09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Reveiz's Tennessee journey takes him from walk-on to captain

Three years ago, Nick Reveiz wondered if he made the right choice by walking on at Tennessee.

As a member of the scout team, Reveiz remembers getting yelled at by the coaches - Phillip Fulmer included - for going too hard in practice.

"People were telling me to slow down. And I was holding it back," Reveiz said.

But that walk-on started to earn playing time on special teams. Then he earned a scholarship. Then he entered the rotation at linebacker. Then he claimed the starting middle linebacker job during Lane Kiffin's first spring practice...

Fat Phil
USC & UT have a Verbal agreement in place to play each other in a home at home in the upcoming yrs. just have to work out the details.


Offensive coordinator Mike Bobo said after Saturday's game that not getting freshmen Marlon Brown or Rantavious Wooten any playing time "puts a lot of pressure on those three guys," referring to A.J. Green, Michael Moore and Tavarres King.

Moore said he played about 55 of Georgia's 60 offensive snaps against Oklahoma State.

"Coach (Tony) Ball's up in the box and he didn't have direct contact with us," Moore said of Georgia's receivers coach. "He kind of didn't realize that until the end of the game. Some people might say that kind of put a wear and tear on me, A.J. and Tavarres. …We didn't know what the rotation was going to be and we ended up sticking with basically three guys."

Here's what quarterback Joe Cox said about Brown and Wooten not playing. "We definitely want to play as many people as we can. I'm not sure why we didn't sub some other people in. That's not my decision."

{ UGA. Hai Marlon

[table][tr][td]A Michigan Man on Commitment[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Mike Kenn / AtlantaFalcons.com
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By Mike Kenn

Letter to the Editor
Posted Sep 7, 2009
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Former Michigan great Mike Kenn chimes in on the allegations of impropriety in his beloved football program. The 1978 1st round draft pick and 16-year Atlanta Falcons vet offers his support to Rich Rodriguez and calls on all Michigan fans to do the same.
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Be sure to tune in to SportsTalk 1050 WTKA Thursday morning at 8:00 am to hear Kenn discuss the letter below.

I have had the pleasure and good fortune of having played football for a very long time, longer than all but a select few. Those long years of hard won experience have given me the knowledge and the right to comment about football and its requirements at every level from grade school, to high school, to college, and all the way up to professional.

First it must be understood that football is an extremely difficult game. While most readily observe the physical component of this difficulty, it is the mental toughness required by the sport that often goes overlooked. Though they have had abundant athletic ability, countless players have failed to be successful in football because they lack the perspective needed to conquer the physical demands of the sport. Many do not have the mental toughness, sincere commitment, or love for the sport needed to excel and conquer at the highest level. In order to gain a spot on a team, win a position, or win championships, the amount of extra time spent outside of team sanctioned routines is the responsibility of the player. Each individual must make the commitment to himself and his teammates to become the best that he can be both physically and mentally. The player must make the conscious decision to put in the extra time, and it is this extreme dedication that separates the mediocre from the truly great. No coach, teammate, parent, or hero can make that happen; however, it is the responsibility of the University, the athletic department, and the coaching staff to make the opportunity for personal improvement available to every player. Michigan does this, as does every other well organized program within college football. It is always offered, but never required.

For anonymous former or current players to make allegations that a coaching staff would knowingly violate NCAA rules is ludicrous. If one looks at the situation from a contextual standpoint as opposed to simply reacting with emotional outrage, it can be seen that the scenario is nonsensical. What would the incentive for the coaching staff be when weighed against the inevitable consequences? Many have said that such an act would be committed in order to gain "an edge" over the competition or to punish players for their previous season, but the chance of a group of coaches consciously deciding to disobey such a powerful organization, the NCAA, for such a slight edge is minute. These claims from players expose a lack of character in these young men and reveal their weakness - the kind of weakness that does not understand the level of commitment needed to rise to the highest level of the game, and the kind of weakness that will never understand the amount of commitment necessary for success in everyday life. What we learn in football is the drive it takes to overcome a team, a single opponent, and most importantly our own shortcomings. As players we are given the tools it takes to succeed in life, but only under our own initiative will we utilize them. Coaches cannot force players to fight for success, and these young men who have sent out unsupported accusations do not appear to have the drive to search for success by themselves.

Here is where the line must be drawn. I did not want the uncommitted as teammates, and I do not want the uncommitted representing the Michigan football team. I want committed and dedicated warriors who understand the demands, both physical and mental, of this most difficult game. I am not supporting the violation of NCAA regulations; I am insisting that there has been no such violation. This episode is simply the most pronounced example of a series of undercuts made towards Rodriguez. For a coach to gain success he must have the support of his administration, loyalty of his players, and respect of his peers. I believe Rodriguez has all but the first of this trifecta, but it is the lack of this important item that is obstructing our program's rise.

Rich Rodriguez is attempting to advance Michigan football into the modern era. An era of football that is played with great team speed on both sides of the ball. I have met the man. I have met his coaches. They are committed. They have won and know what it takes to win. They are advancing the Michigan program and taking it to the level we have failed to reach in previous seasons. There is always pain associated with that advancement and there will be casualties along the way, but this is the nature of the game and this is the nature of life.

Anyone who attempts to undercut Rodriguez and the Michigan football program with baseless accusations that lack evidence are self-serving. They are placing their own agenda above the good of the program, and that will doom a team to failure in every challenge. It is time the administration surrounding the Michigan football team finally honors the slogan they have come up with and go "all in for Michigan," but until that occurs we as a Michigan nation must come together and write letters and send emails to all who may have an effect, whether that be the press, President Coleman, Rich Rodriguez, or Bill Martin himself. Don't let the jealous self-serving few tarnish and erode the legacy and future of Michigan football.

Go Blue,

Mike Kenn
Michigan Football 74-77
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Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside fromthe SEC.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside from the SEC.
I agree with this statement. IMO all a good conference needs is about 4 or 5 really good teams and that lineup is pretty solid.
This week's Big Games.

Thursday, September 10th
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Clemson at Georgia Tech[/td] [td]7:30 p.m.[/td] [td]ESPN (HD)[/td] [/tr][/table]

Saturday, September 12th
Houston at Oklahoma State 3:30 p.m.FSN (HD)
Notre Dame at Michigan 3:30 p.m.ABC (HD)
UCLA at Tennessee 4:00 p.m.ESPN (HD)
South Carolina at Georgia 7:00 p.m.ESPN2 (HD)
USC at Ohio State 8:00 p.m.ESPN (HD)
these central times???

but i like Michigan...Tennessee......right now....Tennessee should beat UCLA by 10+ if Crompton plays well
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside from the SEC.
I agree with this statement. IMO all a good conference needs is about 4 or 5 really good teams and that lineup is pretty solid.
hmm. i guess after some more thought about it i'd agree with you guys. It would be about as good as every other conference, only difference isthat the bottom teams from that hypothetical conference would still get smashed by the bottom teams from the BCS conferences
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

these central times???

but i like Michigan...Tennessee......right now....Tennessee should beat UCLA by 10+ if Crompton plays well
I just looked at em and Yea they are central times , dont ask me how or why My computer is giving me central time listings
gotta be, UTk scheduled kickoff is at 4pm. and the Thursday Night games always start at 730
I switched em to Eastern on an edit
Saturday, September 12th
Houston at Oklahoma State 3:30 p.m.FSN (HD) - upset special
Notre Dame at Michigan 3:30 p.m.ABC (HD) - ND has been and will be fraud status under Weiss
UCLA at Tennessee 4:00 p.m.ESPN (HD) - Are the Vols for real? Real enough to be UCLA.

South Carolina at Georgia 7:00 p.m.ESPN2 (HD) - rebound game, not enough size on the USCeast offensive to limit UGA's physicality.
USC at Ohio State 8:00 p.m.ESPN (HD) - it's going to get ugly in Columbus.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

edit: nevermind

Thoughts on Vandy's chances on hanging with LSU in the Bayou this weekend?
LSU didnt look very impressive/dominant this past weekend again UW. so i'd say Vandy has a decent chance to pull off the upset
Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by The Wizard

edit: nevermind

Thoughts on Vandy's chances on hanging with LSU in the Bayou this weekend?
LSU didnt look very impressive/dominant this past weekend again UW. so i'd say Vandy has a decent chance to pull off the upset

Sarkisian prepped his team very well and I'm sure he's happy to have Locker healthy, but it will be a close one.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

gotta be, UTk scheduled kickoff is at 4pm. and the Thursday Night games always start at 730
I switched em to Eastern on an edit
yeah i didnt even notice that those times had been the edited ones until after i replied
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by The Wizard

edit: nevermind

Thoughts on Vandy's chances on hanging with LSU in the Bayou this weekend?
LSU didnt look very impressive/dominant this past weekend again UW. so i'd say Vandy has a decent chance to pull off the upset
Sarkisian prepped his team very well and I'm sure he's happy to have Locker healthy, but it will be a close one.
Yea i attribute that game being close moreso to LSU just not really showing up ready to play, cuz truthfully that game shouldnt have been close.but oh well.

Didnt see too much of the Vandy game, but i still expect it to be a close game, but ill still ride with LSU in this one.
Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside from the SEC.
I agree with this statement. IMO all a good conference needs is about 4 or 5 really good teams and that lineup is pretty solid.
hmm. i guess after some more thought about it i'd agree with you guys. It would be about as good as every other conference, only difference is that the bottom teams from that hypothetical conference would still get smashed by the bottom teams from the BCS conferences
Colorado State just beat Colorado, Wyoming beat Tennessee last year. The bottom of the Mountain West is no worse than the bottom of the ACC, Big10, Big East, or Big XII. The Big XII North is a joke, Utah, TCU, or BYU could win that year in and year out. BCS apologist just want to make excuses as to whythe MWC shouldn't be a BCS conference and they have no real argument what so ever.
Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by The Wizard

edit: nevermind

Thoughts on Vandy's chances on hanging with LSU in the Bayou this weekend?
LSU didnt look very impressive/dominant this past weekend again UW. so i'd say Vandy has a decent chance to pull off the upset
Sarkisian prepped his team very well and I'm sure he's happy to have Locker healthy, but it will be a close one.
Yea i attribute that game being close moreso to LSU just not really showing up ready to play, cuz truthfully that game shouldnt have been close. but oh well.

Didnt see too much of the Vandy game, but i still expect it to be a close game, but ill still ride with LSU in this one.
i expect 8 in the box, maybe even 9 with LSU daring us to beat them deep, because we still have no playmakers at WR. TE though, we have some goodplayers there.

LSU looked like they were getting tired defensively late in the game against Wash, so hopefully we can exploit that with our no-huddle.

Defensively, I expect them to take advantage of the fact that we have a small front 7.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside from the SEC.
I agree with this statement. IMO all a good conference needs is about 4 or 5 really good teams and that lineup is pretty solid.
hmm. i guess after some more thought about it i'd agree with you guys. It would be about as good as every other conference, only difference is that the bottom teams from that hypothetical conference would still get smashed by the bottom teams from the BCS conferences
Colorado State just beat Colorado, Wyoming beat Tennessee last year. The bottom of the Mountain West is no worse than the bottom of the ACC, Big 10, Big East, or Big XII. The Big XII North is a joke, Utah, TCU, or BYU could win that year in and year out. BCS apologist just want to make excuses as to why the MWC shouldn't be a BCS conference and they have no real argument what so ever.
You can only name a handful of times when a bottom feeder team from the MWC beat any team from a BCS conference, it hardly ever happens; which ispart of the reason why they wont become a BCS conference any time soon.

So as i said: the bottom teams from the MWC would get smashed by the bottom teams from BCS conferences
LSU defense is being coached by Jon Chavis...

lemme hip u to him, UTs defense was ranked 7th last yr, and ranked liek 100th in 3rd down stops. LSU defense is horrible esp with 3rd & Chavis...
Washington was 11-19 on 3rd downs.. I even remember them converting like two 3rd and 15s... thats horrible.
that soft zone %%@@ is gonan get LSU beat and get Chavis fired before his 2nd yr in baton Rouge.

LSU will not win the SEC West, prolly wont finish 2nd neither.
Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If the Mountain West added Boise State as a 10th team, would they have a legitimate fuss to be a sixth BCS conference?

Utah, TCU, BYU and Boise State would be salty...
the rest of hte league would still be trash outside of those 4

Top to bottom that conference is better than the Big East by miles... I don't think it's far off top-to-bottom from the other conferences aside from the SEC.
I agree with this statement. IMO all a good conference needs is about 4 or 5 really good teams and that lineup is pretty solid.
hmm. i guess after some more thought about it i'd agree with you guys. It would be about as good as every other conference, only difference is that the bottom teams from that hypothetical conference would still get smashed by the bottom teams from the BCS conferences
Colorado State just beat Colorado, Wyoming beat Tennessee last year. The bottom of the Mountain West is no worse than the bottom of the ACC, Big 10, Big East, or Big XII. The Big XII North is a joke, Utah, TCU, or BYU could win that year in and year out. BCS apologist just want to make excuses as to why the MWC shouldn't be a BCS conference and they have no real argument what so ever.
You can only name a handful of times when a bottom feeder team from the MWC beat any team from a BCS conference, it hardly ever happens; which is part of the reason why they wont become a BCS conference any time soon.

So as i said: the bottom teams from the MWC would get smashed by the bottom teams from BCS conferences
That is 2 times in the last 2 seasons without me looking it up. As I said, you BCS apologist have no real reasons as to why the Mountain Westshouldnt be in the BCS.




15-11 against the Pac Ten, outscoring them 680 to 642.
8-8 against the BIG XII, outscored by them 360 to 338.
3-2 against the SEC, outscoring them 112 to 101.

[h3]Mountain West Conference (MWC)[/h3]
Yes, the Mountain West is the best conference in college football. Funny thing is that they are not a BCS conference and eventhough they had the only undefeated team (the Utah Utes, 13-0), their conference was not afforded the opportunity to compete for the National Title. They had arecord of 6-2 against the Pac 10 and a 2-0 against the SEC. The Utes dismantled the second best team in the SEC, Alabama, 31 - 17. The only conference that hadthe upper hand against this group was the Big 12 at 1 - 3.
http://angrytrey.blogspot.com/2009/09/time-to-show-mountain-west-some-respect.html[h3]Time to Show the Mountain WestSome Respect![/h3]

It is time for people to start showing respect to the Mountain West Conference. This isn't a conference to be taken lightly, yet still, there are people that want to continue to disrespect one of the top conferences in all of college football. We aren't talking Conference U.S.A or the Sun Belt here. This is a legit conference with teams that can play with anyone, and we have seen it.

TCU, Utah, and BYU aren't afraid to play anyone, and it has shown. In the last eight years, those three teams have combined to knock off USC, Alabama, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech, Iowa State, and the media darlings Boise State. That is just in bowl games. You could add Oklahoma, Texas Tech, and others to the list from regular season games.

People want to keep making excuses as to why the MWC isn't as good as the other conferences in the BCS, but they are all complete b.s. Let's take a look at a couple of my favorite excuses so I can show you how stupid these people really are…

- The bottom half of the Mountain West is bad, therefore the MWC shouldn't be in the BCS

Oh Really? This argument makes no sense to me at all. Each conference has their tier of top teams, middle of the road, and terrible teams. The Mountain West has three top teams in their conference (TCU, Utah, BYU) just like any of the others. Are people really trying to tell me that the bottom of the MWC is any worse than the bottom of the ACC or Big XII? The Big XII north is a complete joke. I mean, look at the ACC from this weekend, it is appalling!!

- Virginia loses to William and Mary 26-16

- Maryland killed by Cal 52-13

- VT goes down to Bama 34-24

- Duke lost to Richmond 24-16

- Clemson beat Middle Tennessee State, enough said there

- North Carolina beat the Citadel

- NC state looked TERRIBLE against South Carolina

- Wake Forest lost to Baylor 24-21

Yeah, that is a powerhouse conference that deserves to be the BCS…give me a break!

- Here is my other favorite excuse…If (insert Mountain West team here) played the SEC or Big XII schedule week in and week out, they wouldn't survive.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but the teams in that conference can't even survive their schedule. The likes of Florida, Tennessee, Florida State, Texas, OU, Texas Tech lose conference and out of conference games all the time.

I mean, you could seriously argue that Oklahoma just got beat by the third best team in the Mountain West Conference. Our worse team in Wyoming beat Tennessee at home last year!

The part that gets me the most about this, is the fact that our conference can compete with the so called "elite" and it's not an even playing field. If our teams didn't have to recruit AGAINST the BCS, and we got the type of BCS money these other schools get, our conference would be even scarier than it is.

It is time for the BCS and their elitist to step down off their high horse and realize there is quality football being played outside their little cartel of teams. The Mountain West has shown they can play with anyone, now it is time to let them have their chance just like everyone else.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Colorado State just beat Colorado, Wyoming beat Tennessee last year. The bottom of the Mountain West is no worse than the bottom of the ACC, Big 10, Big East, or Big XII. The Big XII North is a joke, Utah, TCU, or BYU could win that year in and year out. BCS apologist just want to make excuses as to why the MWC shouldn't be a BCS conference and they have no real argument what so ever.
STOP IT... The North has been down some, but Nebraska, Missouri, and Kansas are all good programs that are getting better... Colorado will be agood program again when they find a decent coach... The North has four legitimate high-major programs in the division, as many as the entire MWC...

If the mid-majors want an automatic bid (and I think they probably deserve one), they need to form a super-conference and run with it... The bottom of theMoutain West sucks, but if they added Boise State the top 4 would more than make up for it... As it stands right now, I can see an argument for leaving themout, though I still think they're better than the Big East... Sure, Colorado State beat Colorado (rivalry game + Hawkins sucks)... But New Mexico gotMOPPED UP by Texas A&M. Air Force, Wyoming, and UNLV played Nichols State, Weber State and Sacramento State respectively, SDSU lost comfortably to UCLA..The MWC wants a bid as it stands, they gotta show better than just TCU, BYU and Utah, because none of those other schools bring anything to the tablefinancially or from a nationally relevant perspective...

And let's be serious... I like this TCU team and said they should have a huge year, but beating Oklahoma and Texas Tech several years ago only goes so farafter getting mopped up by Texas and Oklahoma the last two years and choking off games (SMU in 2005
, pounded by BYU/Utah in 2006, getting the crap kicked outta themselves by OUand Utah last year) every time they've been a legitimate BCS threat. They're running outta chances... They're a good program, but as it stands,they're a cut below Utah and BYU. Those guys have done it. TCU continues to get love every year and they continue to fall short. Until TCU actually doesit, they don't have a legitimate gripe for anything.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla
all you did was post a bunch of Pro MWC garbage.

nobody else thinks that the MWC is the best conference in CFB.

please cease & desist with this foolish talk immediately
Get the +%$$ outta here

The MWC is the best conference in football.
shut that dumb %$%# up.

U just sayin %$%# for shock value rite now.
Same homer TCU fan that makes the same statements that TCU is gonna be some world beating BCS team then never shows back up after they implode.

U can never be taken seriously after saying the Moutain west is the best conference.

Dude is equating a couple of wins with conference superiority and dominance.

I wanted to post laughing icons but its damn near sad that someone could really think that. I'd like to believe u have an ounce of intelligence anddon't believe that. And u just got carried away reading some MWc blog and decided to paste it and co-sign it.

... Best conference In america. *sigh*
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