[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by mogzz04

Jesus Christ if we end up with Amare, at LOs expense at that, I'd be worse than CP in this thread

No, if we get Amary, I'D be worse then CP in this thread.

I'll be the first idiot to get myself banned in my own teams thread.

This better not happen.
Originally Posted by travman24

Anybody hear the crazy RUMOR of a sign & trade of LO for Amare? I wouldn't know how to feel it this happened. We lose/gain so much at the same time.
this would be absolutely insane & ridiculous

where did you hear this? lol
Lamar won't be back....

I am wrapping my mind around that right now.

We have 84 mil committed for next season WITHOUT Lamar having a deal. If the Luxury tax cap drops like they say it will after next season, we will be payingclose to 28 mil in luxury tax. I don't see Buss doing that.

I hope and pray he comes back...but I just don't see it happening.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Lamar won't be back....

I am wrapping my mind around that right now.

We have 84 mil committed for next season WITHOUT Lamar having a deal. If the Luxury tax cap drops like they say it will after next season, we will be paying close to 28 mil in luxury tax. I don't see Buss doing that.

I hope and pray he comes back...but I just don't see it happening.

if we sign him then the team is going to get blown up even if we repeat. Once the cap drops 10 mil it's over. I mean kobe will be taking up half our caproom...
damn, it's sad to really think about it like that, but you made a valid point tupac

I'm hoping that some way some how move gets made to keep Lamar. maybe Mitch can work some magic and unload some of our ugly players
@$%%%%+ teams throwin 2yr 21 million dollar and 5 yr 50 million dollar deals around like its nothin arent helpin us at all
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

@$%%%%+ teams throwin 2yr 21 million dollar and 5 yr 50 million dollar deals around like its nothin arent helpin us at all

word varejo got bucks...ima feel horrible for LO
i'm still look at trevor coming back sometime down the line. but i see the sadness behind that smile.
Come on! We need LO back.... Alright, maybe not need, but I'm sure many would agree that he's a piece of the puzzle for the Lakers. Damn salary caprestrictions just further tightening the belt.
Article from a guy at CL

By: Eric Pincus Last Updated: 7/9/09 4:44 PM ET | 13356 times read

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Business deals fall apart all the time.

For fans of the Los Angeles Lakers,it's difficult to understand how quickly TrevorArizawent from NBA Finals hero to an expatriate HoustonRocket.

Equally, there's a palpable excitement surrounding Trevor's replacement, former Defensive Player of the Year, RonArtest.

The Lakers may eventually prove to be better than they were a year ago but until free agent LamarOdomis re-signed, the franchise has taken a step backwards. LA just doesn't have a proven big man behind Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum without the versatileOdom.

With teams like the Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks and Orlando Magic retooling to challenge the Lakers, keepingLamar is General Manager Mitch Kupchak'stop priority.

With the Lakers and Odom's representatives still far apart in talks, Kupchak can only profess to be "hopeful" that a compromise will bereached.

In acquiring Artest, the Lakers added a high impact player on both ends of the floor. At the Mid-Level Exception (MLE, ~$5.85 million), he's abargain.

"I would say that today," said Kupchak, "where he is in his career . . . Ron is a better player."



Richardson/Randolph Swap Delayed a Week: The agreed to deal between the Memphis Grizzlies and Los Angeles Clippers...
Kobe Bryant Checks In: Kobe Bryant of the L.A. Lakers takes a moment to talk about Kobe...
NBA Chat with Eric Pincus: HOOPSWORLD Senior Writer Eric Pincus answers your questions about the L.A. ...

View Eric Pincus Archive

Ariza was well liked by the organization but it became clear very quickly that his agent (David Lee) and the Lakers had divergent expectations.

"We didn't know that we would have an impasse so quickly in trying to keep this team together with Trevor Ariza," said Kupchak at Artest'sintroductory press conference. "As general manger you make a list of players based on 'What if?' Quickly after June 30th it became apparent thatwe wouldn't be able to keep the team together and Ron was available."

Lee was adamant than his client was worth at least $7 or $8 million a season. The Lakers simply didn't have that amount in their budget and believedmarket value was much lower than the asking price.

Ariza would go on to take even less money with the Rockets than what LA was willing to spend. By then the Lakers had already moved on to Plan B.

"I thought maybe as we continued to talk that maybe there would be some meeting of the middle ground within 24 hours but it moves so quickly and youhave to go on feel," said Kupchak. "I just didn't feel that we were going to be able to make a deal. If we did it would preclude us frombringing back the other players that we wanted to bring back."

The Lakers have already re-signed Shannon Brown for the team's $1.99 million Bi-Annual Exception. The deal is for two years but Brown can opt out nextsummer. By then, LA would have his "Bird" or "Early Bird" Rights" and greater flexibility in a longer, more lucrative deal.

Now the question remains Lamar Odom . . .

With Artest signed at $5.85 million, the Lakers are committed to $83.8 million in salary for the upcoming season. With the luxury tax threshold dropping to$69.9 million, some $13.9 million in taxes have pushed the total payroll to $97.8 million.

Re-signing Odom at even $7 million could jump the Lakers up to $111.8 million . . . and Lamar's agent is looking for closer to $10 million.

Had the Lakers given $7 million to both Ariza and Odom (along with Brown), the payroll would have climbed to at least $115.5 million.

"We've always tried to make good basketball/business decisions. You know [team owner] Dr. Buss, this is what he does. He doesn't have asoftware company. He doesn't own a manufacturing company," said Kupchak. "He owns the Lakers and this is his life . . . and I think that'sgood because it forces him to pay close attention to gather information so he can make good decisions."

With the league projecting that the luxury tax threshold will drop significantly next season, the Lakers are looking at consecutive years of recordpayroll.

"It will be a sizable bump, there's no doubt about it," said Kupchak. On some $10-15 mil extra in taxes, "I don't think maybe . . .I think that's for sure."

Is that a fee Dr. Buss is willing to pay without cutting into the team's nucleus?

"The family, and this came up in the meeting on July 1st, we ended up talking financial terms for an hour or two," said Kupchak. "At the endof the conversation, [Buss] looks at [me] and says 'But we're so damn competitive.'

"So it's almost like the thing you talked about for the last hour almost begin to go out the door because he wants to win," conceded the LakerGM. "I think the balance is that he's knowledgeable enough to make a good decision when it involves basketball and business."

Mitch acknowledged that finances have gotten in the way before for the Lakers.

"We do have to make hard decisions. A year ago we let Ronny Turiaf go to Golden State and that was something we didn't want to do. Four years agowe let Derek Fisher go to Golden State. Those are tough things you have to do but by and large, [Buss] wants to put the team with the resources he has in aposition to win."

Even now, Kupchak still can't be sure that economics won't get in the way of returning Odom. If he does end up signing with another team, theLakers wouldn't have any spending power to replace him beyond minimum contracts (and potential trades).

One option was to fashion a dual sign and trade with the Rockets for Ariza and Artest. That would have necessitated the inclusion of other players likeBrian Cook, Adam Morrison and potentially BrentBarry. The extraneous names wouldn't be the goal, but such a deal could have preserved the Lakers Mid-Level Exception (providing similar relief to Houston aswell) and a chance to shop for an Odom alternative.

Sources say the Rockets were open to the idea but LA was not . . .

"You know something, in this business if you try to get too cute, something's probably going to go wrong. The quickest and easiest route to getRon Artest would be to get him to sign the Mid-Level," answered Mitch. "Once you start talking about sign and trades, other general managers becomeinvolved; other representatives become involved. You go from three people (which are myself, the agent and Ron) to dealing with at least six people. Myexperience tells me that those things rarely work out if ever."

Would Kupchak's aversion to complicating the Artest deal suggest an underlying confidence that an Odom deal can be hashed out? There doesn't appearto be a clear-cut Plan B in this case . . .

"I'm hopeful," is all he would admit. "I can't be any stronger and I don't know how strong a word that is but I am hopeful. Ithink we have a chance now."

If the Lakers do indeed bring back Odom, is Mitch comfortable enough with the roster as it is to bring this group to training camp?

"It's a big assumption," he replied. "I have no idea if we're going to be in a position to do that, but yes."

Now it's just a matter of time and negotiation. Lamar's other avenues seem to be dwindling but it's his agent's responsibility to leave nostone unturned.

"I'd like to get some clarity in the next day or two or three," said Mitch.

In the meantime, Kupchak is grateful to have the Artest signing locked in.

"To say that we planned this a week ago would be completely untrue but when it became apparent we couldn't keep the team together," saidKupchak. "And to be able to move quickly and get a player like Ron Artest . . . I can't begin to tell you how fortunate we are. I think thatpotentially we can be a better team and I believe that."
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Article from a guy at CL

By: Eric Pincus Last Updated: 7/9/09 4:44 PM ET | 13356 times read

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Business deals fall apart all the time.

For fans of the Los Angeles Lakers, it's difficult to understand how quickly Trevor Ariza went from NBA Finals hero to an expatriate Houston Rocket.

Equally, there's a palpable excitement surrounding Trevor's replacement, former Defensive Player of the Year, Ron Artest.

The Lakers may eventually prove to be better than they were a year ago but until free agent Lamar Odom is re-signed, the franchise has taken a step backwards. LA just doesn't have a proven big man behind Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum without the versatile Odom.

With teams like the Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks and Orlando Magic retooling to challenge the Lakers, keeping Lamar is General Manager Mitch Kupchak's top priority.

With the Lakers and Odom's representatives still far apart in talks, Kupchak can only profess to be "hopeful" that a compromise will be reached.

In acquiring Artest, the Lakers added a high impact player on both ends of the floor. At the Mid-Level Exception (MLE, ~$5.85 million), he's a bargain.

"I would say that today," said Kupchak, "where he is in his career . . . Ron is a better player."



Richardson/Randolph Swap Delayed a Week: The agreed to deal between the Memphis Grizzlies and Los Angeles Clippers...
Kobe Bryant Checks In: Kobe Bryant of the L.A. Lakers takes a moment to talk about Kobe...
NBA Chat with Eric Pincus: HOOPSWORLD Senior Writer Eric Pincus answers your questions about the L.A. ...

View Eric Pincus Archive

Ariza was well liked by the organization but it became clear very quickly that his agent (David Lee) and the Lakers had divergent expectations.

"We didn't know that we would have an impasse so quickly in trying to keep this team together with Trevor Ariza," said Kupchak at Artest's introductory press conference. "As general manger you make a list of players based on 'What if?' Quickly after June 30th it became apparent that we wouldn't be able to keep the team together and Ron was available."

Lee was adamant than his client was worth at least $7 or $8 million a season. The Lakers simply didn't have that amount in their budget and believed market value was much lower than the asking price.

Ariza would go on to take even less money with the Rockets than what LA was willing to spend. By then the Lakers had already moved on to Plan B.

"I thought maybe as we continued to talk that maybe there would be some meeting of the middle ground within 24 hours but it moves so quickly and you have to go on feel," said Kupchak. "I just didn't feel that we were going to be able to make a deal. If we did it would preclude us from bringing back the other players that we wanted to bring back."

The Lakers have already re-signed Shannon Brown for the team's $1.99 million Bi-Annual Exception. The deal is for two years but Brown can opt out next summer. By then, LA would have his "Bird" or "Early Bird" Rights" and greater flexibility in a longer, more lucrative deal.

Now the question remains Lamar Odom . . .

With Artest signed at $5.85 million, the Lakers are committed to $83.8 million in salary for the upcoming season. With the luxury tax threshold dropping to $69.9 million, some $13.9 million in taxes have pushed the total payroll to $97.8 million.

Re-signing Odom at even $7 million could jump the Lakers up to $111.8 million . . . and Lamar's agent is looking for closer to $10 million.

Had the Lakers given $7 million to both Ariza and Odom (along with Brown), the payroll would have climbed to at least $115.5 million.

"We've always tried to make good basketball/business decisions. You know [team owner] Dr. Buss, this is what he does. He doesn't have a software company. He doesn't own a manufacturing company," said Kupchak. "He owns the Lakers and this is his life . . . and I think that's good because it forces him to pay close attention to gather information so he can make good decisions."

With the league projecting that the luxury tax threshold will drop significantly next season, the Lakers are looking at consecutive years of record payroll.

"It will be a sizable bump, there's no doubt about it," said Kupchak. On some $10-15 mil extra in taxes, "I don't think maybe . . . I think that's for sure."

Is that a fee Dr. Buss is willing to pay without cutting into the team's nucleus?

"The family, and this came up in the meeting on July 1st, we ended up talking financial terms for an hour or two," said Kupchak. "At the end of the conversation, [Buss] looks at [me] and says 'But we're so damn competitive.'

"So it's almost like the thing you talked about for the last hour almost begin to go out the door because he wants to win," conceded the Laker GM. "I think the balance is that he's knowledgeable enough to make a good decision when it involves basketball and business."

Mitch acknowledged that finances have gotten in the way before for the Lakers.

"We do have to make hard decisions. A year ago we let Ronny Turiaf go to Golden State and that was something we didn't want to do. Four years ago we let Derek Fisher go to Golden State. Those are tough things you have to do but by and large, [Buss] wants to put the team with the resources he has in a position to win."

Even now, Kupchak still can't be sure that economics won't get in the way of returning Odom. If he does end up signing with another team, the Lakers wouldn't have any spending power to replace him beyond minimum contracts (and potential trades).

One option was to fashion a dual sign and trade with the Rockets for Ariza and Artest. That would have necessitated the inclusion of other players like Brian Cook, Adam Morrison and potentially Brent Barry. The extraneous names wouldn't be the goal, but such a deal could have preserved the Lakers Mid-Level Exception (providing similar relief to Houston as well) and a chance to shop for an Odom alternative.

Sources say the Rockets were open to the idea but LA was not . . .

"You know something, in this business if you try to get too cute, something's probably going to go wrong. The quickest and easiest route to get Ron Artest would be to get him to sign the Mid-Level," answered Mitch. "Once you start talking about sign and trades, other general managers become involved; other representatives become involved. You go from three people (which are myself, the agent and Ron) to dealing with at least six people. My experience tells me that those things rarely work out if ever."

Would Kupchak's aversion to complicating the Artest deal suggest an underlying confidence that an Odom deal can be hashed out? There doesn't appear to be a clear-cut Plan B in this case . . .

"I'm hopeful," is all he would admit. "I can't be any stronger and I don't know how strong a word that is but I am hopeful. I think we have a chance now."

If the Lakers do indeed bring back Odom, is Mitch comfortable enough with the roster as it is to bring this group to training camp?

"It's a big assumption," he replied. "I have no idea if we're going to be in a position to do that, but yes."

Now it's just a matter of time and negotiation. Lamar's other avenues seem to be dwindling but it's his agent's responsibility to leave no stone unturned.

"I'd like to get some clarity in the next day or two or three," said Mitch.

In the meantime, Kupchak is grateful to have the Artest signing locked in.

"To say that we planned this a week ago would be completely untrue but when it became apparent we couldn't keep the team together," said Kupchak. "And to be able to move quickly and get a player like Ron Artest . . . I can't begin to tell you how fortunate we are. I think that potentially we can be a better team and I believe that."

This is why Dr. Buss is such a great owner. He actully cares about this. He is competitive.

I hope we can get this LO deal done. When I saw we had 84 mil in contracts for this up coming season I thought no way we get LO. It sounds like they reallywant him.

As much as we have all watched him play I KNOW HE IS NOT WORTH 10 mil a season. Way to inconisitant for 10 mil a season. I hope maybe we can meet in the middle7.5 to 8.
freakin' Bill Plashke wrote yet another article questioning the ron artest move.. this guy will be at it all season long... he actually was saying thatartest is like Shaq and Kobe won't like the fact that someone is cracing jokes at press conferences.. what he fails to relize is that it wasn'tShaq's sense of humor that made Kobe dislike him, it was his work ethic and ron is known for busting his butt.. Plashke really is a big time loser... Ihate that guy..
Originally Posted by tupac003

Lamar won't be back....

I am wrapping my mind around that right now.

We have 84 mil committed for next season WITHOUT Lamar having a deal. If the Luxury tax cap drops like they say it will after next season, we will be paying close to 28 mil in luxury tax. I don't see Buss doing that.

I hope and pray he comes back...but I just don't see it happening.
man if tupac is saying this...im gonna believing hes not staying
...trevor doesnt look right in red...good luck if youre not with us youre against us

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Sashas championship ring> Malones
malones free throw ritual>sashas life
sashas rubberband> malones rogaine
malones pass at kobes wife>sashas passes (numerous times) at kobe
Apparently Mitch was on the radio today saying that if Wayne Ellington was still available, LA would not have traded him and that Wayne had a chance to be animmediate impact. Wayne was picked one spot ahead of LA

times a hundred. That was my Anti-Sasha, hecould have fit in perfectly.
Damn that Coby! And he has the nerve to wear ZKIV's! Pshaw!

It's nice to see that Dr. Buss cares about the team competing and isn't completely about the $$$. I always wondered what he did for a living;interesting to see that Lakers' ownership is his life. One heck of a life.
Anybody hear the crazy RUMOR of a sign & trade of LO for Amare?
When CP reads this, he'll need a new computer or monitor + keyboard, because whatever'she's drinking at the moment will come spewing from his face in utter and compete disgust.
No, if we get Amary, I'D be worse then CP in this thread.

I'll be the first idiot to get myself banned in my own teams thread.

This better not happen.
I hope we can get this LO deal done. When I saw we had 84 mil in contracts for this up coming season I thought no way we get LO. It sounds like they really want him.

As much as we have all watched him play I KNOW HE IS NOT WORTH 10 mil a season. Way to inconisitant for 10 mil a season. I hope maybe we can meet in the middle 7.5 to 8.

The problem isn't that he's worth less than $10M, it's that the Lakers actually have to pay $20M. Everyone isn't getting paid for theirperformance anyway. Is he really going to take the Ariza route? That's what would have to happen. He would have to take less money to play on another teammerely because the Lakers weren't willing to pay $20M per year for him.

The Lakers do have Morrison, Farmar, Fisher, Mbenga, Powell, and Yue's contracts coming off the books after this year. If Phil retires, they'll besaving probably save another $5-6M per year on the coaches salary.

Gasol, Brown (assuming he picks up his option), and Vujacic's contracts are up the following year.

There's flexibility there for them, regardless of whether or not they're winning titles.
All L.O does is rebound . His bball skill is far from great . Being 6'10 and can't post people up is not good in my opinion. He was never an offensivethreat for any other team. He's replaceable . If it come down to the last minute trade situation i think some player like Luis Scola could replace him
^ Oooooohh, you're seriously underrating him.

I mean, he's not Kobe or LeBron or Wade out there, so don't let me sound like that.

But he's not easily replaceable. He can hit a spot up three, drive and dish from the left side (which he nearly ALWAYS does, but people don't stop it,soooo... if it ain't broke), run the floor, and like you said: grab rebounds. Plus the ability to do all that with his height is awesome, since he'llaffect shots left and right, something that doesn't show up on stat sheets.
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