2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Originally Posted by franchise3

Well, Ken Berger of CBS is giving a nod to Marcus Thompson (more credible anything GSW than Kawakami) insinuating that the W's did reject Monta for Mayo. Whoa.

smh.....wow...... just when u think gstate cant do any worse
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

People think Kobe is still in his prime? You guys clearly don't remember what prime Kobe was.

Prime got to the rim at will. This Kobe is in the stage every great athlete reaches where they themselves know they aren't as good but they are experienced enough to trick you into thinking they still are what they were. Now Kobe shoots jump shots, he's still really really good but he is not shock and awe like he use to be.
Stop it OKB.

You can't use logic with some Laker fans/Kobe stans.

If Big Z comes back to the Cavs as expected, this trade is huge.
Why we didn't look to deal Rudy for Monta?

They would rather trade away OJ than Rudy? If this really is true, I have lost faith in the front office. How would they even be able to re-sign Rudy if they had Ellis? That would mean Rudy would probably be moved as well. Conley/Monta would be a terrible backcourt. I don't mind Monta for Rudy, not OJ.
Oh, Chris Wallace...

Oh, Golden State Warriors...
Memphis needs an explosive guard in the backcourt, but not at the cost of OJ.

Its smart to replace an explosive SF (Gay) with an explosive guard (Ellis). Make a deal for a defensive SF by trading Conley, pick, etc. and you have your team. You don't have to worry about re-signing Rudy in the off-season and you have your explosive two guard to play beside OJ.
Yahoo Sports saying Rockets have recruited the Kings as a 3rd team to help facilitate McGrady to the Bulls. Idea in peril now that Salmons is headed to Milwaukee.
Too much to type out but Woj has a new article about the Rockets were trying to recruit Sac into a 3 way deal with ChiTown.

Basically the Rockets woulda got back trash.

Thank you Chicago for trading Salmons virtually killing this deal.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I have to give it up to EnEyeKayEe. He called it. Ferry basically leveraged interest in Amare to drive down Jamison's value

Ferry looking like a Genius.

P.S.:  I'd like to take this moment to amend some words we have shared in the past (same with OC

This is TRULY a great day for the Cleveland Cavaliers franchise and their fans (all of us on NT no matter how big of a homer you are).

And I repeat:
Z will be back.  Him and Danny Ferry played together.  Danny is closerwith Z than any player on the team.  Danny was in tears the night Zbroke the Cavs' career games played record this year.  I'm 99% positiveDanny talked to Z before this deal (or any potential deal was going togo down) and assured him he would be back.  Z's whole family is hereand he's been here his entire career.

If I'm wrong about Z, I will be COMPLETELY DUMBFOUNDED and I'll be in the same boat with Animal Thug.
Not to mention, Bron gave the final approval for the deal and he wouldn't throw Z under the bus either.  The Z to Dallas nonsense can stop NOW.
[h3]Now what for Amare?[/h3]
February, 17, 2010
Feb 17



By Chad Ford

Now that the Cleveland Cavaliers have made their big trade all eyes turn to Phoenix to see what the Suns will do with Amare Stoudemire.

Two sources told ESPN.com that the Suns called the Cavs this afternoon and told them they had decided against sending Amare to Cleveland. A few hours later the Cavs had completed a deal for Antawn Jamison.

That leaves the Miami Heat as the only known suitor for Amare. One source close to the process disputed what a Suns source told me earlier today about Miami's reluctance to give up draft picks for Amare. The Heat own the Raptors' and their own first-round draft picks this year.

"The Heat have offered a pick," the source said. "I think this comes down to, will they offer their second first-rounder as well?"

The question is, will the Heat offer more now they know their biggest competitor for Amare is out of the picture? Remember, the Heat can sign him straight up as a free agent this summer without giving up either pick.

If the Suns balk at making a deal with Miami, chances are they're keeping Amare. The only other potential suitor may be the Chicago Bulls. A source said the Bulls expressed interest in Amare earlier in the week, but they've been quiet on the Amare front since then.

If the Suns can't make a trade before Thursday's deadline, expect Amare to be unhappy.

"He's going to be upset," one source familiar with the process told ESPN.com. "He's been reading his names in the headlines every day. He's been wooed by Dwyane Wade and LeBron. It's time to move on."
I renounce being a fan of the Warriors until the organization is completely clean out. I am now offering my services to the Lakers (or Cavs if they win the tittle this year).
Timberwolves lose to the Caron-less, Antawn-less Wizards

Yeah, I know they have Howard now though.
ok so what is going on with the mcgrady situation exactly?!?!?.....im just saying if the bulls aren't gonna take them ...put him on the 2013 champs......(ny knicks!!!) lol
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Z will be back.  Him and Danny Ferry played together.  Danny is closerwith Z than any player on the team.  Danny was in tears the night Zbroke the Cavs' career games played record this year.  I'm 99% positiveDanny talked to Z before this deal (or any potential deal was going togo down) and assured him he would be back.  Z's whole family is hereand he's been here his entire career.

If I'm wrong about Z, I will be COMPLETELY DUMBFOUNDED and I'll be in the same boat with Animal Thug.
Not to mention, Bron gave the final approval for the deal and he wouldn't throw Z under the bus either.  The Z to Dallas nonsense can stop NOW.

Don't be sweatin.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I renounce being a fan of the Warriors until the organization is completely clean out. I am now offering my services to the Lakers (or Cavs if they win the tittle this year).
I thought you're a Lakers fan
I like what the Wiz are doing. If they can void Arenas' contract then they'll have a clean slate...tons of cap room, a lottery pick and a late 1st rounder.

Good move for Cleveland obviously. Amare would've been better but the price was probably too high.
Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

Jamison is bigger for the Cavs than some people think. The fact they got dude for PENNIES is just bananas. They finally did it... made a GREAT move.
You actually sound happy for them.

Originally Posted by prodigalson11

YahooSports saying Rockets have recruited the Kings as a 3rd team to helpfacilitate McGrady to the Bulls. Idea in peril now that Salmons isheaded to Milwaukee.
*$*! are these *$$$%! doing?

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought it was still being discussed. Stop *%*!%%* around trying to get Walsh w/ no vaseline...just do it already.
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