2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

i hope washington doesn't buy out z's contract
Originally Posted by clkru

I swear that Kobe fans live in some bizarro reality where he is this supreme being.

I respect Kobe as a great player and all, but he's getting old and slowing down. He's still a lot better than most of the NBA - arguably better individually than anyone not named LeBron - but he's clearly lost a step.

ummmm.....you joking right??? didnt i see you in the shoe review section bashing the kobe v and saying you are just doing your duty as a proud kobe hater? now hes a great player and you respect him?
Odd move by the Cavs.

In the short-term, it's great because they got a great player without giving up much, but in the long-term, they have committed a lot of salary space to an a 33 year old player. I guess their thinking is that if they win the title this year, LeBron is more likely to stay. But would LeBron really be excited to resign with a team whose 2nd and 3rd best players (arguably, Twan and Shaq), are nearing the end of their careers?
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by Al3xis

KB is NOT declining...he's just hurt at the moment

....it's not just a river
Please KB was arguably having his best season ever before these freak myriad of injuries started happening. He's getting older yes, but his skill level is actually getting higher and better with age. Those who think he's declining will be in for a rude awakening when the playoffs start.

Dude give me a break. What "skills" are you talking about? His game has been the same for the past 5 years. If anything his defense has taken a noticeable decline and yes these nagging injuries are the sign of a player in decline. Obviously he's still one of the best players but let's not say he's a player still in his peak which is what you're implying.
post game this season not many players can add something like that at this point

Cmon son u serious? You're telling me Kobe hasnt had a post game for the past 5 years?
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by Al3xis

KB is NOT declining...he's just hurt at the moment

....it's not just a river
Please KB was arguably having his best season ever before these freak myriad of injuries started happening. He's getting older yes, but his skill level is actually getting higher and better with age. Those who think he's declining will be in for a rude awakening when the playoffs start.

Dude give me a break. What "skills" are you talking about? His game has been the same for the past 5 years. If anything his defense has taken a noticeable decline and yes these nagging injuries are the sign of a player in decline. Obviously he's still one of the best players but let's not say he's a player still in his peak which is what you're implying.
post game this season not many players can add something like that at this point
Cmon son u serious? You're telling me Kobe hasnt had a post game for the past 5 years?

as polished as it this season?? no he has never done work in the post like he did this season, he may have always had it but he has taken it to another level this year..

why do u dudes make everything about us?

we havent even made a move HOP OFF!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by clkru

I swear that Kobe fans live in some bizarro reality where he is this supreme being.

I respect Kobe as a great player and all, but he's getting old and slowing down. He's still a lot better than most of the NBA - arguably better individually than anyone not named LeBron - but he's clearly lost a step.

ummmm.....you joking right??? didnt i see you in the shoe review section bashing the kobe v and saying you are just doing your duty as a proud kobe hater? now hes a great player and you respect him?

Sprained Ankles and broken fingers are common in basketball and before he started playing with those injuries he was actually shooting near 49% (or 50% not sure) and he was actually contending for an MVP against Lebron. He hasn't show any signs of decline, if anything he has become better than his previous 2 years.
So is Nate Robinson for Eddie House and Giddens official done yet?

Would have liked to see Nate play tomorrow against the Lakers.
well atleast animal thug is keeping it real and showing his frustration. you get amare and you get a legit superstar and number 2 scorer plus you kill all talk of lebron leaving and be favored for the title this year. You get jamison and well....good....but it doesnt guarantee anything...

You dont let an opportunity like that pass you by
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

So is Nate Robinson for Eddie House and Giddens official done yet?

Would have liked to see Nate play tomorrow against the Lakers.
why u tryen to see nate eat up Fish
you got B-More native Melo on the market in 2011 and DMV native Kevin Durant on the market in 2011 as well

when did this players want to go back to there home town and play crap start? and what history do we have that supports this theory?

and KD will never hit the market if his agent has a clue, he will take that max deal before the NBA changes the max contract rules
No way Memphis would be trading OJ away for Monta. They would be shopping the wrong guard instead of looking to deal Conley or Rudy.

The Warriors probably offered it, not Memphis. Monta and Gay would not work out. It would have to be OJ/Monta in the backcourt or nothing at all.
If the Warriors offered it, then the title to TK's blog is wrong and extremely misleading.

I don't like the guy, but I doubt he made it up or changed it around.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

you got B-More native Melo on the market in 2011 and DMV native Kevin Durant on the market in 2011 as well

when did this players want to go back to there home town and play crap start? and what history do we have that supports this theory?

and KD will never hit the market if his agent has a clue, he will take that max deal before the NBA changes the max contract rules
Bullets/Wizards have historically made pushes for dudes with area ties (at lease through the draft)....b-more isn't really considered the "area," but you get the clue.....doing this through free agency is a different story, and they haven't really been in the position to make these types of decisions/moves.

it's EXTREMELY far-fetched, but the bottom line is the Wizards have to be smart with their money...but if there is even a remote chance to land either Melo or KD in 2011, you make that effort....

*I'm also glad you looked into your crystal ball and figured out what Durant is going to do when he's about to hit the market.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I swear if Z won't be able to come back after 30 days, all respect is lost for Ferry. (If indeed this trade is official).

That's exactly what's gonna happen though. The trade doesn't surprise me at all. 
lol@ these clowns saying kobe is breaking down

anybody can break their finger and step on lamar's foot and have some dude dive on your ankle AT ANY AGE
that is why he is out
Dumb move by the cabs IMO if espn is correct, the deal breaker with the suns was Hickson. So you pass on teaming up bron and Amare for a dude that'll be another Verajao at best. That's just dumb. Yeah amare's gonna want a new contract but him and bron would have had the cavs at or near the top of the east for years. A 33 year old Jamison has got what 2 productive years left and a huge contract. The cavs better take it this year it may be bron's last chance for a while
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