18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

waiting for "more info" gets tiering when each side of this argument has already made up its mind and will jump the gun to use anything new that supports their side despite ever verifying its credibility while claiming everything posted that doesnt follow what they want to be true to be "media propaganda" or a conspiracy. both sides of this are too stubborn for these arguments to amount to anything. its not even about the truth for most people its about the story you want to be true 
What do u mean "you guys" :nerd:
And all we do is lie huh????
Seems like u already have ur mind made up on us

You guys=the same posters who accuse me and others of racism on here. Constantly.
Serious question
Do u believe all these shootings of black men by cops were justified
U went so hard in the brown thread
Dong remember u in the Zimmerman or Dunn thread
Do u think that we (as I'm black people in America)
Are making this up and that we are getting a fair shake
Even though we believe we aren't
I would really like to know ur view
waiting for "more info" gets tiering when each side of this argument has already made up its mind and will jump the gun to use anything new that supports their side despite ever verifying its credibility while claiming everything posted that doesnt follow what they want to be true to be "media propaganda" or a conspiracy. both sides of this are too stubborn for these arguments to amount to anything. its not even about the truth for most people its about the story you want to be true 
Pssssh we waited for more evidence in the mike browm situation and look what happened
Testimony was shakey
Evidence was either over looked or thrown out
And he got off
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waiting for "more info" gets tiering when each side of this argument has already made up its mind and will jump the gun to use anything new that supports their side despite ever verifying its credibility while claiming everything posted that doesnt follow what they want to be true to be "media propaganda" or a conspiracy. both sides of this are too stubborn for these arguments to amount to anything. its not even about the truth for most people its about the story you want to be true 

waiting for "more info" gets tiering when each side of this argument has already made up its mind and will jump the gun to use anything new that supports their side despite ever verifying its credibility while claiming everything posted that doesnt follow what they want to be true to be "media propaganda" or a conspiracy. both sides of this are too stubborn for these arguments to amount to anything. its not even about the truth for most people its about the story you want to be true 

There is No TRUST because the story is NEVER anything that could implicate the police. Ever.

They have yet to be convicted on anyhting, the media never implicates any wrong doing. We saw a man get choked to death on Camera, with no weapon near him, and there was no conviction. The NYPD straight up said it wasn't a chokehold.

We never get truth from the media, we get killed, mocked, & killed again. And at this rate people are going to be forced to choose a side and when things get top that point let's see how much support the "people" will be getting from the cops when they start getting treated the same way we are.
Serious question
Do u believe all these shootings of black men by cops were justified
U went so hard in the brown thread
Dong remember u in the Zimmerman or Dunn thread
Do u think that we (as I'm black people in America)
Are making this up and that we are getting a fair shake
Even though we believe we aren't
I would really like to know ur view

I already explained my view in the Brown thread and was viciously attacked for it. The stats just don't back up your claim that blacks are unfairly being killed by cops. If the stats said that cops were shooting mass numbers of blacks for no reason, I would be out in the streets protesting too. But it's just not the case, I'm sorry. But let's not get off track. This thread is for the new shooting in Berkley, not a larger discussion on these issues.
waiting for "more info" gets tiering when each side of this argument has already made up its mind and will jump the gun to use anything new that supports their side despite ever verifying its credibility while claiming everything posted that doesnt follow what they want to be true to be "media propaganda" or a conspiracy. both sides of this are too stubborn for these arguments to amount to anything. its not even about the truth for most people its about the story you want to be true 
Pssssh we waited for more evidence in the mike browm situation and look what happened
Testimony was shakey
Evidence was either over looked or thrown out
And he got off
exactly, most of this evidence is shakey and far from credible. so people just use the "evidence" that supports their point to "prove" that they are right while pointing out how flawed the "evidence" that doesnt support their point is. when in reality pretty much everything that comes out about this stuff can be considered unreliable, so really people just pick and choose "new evidence" as they see fit to support their old, predetermined ideas
Well unlike almost all of you guys, I'm actually from Missouri and it feels good knowing that my friends, family, and home states streets are safer, thanks to the police. 


It's an abstract kind of feel. 
Well unlike almost all of you guys, I'm actually from Missouri and it feels good knowing that my friends, family, and home states streets are safer, thanks to the police. 


It's an abstract kind of feel. 

What do they do to make you feel safe?

Safe from what?
Yes thats him the cop is on the right side 

IMO there's no way yall can see the actual gun in that video lol.... Could of been a gun, gun of been handing him his Id or could of been a phone. Need a better vid
I mean, this is true. But the kid's movements looked aggressive in the vid...what do i know?

But as a cop, or anyone for that matter, are you going to wait to find out?

The cop was there on a burglary call wasn't he? So he was already on high alert.
Don't give me this ********
Any m e a black man makes
Serious question
Do u believe all these shootings of black men by cops were justified
U went so hard in the brown thread
Dong remember u in the Zimmerman or Dunn thread
Do u think that we (as I'm black people in America)
Are making this up and that we are getting a fair shake
Even though we believe we aren't
I would really like to know ur view

I already explained my view in the Brown thread and was viciously attacked for it. The stats just don't back up your claim that blacks are unfairly being killed by cops. If the stats said that cops were shooting mass numbers of blacks for no reason, I would be out in the streets protesting too. But it's just not the case, I'm sorry. But let's not get off track. This thread is for the new shooting in Berkley, not a larger discussion on these issues.
Yeah ur a SWS
No doubt about it
Well unlike almost all of you guys, I'm actually from Missouri and it feels good knowing that my friends, family, and home states streets are safer, thanks to the police. 


It's an abstract kind of feel. 
What u think it's safer cause they kill all the black men???
What do they do to make you feel safe?

Safe from what?

Dangerous criminals, thieves, and those who conceal carry handguns illegally. Those who break the law pretty much. 
Hmmm I wonder what Sean bell did
U know the police were making the streets safer when he was killed
I wonder what Oscar grant was doing when he was sitting down in handcuffs
U know just the police making ur streets safer
What part of Missouri do you live in? Whats the crime rate like?

I ask again, what are they doing to make you feel safer?
I lived in downtown KC, and the crime rate is pretty high. Hearing gunshots in my neighborhood at least every other day is normal. 

What are they doing to make me feel safer? Putting criminals away. 
I already explained my view in the Brown thread and was viciously attacked for it. The stats just don't back up your claim that blacks are unfairly being killed by cops. If the stats said that cops were shooting mass numbers of blacks for no reason, I would be out in the streets protesting too. But it's just not the case, I'm sorry. But let's not get off track. This thread is for the new shooting in Berkley, not a larger discussion on these issues.
In what case do you let someone who's been shot lay in the street for an hour.... And then throw him in a van instead of a Ambulance ?

Someone who is for sure dead.
Don't they always leave the body on the ground? I thought they have to leave the scene how it is so they can get their pics and collect whatever evidence they need. For a dead body I'm not sure they'd throw it in an ambulance
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U mean choppy surveillance Video
And a gun u don't know where it came from or who it belonged too???
Clearly it belonged to the adult who aimed it at the police, and he definitely wasn't carrying it legally. 

Be real. You guys don't care about the evidence. 

Recovered gun? The police must have planted it!

Video evidence? It wasn't clear enough, the police must have tampered the HD 1080p video the QT cameras take!

Nothing matters to you except skin color. 
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