2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Bucks better waive some swingmen. They got too man SG/SF. My guess is the Stackhouse Era is coming to an end soon.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

DALLAS -- With center Erick Dampier out for an extended period, a source said the Dallas Mavericks plan to pursue Zydrunas Ilgauskas if he receives a buyout from the Washington Wizards.
Mark Cuban gettin his **%@ block on...

This would be a good look for the Mavs.
Does this Jamison trade dead the chances of Stoudemire to cleveland??

If so I really hope Stoudemire goes to Miami
From the looks of it, reports say that Z's contract will be bought out by the Wizards as they look to cut costs.
 That reassured the hell out of me
. But we can only hope...

For the wizards..Andray Blatche and Javale Mcgee in the frontcourt?  
 Good luck.
Jamison is bigger for the Cavs than some people think. The fact they got dude for PENNIES is just bananas. They finally did it... made a GREAT move.

Oh, and Telfair > Scrub Williams.
Good deal for the Cavs.

Everybody knows Z is coming back.

Let's just see how it all plays out.
I have to give it up to EnEyeKayEe. He called it. Ferry basically leveraged interest in Amare to drive down Jamison's value

Ferry looking like a Genius.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I'm salty about being bankrupt of picks now

Who is comparing Cleveland to Los Angeles? Why would that even matter in the first place? It's trades!

BOTHLamar Odom and Pau Gasol, two elite players, were brought to the Lakersvia trades. It's not like either of the players were choosing LAbecause it was a great spot to play and live at, they had no choice ofwhere they were going. Were they happy to go there? Sure. But they had no choice. Just like Jamison has no choice on whether ornot he wants to go to Cleveland. So why does the fact that it isCleveland, OH matter one bit? The Cleveland factor matters in free agency, but not intrades.

Kupchak traded what seemed like kibbles and bits at thetime for Pau Gasol. All the credit in the world goes to the GM forthat. What kind of move has Danny Ferry ever made (before this Antawnone because you were already giving him a ton of credit before thiseven broke) that put any sort of marquee player next to Lebron?

He hadn't when you made that statement.

Also, that GM of yours that "gives the franchise 100% effort plus some..." also gave Andy Varejao 42.5 over 6 years

Now we're hearing dude might have not secured Big Z to come back for the playoff run.



...I honestly didn't even see this.

Odom was brought to LA for SHAQ (while he was still a true force).  We have never had any coveted pieces to trade for since Bron has been here.  Also, Kobe wanted to be traded out of L.A. while Odom was still there, while throwing Bynum under the bus in a classic home video made at a local Walmart parking lot
.  The only reason he became somewhat happy was when they got Pau in one of the most lopsided trades in NBA history (at the time, I realize Marc is nice now).

I already knew we were going to get either Amar'e or Jamison when I made the statement.  The writing was on the wall...

I was 100% cool with giving Verejao that contract (as were most CLE fans).  He deserved it and AT THE TIME, he was the ONLY PF we had (Hickson was a nobody before this season).  Not to mention, he has only improved his game after he got the contract.  As much as NT wants to hate on him, he is hands down the best hustle player in the L and he is one of the better defenders in the L.

And you act like he hasn't improved the roster dramatically.  Please take a look at the roster Bron lead to the Finals at the age of 22 and then check out the roster now (even before 'twan).  It is NIGHT and DAY.

Z will be back.  Him and Danny Ferry played together.  Danny is closer with Z than any player on the team.  Danny was in tears the night Z broke the Cavs career games played record this year.  I'm 99% positive Danny talked to Z before this deal (or any potential deal was going to go down) and assured him he would be back.  Z's whole family is here and he's been here his entire career.

If I'm wrong about Z, I will be DUMBFOUNDED and I'll be in the same boat with Animal Thug.  You can also take back everything I said about Danny Ferry.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

For the wizards..Andray Blatche and Javale Mcgee in the frontcourt?  
 Good luck.
47 points, 24 rebounds, 3 steals and 6 blocks; 21-32 from the field.

i was going to say that. AND that got a win.

The lakers need to get someone who could defend quicker pgs, but other then that, they're fine to me imo. maybe a backup big too but eh.

kirk hinrich would be perfect. give them adam morrison + dj? (expiring cap relief for bulls) although i think the bulls need hinrich more then they really think.
Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

It'd be funny if Big Z shoots down a bunch of offers to go back to the Cavs for the vets minimum.


 Theres nothing really funny because thats his only option. 
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