2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

I swear that Kobe fans live in some bizarro reality where he is this supreme being.

I respect Kobe as a great player and all, but he's getting old and slowing down. He's still a lot better than most of the NBA - arguably better individually than anyone not named LeBron - but he's clearly lost a step.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Al3xis

So it hasn't occurred to you that those injuries may be a product of age?

You can't honestly believe he's still at the peak of his game. It happens. To everyone.

im sorry but if shaq is still going at it at 38 kobe is NOT breaking down at 31...
You're right, Shaq hasn't lost a step.

and the game Kobe left with back spasms never occurred.

All clear here.


hes out because of odom stepping on his foot and damaging his ankle even more.... you sound like a kobe/laker hater WISHING he was on the decline.

carry on though. in about 5 years you will be correct though
maybe then the knicks would be worth watching

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Vid of Jamison leaving....

That Bentley is SICK....

and yes that is Drew Gooden riding shotgun
I wish I could here the conversation between him and bum $%* Gooden.
big time move for the cavs even though i would have preferred Amare obviously. it helps them at the 4 spot with someone who can shot and JJ coming off the bench will be solid and if they get Z back they will be deeper.

anyone think this move locks LBJ in after this summer?
wow. Cav's now have a legitimate 2nd guy that can put in 20pts and 8 reb a game. Lebron may lead the league in assists now..

but what if the Wiz don't cut Z and Cleveland doesn't have a back up center? Shaq gets tired after 5 minutes on the floor.
Who is comparing Cleveland to Los Angeles? Why would that even matter in the first place? It's trades!

BOTHLamar Odom and Pau Gasol, two elite players, were brought to the Lakersvia trades. It's not like either of the players were choosing LAbecause it was a great spot to play and live at, they had no choice ofwhere they were going. Were they happy to go there? Sure. But they had no choice. Just like Jamison has no choice on whether ornot he wants to go to Cleveland. So why does the fact that it isCleveland, OH matter one bit? The Cleveland factor matters in free agency, but not intrades.

Kupchak traded what seemed like kibbles and bits at thetime for Pau Gasol. All the credit in the world goes to the GM forthat. What kind of move has Danny Ferry ever made (before this Antawnone because you were already giving him a ton of credit before thiseven broke) that put any sort of marquee player next to Lebron?

He hadn't when you made that statement.

Also, that GM of yours that "gives the franchise 100% effort plus some..." also gave Andy Varejao 42.5 over 6 years

Now we're hearing dude might have not secured Big Z to come back for the playoff run.


Tawn looked happy as hell to be outa there.

Hes a good guy though, great lockeroom guy, wont complain, and really cares about winning.
Originally Posted by clkru

I swear that Kobe fans live in some bizarro reality where he is this supreme being.

I respect Kobe as a great player and all, but he's getting old and slowing down. He's still a lot better than most of the NBA - arguably better individually than anyone not named LeBron - but he's clearly lost a step.
yes we are crazy because we refuse to believe a man that just won a championship a few months ago is on the decline

stop it
Mike, we don't know what he's about, but while the Clip organization is sad, Kaman, Griffin, EG, BDiddy, even if he is over the hill and the chance to live in LA? Not that bad a proposition.

And yeah, no way Mayo was being offered for Ellis
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Vid of Jamison leaving....


That Bentley is SICK....

and yes that is Drew Gooden riding shotgun
I wish I could here the conversation between him and bum $%* Gooden.
Gooden: "On the real though 'Tawn... You think you can put in a good word for me? I ain't got nowhere to go...

Originally Posted by franchise3

Tim Kawakami, Bay Area sportswriter says the Warriors turned down OJ Mayo + filler for Monta.

..I don't believe him. Doubt the Grizz would give up on Mayo like that

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Rightguard

please explain to me what the wizards are getting?

an empty arena

Wiz are getting cap space, and are now officially under the lux tax.  The moves this afternoon were HUGE.  It's going to be an interesting offseason seeing the Wizards now have a little flexibility in who they can go after in FA....I hope they don't make the same mistakes as the pistons this past off season and feel like the have to spend their money....2011...you got Baltimore native Melo on the market....and

Spoiler [+]


Of course both are far fetched
, but the bottom line is the Wizards have to be smart and approach re-building in the right way.  Hopefully they can score a top 3 pick in this years draft and get a guy like Wall, Turner, Cousins, or Favors....from there...just be patient. 

Moving Jamison (to me) gives me the impression the team will try to void Gil's contract.  He's not a guy you want to build around, and there has to be a new face of the franchise from here on out....

i still think they should have kept jamison. im no fan but wasnt he the captain? and atleast someone the fans could look forward to coming to the game to watch. if you guys stay stuck with gil i dont think wizards would be an attractive place free agents would want to go...

i mean they should have atleast kept 1 vet in jamison to mentor young guys like mcgee or young
i feel what you're saying because i really liked Jamison as a person, but at the end of the day.. his contract was atrocious, and he's 33 years old. he needed to go.

we have a TON of cap space now.  Oberto, Skinner, James, Howard, Singleton, Boykins and Miller off the books, plus a top pick in the draft...things are looking good now. this is solid for the Wiz.

Cavs fans i'm warning you, Jamison does not play a LICK of defense. i expect to see a lot of "
come on Antawn, play some D!" posts from Cavs fans come playoff time
Originally Posted by DaeWing

wow. Cav's now have a legitimate 2nd guy that can put in 20pts and 8 reb a game. Lebron may lead the league in assists now..

but what if the Wiz don't cut Z and Cleveland doesn't have a back up center? Shaq gets tired after 5 minutes on the floor.
          They have sideshow bob as backup center and Hickson as PF.
Washington made out in this deal, imo. Jamison has an albatross of a contract and is past his prime. I thought it would be almost impossible to get out of his deal, but they were able to with a 1st rounder.

Jamison's crap deal returns a 1st rounder, but Butler's manageable contract along with a legit Center doesn't??
Strong move by the cavs BUT.......orlando is also not to be reckoned with. we'll get a good look at the new look cavs this sunday.
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

big time move for the cavs even though i would have preferred Amare obviously. it helps them at the 4 spot with someone who can shot and JJ coming off the bench will be solid and if they get Z back they will be deeper.

anyone think this move locks LBJ in after this summer?

no because it wasnt a move for the long run.

if he wins a title this year he will no doubt in my mind leave.

if he doesnt win a title this year if he has any heart and pride which i KNOW he has to have i think he is more likely to stick around but not certain

almost half of their team is aging veterans

they dont have any young players with upside
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Washington made out in this deal, imo. Jamison has an albatross of a contract and is past his prime. I thought it would be almost impossible to get out of his deal, but they were able to with a 1st rounder.

Jamison's crap deal returns a 1st rounder, but Butler's manageable contract along with a legit Center doesn't??
well, the Mavs also gave up Josh Howard. i wish we got more from that deal, but no way we could have negotiated a first rounder on top of Howard and Gooden. 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Rightguard

please explain to me what the wizards are getting?

an empty arena

Wiz are getting cap space, and are now officially under the lux tax.  The moves this afternoon were HUGE.  It's going to be an interesting offseason seeing the Wizards now have a little flexibility in who they can go after in FA....I hope they don't make the same mistakes as the pistons this past off season and feel like the have to spend their money....2011...you got Baltimore native Melo on the market....and

Spoiler [+]


Of course both are far fetched
, but the bottom line is the Wizards have to be smart and approach re-building in the right way.  Hopefully they can score a top 3 pick in this years draft and get a guy like Wall, Turner, Cousins, or Favors....from there...just be patient. 

Moving Jamison (to me) gives me the impression the team will try to void Gil's contract.  He's not a guy you want to build around, and there has to be a new face of the franchise from here on out....

i still think they should have kept jamison. im no fan but wasnt he the captain? and atleast someone the fans could look forward to coming to the game to watch. if you guys stay stuck with gil i dont think wizards would be an attractive place free agents would want to go...

i mean they should have atleast kept 1 vet in jamison to mentor young guys like mcgee or young

Personally, it does suck to see Jamison go.  I'm happy as hell that he's got a chance to win a ring (although I hope he doesn't
).  He was the captain, but he is also 33 years old and owed close to 30 mil over the next 2 years.  Giving him that contract last year was stupid as hell, and I'm happy that they finally got him off the books from that perspective.  As far as Washington not being the most desirable FA destination.....if there's money, FA's will be interested.  It's up to the Wizards to carefully see who they want to give the cash to, and who they want to build around.  I mentioned the Pistons before, and I think they are the exact opposite of what a team should do when they have some money to spend.  Rather than foolishly give dudes money who aren't worth it, sometimes it's better to be patient. 

Going back to the younger guys on the team....Jamison has been Young's teammate for 3 years and McGee's for 2.  Yeah, this is a team full of knuckleheads, but I think that a cheaper alternative from a leadership/veteran presence standpoint can be had at some point down the line.  There are plenty of guys out there that you can bring in to be a calming/positive influence on some of these guys like Blatche, Young, McGee, etc....Those younger guys now have the ball in their hands (no pun), and can grow and do things without really having to look over their backs.  Todd is gone, Butler is gone, and now Jamison is gone....this is their time to learn the ropes and take their lumps.  As crazy as it sounds, I would keep Mike Miller around.  He's an expiring contract, but he's the exact type of dude that would be a good influence on the younger players on this roster.  He hustles his +@@ off, he's unselfish, says the right things, and could mentor these guys without getting too frustrated with the W/L record. 

This roster is going to look totally different next year.  Only Quintin Ross and Al Thornton will remain from the players who were just traded.  It's going to be a team that will probably be a 15 win or less squad for the upcoming season.  Hopefully, the Wiz can secure a top 3 pick and have a good plan as to what to do with their $$....you got B-More native Melo on the market in 2011 and DMV native Kevin Durant on the market in 2011 as well....just sayin'
  Bottom line, they need to figure out who is going to be the face of the franchise and get people interested in Wizards basketball again.  It can happen, but the front office needs to be smart.  I never thought the day would come when the Washington Capitals would be the hottest and hardest ticket to get at the Verizon Center. 
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