09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

So since the Mountain West has poor teams at the bottom of their conference, just like everyone else, the top 3 shouldn't be allowed to play for a NationalChampionship? That is foolish thinking.

Yes, Wyoming is terrible but I still dont think Air Force, UNLV, New Mexico, and San Diego State are any worse than Iowa State, Washington, Washington State,Duke, Virginia, Indiana, and I can go on and on. You can bring up history and financial reasons, but I judge by what I see on the field.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I can't believe you Nowitness. You are trying to knocks some sense into this dude.

You make some great points, dude refuses to see them.

Frankly the MWC doesn't have enough of a history, at least the hot teams at the moment, to warrant such recognition. Utah just became relevant this decade. BYU is the only school with some success outside of this century. TCU has been respectable, but lately they have been folding like a lawn chair.

The only gripe the MWC has is that it is better than the Big East, yet it is a BCS conference.

The Big East doesn't have any tradition rich Football Program. Not even a former powerhouse in the mix, that is currently in the dumps. Talk all you want about the Big XII North, at the end of the day, Nebraska is still Nebraska.

The MWC shouldn't be a BCS Conference. The Big East shouldn't either, they are lucky that the current system was drawn up while Miami, VTech and BC were still in the Big East.
You're surprised with me?

See, and that's where I'm at... If they wanna argue they're as good as the Big East, fine. I'm in. But arguing you deserve a bid becausetop-to-bottom you're as good as the Big XII, Big Ten and ACC? Nah, you aren't. It's not close. Get the hell outta here with that %%*!!#*+... Evenwith Utah, BYU and TCU, how do those three measure up IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS with Texas/Oklahoma/Nebraska? Miami/Florida State/Boston College?Michigan/Ohio State/Penn State? Florida/Bama/LSU? They don't. And again, it's not close.

And then like you said, and I didn't even think about, the Big East got the BCS nod when they were home to those three legitimate power teams... Nowthey're left with basically West Virginia and Pittsburgh because the conference shifted focus to basketball...

I just don't see how you can argue the MWC deserves a BCS automatic bid as they're currently constructed... Mid-majors want an automatic bid, puttogether a power conference. Something with teams that are good right now, teams from large markets, teams with some sort of historical value...

Just going off the top of my head without really thinking about it. Let's say BYU, TCU, Utah, Boise State, Fresno State, Houston, Rice, SMU, Tulsa, and SanDiego State... Take that to the BCS, and you've got a better case... You've got the top 4, you've got big markets (Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston,Oklahoma, both ends of California), and you've got teams with some kinda historical background... THAT is something I could see working and legitimatelygrabbing the attention of the BCS...

But as it's currently constructed with that garbage at the bottom of the MWC? Nah.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

OU's Gresham Out For Season

NORMAN, Okla. -- Sports Xtra's Mark Rodgers has confirmed that University of Oklahoma tight end Jermaine Gresham is out for the season.Gresham injured his knee during a practice before the Sooners' 14-13 loss to Brigham Young in Dallas. He did not play in the game.The Oklahoma tight end returned to the team for his senior season.Stay tuned to KOCO.com for further details.
They're done. With or without Sam Bradford...

Sam might as well go on and get the surgery... No sense in coming back in 3 weeks sans Jermaine Gresham and taking that chance again...
I dearly hope it doesn't come to this in a game:

A compelling week for Oregon at the running back position continued today as sophomore quarterback Darron Thomas got some work in the backfield.

Suspended senior LeGarrette Blount attended practice for about a half hour, in street clothes, before leaving. Redshirt freshmen LaMichael James and Kenjon Barner along with senior Andre Crenshaw all practiced with the No. 1 offense this morning, but late in the day Thomas took a few reps as well.

Still absent is junior Remene Alston.

"I'm hoping we're going to get Remene back; he's finishing up some classes," UO running backs coach Gary Campbell said. "But if push comes to shove, then it could very well be DT. I just really don't know right now. I hope I don't get to that."
I would prob take Reid over any of our corners probably...maybe not B Harris but dude is damn good

http://vmedia.rivals.com/flash/cont...lheight=60&lshadow=1&sFontColor=000000&sLink=http://vmedia.rivals.com/flash/cont...lheight=60&lshadow=1&sFontColor=000000&sLink=[h1]Deja Vu- Sturdivant news[/h1]
Radi Nabulsi

Talk about it in The Dawgvent
According to Mark Richt in his Sunday teleconference with the Georgia beat reporters, lefttackle Trinton Sturdivant did tear his ACL during yesterday's contest in Stillwater.
Sturdivant is out for season.

"He did tear the ACL, he'll be out," Richt said

Just like last year, yesterday's injury happens to also be on the same left knee that caused Sturdivant to miss all of last season.

Richt said the ACL can be repaired or replaced and that he has had players in the past that have suffered the same injury on the same knee and were able toplay again.

"I've coached guys who have had it happen more than one time, and they've come back and played great. He's going to battle, and he'llbe back next year."

According to Richt, the only bar to Sturdivant playing again will be how he handles it mentally.

"Mentally would be the only thing to keep him coming back to a full recovery. If he rehabs the way he did a year ago he will be able to playagain."

Richt continued, "Psychologically, it's tough, he will have to rehab and come back. It is one piece of ligament that can be repaired, it can bereplaced.� You just start over again."

Richt seemed optimistic about how Sturdivant was handling the situation.

"He was more philosophical this time. He said he's got two choices, either give up or fight again. We know, and he knows he will be back."

Apparently the gravity of the injury was not immediately apparent.

Richt said, "I saw Trinton today, and he was a little surprised by it. He didn't figure that after the game, and it was a surprise to him and tous."

Vince Vance is tentatively slotted to take over duties at left tackle. Richt also indicatedthat Josh Davis would return soon, while Cordy Glenn and Clint Boling canalso play the position.
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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]UGASports.com[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sturdivant

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Originally Posted by lowslows

I would prob take Reid over any of our corners probably...maybe not B Harris but dude is damn good
Can't Reid just seems like a playmaker. he was constantly around the ball for the majority of the plays he was on the field.

i dont see that from Harris, i know its a different scheme, but still.
"They run a pro-style offense and I want to get ready for the next level. That will help me instead of going to (Texas) Tech which runs an imaginary offense that can't even get a quarterback to the NFL. They have had one good receiver in the NFL and that's (Wes) Welker. (Michael) Crabtree hasn't even signed anywhere else. If I was a quarterback, I wouldn't want to go there."

-Nate Askew (WR from San Antonio)


I wonder if more recruits are thinking this as well...
Originally Posted by tmay407

"They run a pro-style offense and I want to get ready for the next level. That will help me instead of going to (Texas) Tech which runs an imaginary offense that can't even get a quarterback to the NFL. They have had one good receiver in the NFL and that's (Wes) Welker. (Michael) Crabtree hasn't even signed anywhere else. If I was a quarterback, I wouldn't want to go there."

-Nate Askew (WR from San Antonio)


I wonder if more recruits are thinking this as well...
Originally Posted by tmay407

"They run a pro-style offense and I want to get ready for the next level. That will help me instead of going to (Texas) Tech which runs an imaginary offense that can't even get a quarterback to the NFL. They have had one good receiver in the NFL and that's (Wes) Welker. (Michael) Crabtree hasn't even signed anywhere else. If I was a quarterback, I wouldn't want to go there."

-Nate Askew (WR from San Antonio)


I wonder if more recruits are thinking this as well...


Son goin in!
Originally Posted by tmay407


Dude is the GOAT .gif artist...
Originally Posted by tmay407

"They run a pro-style offense and I want to get ready for the next level. That will help me instead of going to (Texas) Tech which runs an imaginary offense that can't even get a quarterback to the NFL. They have had one good receiver in the NFL and that's (Wes) Welker. (Michael) Crabtree hasn't even signed anywhere else. If I was a quarterback, I wouldn't want to go there."

-Nate Askew (WR from San Antonio)


I wonder if more recruits are thinking this as well...
No he didn't...I've been sayin it, but if Sherman can show any kind of steady improvement on the field, the pro-style offense is going to help the Aggies dramatically on the recruiting trails... Oklahoma runs some pro-style, but everybody else is in the damn spread/zone read...

From that same article...
Askew has also gotten phone calls from other schools attempting to continue to recruit him. They are using interesting tactics to do so.

"I got some calls from Oklahoma State and Tulsa," he said. "They said that they would keep recruiting me. They told me that the (Aggie) staff could be fired, but I said I was still going to A&M."
Coach Gundy, you've been put on blast...

Somebody needa print this out and hang it on Sherman's office door... Dudes is callin him out..
Originally Posted by Al3xis

OU's Gresham Out For Season

NORMAN, Okla. -- Sports Xtra's Mark Rodgers has confirmed that University of Oklahoma tight end Jermaine Gresham is out for the season.Gresham injured his knee during a practice before the Sooners' 14-13 loss to Brigham Young in Dallas. He did not play in the game.The Oklahoma tight end returned to the team for his senior season.Stay tuned to KOCO.com for further details.


Nate Askew makes very valid points. To all the experts, who was the last spread QB to gain success in the NFL?
Well, the "No Homers" portion of this thread has officially gone out the window...
MWC the best???
.....but i am interested in the air force vs minny match up on saturday....when fsu play byu?
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