walk. Two games later Wade needs to retire and the Heat to be blown up? Y'all are more dramatic than all my exes in Texas. For real.
This is the same same exact thing that happened with the Dallas Series in '11. These teams are evenly matched (Dallas was CLEARLY the inferior team Talent Wise) & the Heat have the Best Player on the floor, there is no reason they should be getting ran out of the building 3/4 games PERIOD.

SA wasn't this supreme team, full of Larry bird type shooters and this never before seen Offense when i was reading these post throughout the playoffs. they were Pegged as one of the best teams in the West but nobody was claiming they were clearly head & shoulders above the rest..... but now when the Heat are playing poorly in the finals AGAIN, here comes the guys acting as if the spurs are the most dominant team they have ever saw and the heat stand no chance against them... STOP IT.

identical to how suddenly Dirk and his group of middle aged role players suddenly became the best team of all time & had a legendary defense when they spanked MIAMI in 11' the narrative & perspectives for the teams always change when MIA faces them, they're very beatable when everyone else faces them but suddenly when MIA plays them these teams become unbeatble with no weaknesses that the King can exploit ?
Dwhistle isn't opting out. He'll collect this 40 mil over the next two and retire.

Everybody is talking about Lebron...I've said all year the biggest decision the Heat are going to have to make is what to do with Dwade. His best days are behind him, but with all he's done for the Heat over the years you can't wash your hands of him and move on. If he stays at 40 mil he severely handicaps the team from making moves to win another title. We will see this summer if Wade is truly about chips or Dwade.

IMO, he's gotta take a pay cut and agree to be the 3rd option behind James and Bosh. With Wade fading the Heat have to change the way they play. They need a presence on the block and play inside out. Bosh can be that guy because he has in the past and dominated. Besides that the heat don't need much to stay competitive...keep Birdman, Ray, Haslem, and Cole...lose everybody else. Find a young PG in the draft (Napier :nerd: ), put Bosh back in the post like he was in TDOT, Find a defensive minded 5 who at least poses a threat to block a shot, and try to find Wade's, Haslem's, and Ray's replacements in late draft picks. That's really the only way...they'll never be in the lottery as long as Lebron is healthy so they gotta build this team back up with good scouting and finding diamonds in the rough via the draft

Honestly, they don't need Carmelo they could do the above and be favorites in the east year after year.
Wade will opt out with James and Bosh and play for slightly less cash if Pat is chasing Lance or Melo. These dudes are all worth $100M+ they don't care about another $5M in salary. That's penny wise, pound foolish. They want a legacy. And Wade's job is easier if Melo is dropping buckets all season.
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Carmelo on the Heat in the future playing against another Team built like the Spurs will be the same results. Melo is going to play ISO ball and be gassed on defense.
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