⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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As funny as the Neymar memes are, and as irritating as he is to watch, the reaction he faced this year could be a wake up call for him. It reminds me of when Ronaldo used to be a serial diver and annoying @#$@ until around his 2nd year at Madrid; that's around the time he started focusing on promoting his "brand" and improving his image. Neymar really needs to do the same ASAP.

Remember, Ronaldo was always voted the most disliked and mocked player by fans (especially after the 2006 World Cup) as well as referees' least favorite player as well :lol: Now he's universally loved or respected (except by Barca fans)
As funny as the Neymar memes are, and as irritating as he is to watch, the reaction he faced this year could be a wake up call for him. It reminds me of when Ronaldo used to be a serial diver and annoying @#$@ until around his 2nd year at Madrid; that's around the time he started focusing on promoting his "brand" and improving his image. Neymar really needs to do the same ASAP.

Remember, Ronaldo was always voted the most disliked and mocked player by fans (especially after the 2006 World Cup) as well as referees' least favorite player as well :lol: Now he's universally loved or at least respected
I don’t think he has the people around him to help him grow, not even his father...

Btw, there is no way in Hades that kid is his. The boy looks nothing like him. Not even the remotest...
If Neymar ever changes it surely won't be in Paris :lol:

They indulge his every whim regardless of how ridiculous in order to keep him happy
I don’t think he has the people around him to help him grow, not even his father...

Btw, there is no way in Hades that kid is his. The boy looks nothing like him. Not even the remotest...

I forgot if it was an article in here or somewhere else, but the author was mentioning that unlike most of the legends we grew up with or read up on, Neymar has been a spoiled brat since day one, which is why he embellishes on the pitch so much. He thinks he's above getting touched at all by other players, and that even the slightest nudge by someone else should result in that player getting carded/sent off.

To me it's not just the diving though. It's the thinking he's above attending practices, taking matches off to go smash his sister, mocking Stephen Hawking, not joining his team when they won Ligue 1, disrespecting Cavani, etc. He's just a little @#$@$ in every damn way

I can't really read French but from most comments I've seen online, it looks like a lot of Parisiens have a lot more attachment and respect towards Cavani than Neymar, whcih makes complete sense to me
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Somewhat related, here are hip hop/world cup collab footy shirts.


Why Liverpool got the dope beat accompanying their transfer annoucement & Barca got this stupid ish... :smh:

This team can't even pronounce the name of their new CB correctly... This club is run by absolute morons... It's pronounced Longlee...:rofl:
Why Liverpool got the dope beat accompanying their transfer annoucement & Barca got this stupid ish... :smh:

This team can't even pronounce the name of their new CB correctly... This club is run by absolute morons... It's pronounce Longlee...:rofl:

This is the dumbest **** I've ever seen :rofl: :rofl:
His name is pronounced "Clamont" "Longlee"... :smh: Kinda puts into focus how the club is being run from top to bottom...
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