♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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Let's be serious, nobody's giving up their entire collection for one pair of shoes. I could do without them long before I'd sacrifice everything else. A grail is just that one pair you want more than anything else.
^^It was a figure of speech, but I meant was the one shoe that u would pay more then usual or trade multiple pairs just to have it.
A "grail" is something you put on a pedestal - something you search for over an extended period of time. Something that you are convinced you may never find.

IMO, a grail is not something that's easy to find, but hard to afford. I see people talking about "that's my grail" for some crap like Pre-Heats. So, buy them!! They're everywhere. Instead of buying every craptastic JB release each week, take a few months off and just buy that one pair you love so much. ...If an attainable shoe like that was your really your grail, you'd own it.

But, here's the secret - they're all just shoes once you have them. I'm lucky enough to have a lot of shoes that are considered "grails" to some. But, most of them just sit there and get worn every once in a while and then go back into the box for months before emerging again. It's kind of paradoxical, but I love all my kicks,yet realize they're all just kicks. I'd also recommend people fall back on the quantity and buy quality if you can't do both.

A lot of cats new to the scene get caught up in wanting to have a big collection, so they buy stuff to fill space at the beginning. You will absolutely regret those purchases once you've been around the block a few times and all of a sudden you are looking to empty space instead of fill it.
Saw this watching tv earlier.

Dont know who the kid is....but I think that John Goodman over there so I hope this counts lol..

Dem sweaters mad jiggy tho 
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thats ol boy from curb your enthusiasm.

he was the cyclops in the spy who shagged me too.
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