09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!



Oh, and Christian Ponder has a separated shoulder.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Rich Rod and the Pudure head coach got into it after the game? LOL
This Hope character @ Purdue did some really foul @%$+. He got his offensive lineman to surround Rich Rod after the game so he could get in a fewverbal jabs.

Then this lame proceeded to cry tears of joy during his on-field post game interview.
Charles Scott does have a broken collarbone. It was obvious from the way he came down.
mannn when Jordan Jefferson got hurt, Les woulda been better off throwin Russell Shephard in there at QB...

I dont even know howLSU kept Lee on scholarship after last yr.
Is anyone else rooting for the MAX amount of teams possible to go undefeated do?

Florida/Bama 13-0
Texas 13-0
Boise 13-0
Cincy 12-0
TCU 12-0.. What would they even do? SEC champ-Texas in title game...then what? and is that even fair? Be awesome to see....
Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

Lemme guess, If arizona State pulls off the upset on USC, "Arizona State could beat any team in the country"

Lets just put it out there just in case it happens

Just like Jimmy Clausen is the best QB in the nation and Matt Forte is the most complete RB in the NFL.

Dudes saying Oregon could stand up against Alabama and Florida... SMH.

To my knowledge SEC officials will not be working the National Title game, so Florida (Arkansas) and Alabama (Tennessee) will not have any additionalassistance


well that must mean Jake Locker has taken over the top spot then.

USC is still the best 2 loss team in the country tho
College Football Final is trying to bury Charlie Weiss.

You knew mark may was gonna throw Dirt but damn Even reese Davis
i still can't believe that toss call to hughes on the 1.

* jimmy played poorly? news to me
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


well that must mean Jake Locker has taken over the top spot then.

USC is still the best 2 loss team in the country tho


what i hate abou this thread is how alarmist everyone is. a top 5 teams wins or loses by less than 14 and all of a sudden they're frauds.

it's college football, this %%%+ happens every week, why are people still acting so surprised. yes i still think Oregon can hang with anyone in thecountry.

the fact that stanford had to put up 51 on them to win speaks to that (and admittedly how poorly that oregon defense played).

the people questioning cincy "squeaking" by uconn are just silly. it's almost like if you're not beating every team by 20+ you don'tbelong in the bcs. unless of course you're florida or alabama.
Originally Posted by thacamel

As a Bama fan, I am more worried about playing Texas than I am Florida

That's because Florida is nowhere near the team that Texas is ..Frauds
Ahmad Dixon had a great time. His host is E.B. He leaves tommorow. and I will talk to him ASAP. The downside is, his parents did not make the trip with him. They plan on coming back for the Vandy game. Dixon doesn't want to make a decision without his parents input.
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