2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Antawn Jamison told a group of reporters he couldn't talk, then got into his Maybach & drove away. Drew Gooden was in the passenger seat.

from lee
An Ilgauskas buyout is not part of the trade under league rules. That is up to Z and the Wizards but it is quite plausible.

from windhorst

if i was jamison i would be so happy
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by prodigalson11

Per Washington Post -

Antawn has been traded to Cleveland.

   Now you're talkin.  Depending on what they give up, Jamison in Cleveland is a big big move.  THAT'S a power move. 

your being sarcastic right? they should have just held on to donyell marshall cuz thats what they gettin

never was a fan of jamison. always thought he was soft even when he was on g state.
I was hoping the Cavs didn't get Jaminson would of been happier with Amare. Jaminson rebounds and can spread the floor much better than Amare. Amare rebounds like a guard.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Honestly... i still think the Cavs are one move away. They should try to package jj and parker for a bigger/younger/athletic 2 guard like Gay.


Cavs starting to put it together if they can bring Jamison in. It seems like no team in the East can mess with them. This just makes things more interesting.

Gooden is just a toss junt.
@!%*%! sign long term contracts with teams expecting to be able to set their families up and play there for awhile.

yes he gets the chance to win a title, but you have to understand why he would be upset.
Originally Posted by clkru

I hope Bron wins the title this year, and he should now that he has legit help onboard. Kobe is injured and declining, the Celts are declining, the Magic are still trying to figure out which Vince is showing up to play on a given night, and every other team is simply second tier.

I say its LeBron's league for the next couple of years until Kevin Durant steps up to challenge him.

Its just too bad KD continue becoming "that guy" in a Seattle Sonics uniform like he should (damn Clay Bennett).
Fixed. KB is NOT declining...he's just hurt at the moment. The Lakers aren't going anywhere and other teams Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Denver either are or are trying to make strides. Let's let Bron win 1 title first before crowing him running the league for the next years. I do agree with you on the Thunder part, they will continue to be a force to be reckoned with.
Yeah, they definitely still need a wing, but i guess they'll do. they're definitely getting to the ECF, for sure though. im not so sure about beating Orlando, and whoever wins the west yet.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by prodigalson11

Per Washington Post -

Antawn has been traded to Cleveland.

   Now you're talkin.  Depending on what they give up, Jamison in Cleveland is a big big move.  THAT'S a power move. 

your being sarcastic right? they should have just held on to donyell marshall cuz thats what they gettin

never was a fan of jamison. always thought he was soft even when he was on g state.
Yo man, let the record show that I was the dude that said the Cavs were not a championship caliber team at all.  And I got HAMMERED for it by Cavs fans/and Allen. 

I like Jamison and his game, I think he makes them dangerous.  A little bit in the Lamar Odom mold, not the same game, just the little do everything way the affect a game.  One day it could be points, the next rebounds, sometimes it's spreak the floor and length, etc etc. 

So I am willing to lift the chip caliber ban on them, however, I still see them gettin beat down in either the conference finals, or the NBA finals. 

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

the only herb is you talking about championship caliber team and then act like a pansy *$! *#%++ and punking out on the bet.

Church!! But like i said, see you in the finals.
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Honestly... i still think the Cavs are one move away. They should try to package jj and parker for a bigger/younger/athletic 2 guard like Gay.

That would be too much. Rudy is Lebron 2.0 it wouldn't work.

that is a terrible comparison...
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Honestly... i still think the Cavs are one move away. They should try to package jj and parker for a bigger/younger/athletic 2 guard like Gay.

That would be too much. Rudy is Lebron 2.0 it wouldn't work.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Honestly... i still think the Cavs are one move away. They should try to package jj and parker for a bigger/younger/athletic 2 guard like Gay.

That would be too much. Rudy is Lebron 2.0 it wouldn't work.
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Hope the Cavs are ready for Jamisons masterful defensive skills

Last time I checked, one person doesn't make up a defense of a starting five.
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