1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Your Former NTWEF United States champion accepts the challenge.

After i lose my belt to Peep_Game, at next week's NTWEF supershow, I agree to go one on one with the man who will be NTercontinental Champion on that day..... GHIMS.

I know Angle has had better matches, but this is my personal favorite from him, cause for me it was completely
unexpected. If you haven't seen it, the 1st 5 minutes are pretty slow, but it kicks into high gear from there all the way to the finish.
Probably one of my favorite Shane McMahon matches as well


NTRumble Predictions
Club vs ImThatOne: ITO
Peep vs Deek: Deek
Yardfather vs 4wrestling: YardFather
JNSQ v GHIMS v Bkmac: Bkmac
RumbleWinner: Mister916
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Probably one of my favorite Shane McMahon matches as well


NTRumble Predictions
Club vs ImThatOne: ITO
Peep vs Deek: Deek
Yardfather vs 4wrestling: YardFather
JNSQ v GHIMS v Bkmac: Bkmac
RumbleWinner: Mister916
NTRumble Predictions

- there will not be one single shooting star press during the rumble match.
- Club via submission
- 4w via submission
- JNSQ via submission
- Peep & Deek put on the best match of the night.
- noblekane WILL stab 4w with a spork.
- bkmac gets on the wrong flight, ends up in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and misses the PPV

Spoiler [+]
imthatone suffers a career threatening injury
NT Rumble prediction- Someone non prominent wins the A pool
The non contributors in the B pool leave right after its over

Lobo- Are you doing the Battle Royal with your simulator, if so

do I need to give you my stats?
With regard to that Angle/McMahon match, it just shows me how stale modern professional wrestling has become.
Where is the pace? Where is the storytelling? Where are the spots? Where is the emotion?

I mean, the variation of moves, the workrate, and the commentary made that match amazing.

I just feel like wrestling is flat. It's hard to keep my interest for more than 5 minutes.

rusty, heres an idea, why dont u use jericho as your gimmick

seeing as he's on your avy and all.

im surprised nobody has thought of it.

NTRumble Predictions:

GHIMS retains, stays undefeated
4w in a 3 minute squash
Peep_Game new NTUS champ
ITO & VS ends in a draw as they realize towards at the end of the match that they should be best buds and defend their tag titles
NTRumble Winner - Brasilian
Dark Horse - Toine
Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

With regard to that Angle/McMahon match, it just shows me how stale modern professional wrestling has become.
Where is the pace? Where is the storytelling? Where are the spots? Where is the emotion?

I mean, the variation of moves, the workrate, and the commentary made that match amazing.

I just feel like wrestling is flat. It's hard to keep my interest for more than 5 minutes.


There's still some gems here and there. I feel Ziggler v CM Punk will be one of those Gems, but damn I wish the commentary was better than now.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

rusty, heres an idea, why don u use jericho as your gimmick

seeing as he's on your avy and all.

im surprised nobody has thought of it.

Rusty, I'll PM you.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

rusty, heres an idea, why don u use jericho as your gimmick

seeing as he's on your avy and all.

im surprised nobody has thought of it.

Rusty, I'll PM you.

i dont think it is, look at page 46
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

NT Rumble prediction- Someone non prominent wins the A pool
The non contributors in the B pool leave right after its over

Lobo- Are you doing the Battle Royal with your simulator, if so

do I need to give you my stats?

Naija Nitemare

With regard to that Angle/McMahon match, it just shows me how stale modern professional wrestling has become.
Where is the pace? Where is the storytelling? Where are the spots? Where is the emotion?

I mean, the variation of moves, the workrate, and the commentary made that match amazing.

I just feel like wrestling is flat. It's hard to keep my interest for more than 5 minutes.

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

With regard to that Angle/McMahon match, it just shows me how stale modern professional wrestling has become.
Where is the pace? Where is the storytelling? Where are the spots? Where is the emotion?

I mean, the variation of moves, the workrate, and the commentary made that match amazing.

I just feel like wrestling is flat. It's hard to keep my interest for more than 5 minutes.


There's still some gems here and there. I feel Ziggler v CM Punk will be one of those Gems, but damn I wish the commentary was better than now.

I agree, Bryan, Ziggler, Punk, Rhodes, IMO, these guys are a breath of fresh air. Hearkening back to the early 2000s.
And as far as commentary, that match was a huuuuuuge contrast to the kind of commentary we put up with nowadays.

It does NOTHING to contribute to the match, and carry forth the energy of the match while the wrestlers employ rest-moves, or transition to a new part of the story within the match.

If anything, Cole and King take away from the energy of the match by lacking focus on the action taking place within the ring by commenting on things that are supposed to happen later on in the show. It makes it easy for a viewers mind to wander.

Folks want me to make my Rumble pick, well I'll just tell you the obvious and most important

one right now. MVPeep is walking away with that NTUS championship, and that's all too it. 

Everything that has been said is a done deal. DEEK knows that, and everybody else knows

that. Two of the biggest rising stars in the company, and there's nothing more I can say other

than the REAL franchise of this company is about to make his way up the latter starting with

the NTUS title. No shame in being apart of another best match of the night DEEK, it's just

that the result is gonna swing it's way right over here.

They want me to pick the other matches? Well, I know there's a triple threat match on the card, but

you can't have a triple threat match without 3 people, so I guess between GHIMS and JNSQ, I'll roll

with JNSQ, cause I just see him so much less on the monitor in the back, that he's bound to make a 

come up. Yardfather & 4w....I like what I've been seeing from Yardfather. Been bringing some real

attitude around here that's been missing for awhile.


Club vs ImThatOne??? ITO does have the momentum from his last two matches, but I think he's really

been feeling himself. He has two good victories, and truly thinks he's running the show. *laughs* Alpha

Male? Franchise? The reason for the rise in the ratings? *laughs* Not at all my man, you're lookin at 

all of that right here. I'm the franchise for real, and you're a franchise in name only. 


So Club, you got a [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]vote from me for ya'lls match. ITO has built himself up, so this is a perfect time for you [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]to knock [/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]him off his high [/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]horse. As far as the Royal Rumble winner...nothing would make me happier than [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]tossing DEEK [/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]right over the top and getting a chance at the Chamber for the NTercontinental title. But I'm [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]gonna step back [/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]and put my fan hat on and say that....3dgarfly is gonna win it all this year. I dig what he's [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]doin, and I have no [/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]problem with him winning it all if it comes to that...[/color]

@ peep

i remember reading that officials were going to tell cole to stop putting down wrestlers during commentary, yet he still does it.

as far as future commentating goes, the wwe has 2 current wrestlers who will be great commentators when they retire, should they want to do that

wade barrett & cm punk

we all got to hear punk on commentary and it was gold

wade did some commentary in fcw and was pretty good. he knew how to put talent over
Agreed with Wade being a good commentator.

How does Regal do on commentary for anyone who watches NXT? I'd rather hear him than King or Cole.

RAW needs commentators that don't sound like they are reciting lines straight out of the Smackdon vs Raw games.
Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

With regard to that Angle/McMahon match, it just shows me how stale modern professional wrestling has become.
Where is the pace? Where is the storytelling? Where are the spots? Where is the emotion?

I mean, the variation of moves, the workrate, and the commentary made that match amazing.

I just feel like wrestling is flat. It's hard to keep my interest for more than 5 minutes.

This is how I really feel cause that consistency is really just not there like it used to be.

Ditto to DEEK talking about the gems though. i know I can always count on Bryan, Ziggler, & CM Punk

for some greatness, whether it's in the ring, or backstage/promos. As far as the commentary, I would like

to see what Scott Stanford would do on either Raw or SD. He has this refreshing old school voice, and

he actually calls the every move (not only finishers), instead of "BOY LOOK AT THAT", or "HE GOT'EM".
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