☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Why are ya'll saying you feel bad for NOH? NOH=NBA, if Stern runs the franchise into the ground that's his prerogative... I think they will make moves that will insure the books in NO are cleared by the end of the year... I would not be surprised if Kaman ends up on this squad and Emeka & Trevor are bounced on the ave....

(...and the Hornets will get a top 3 pick in the lottery)
the clippers would absolutely have to surrender eric gordon to get this trade even considered...because how in the hell can you justify that trade not getting vetoed....aminu, bledsoe, kaman??? please...scola, martin, odom are 1000000x better than that
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

As good as chris paul is, you can't give up gordon for him. Gordon is a 20+ point per game scorer here who is about to come into his own. With him and blake, Mo Williams is more than capable of running the show there.

Agreed, especially if you don't know if CP3s gonna resign.
Howard deal has to be coming up for LA or that salary dump makes absolutely no sense.

They could've just thrown Odom into the deal though. I don't understand this move at all
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

If the Hornets wanted Gordon before, why not now?
Bledsoe is out 6-8 weeks due to what? A torn ACL? I'm thinking they still want Gordon or at least Jordan instead of Kaman. With the way Kaman has been hurt, you might as well put him on the same list as Bynum as taking a risk.


Nvm, Kaman is an expiring. I still ask for Gordon + Aminu + Kaman.
Bledsoe is out with a lateral meniscus tear.
I dont see the Clippers trading Gordon, + the Minnesota pick is more valuable than a guy going into RFA in a year 3-4 teams in better and more attractive markets for him have cap space. You would wind up giving Gordon the max almost no matter what he did this year. + Minnesota and NOLA both sucking monkey balls means 2 top 10 picks in a deep draft. + being able to find out if Bledsoe is a long term answer at PG.

NOLA is operating under the guise that young high upside talent is what they want.
You all are crazy to imply that Gordon being included in the deal is A. Better than that pick, B. Necessary to go along with that pick.

I feel the need to correct myself  Houston would have no shot at a Deron Williams deal without Kyle Lowry.
But that is a deal they need to explore post Dwight sweepstakes.
I honestly think that Paul is the only one of the 3 who goes to true free agency next year.

The LO trade is a loss looking at just the surface, but it improves their shot at Dwight if the only offer on the table is Lopez, and 2 first rounders.

Boston should step in. They have a good deal on the surface of things on the table.
Rondo Green + pick for Paul, and Ariza.

But 3 things
1. Orlando has no leverage with a Howard trade.
2. If NOLA were to get Rondo they would have to imo find a way to pair Scola and Martin with him.
3 NOLA has no leverage either.
Originally Posted by baik

the clippers would absolutely have to surrender eric gordon to get this trade even considered...because how in the hell can you justify that trade not getting vetoed....aminu, bledsoe, kaman??? please...scola, martin, odom are 1000000x better than that

EXACTLY. Stern shouldnt have been a big ++#$@ and let the owners bully him into vetoing the trade
Adrian Wojnarowski is saying Stern shot down 2 potential trades. Chris Paul should just play out the season and sign with one of the big market teams and say *@+# you to Stern.
And when he leaves the NBA will have a hard time selling the Hornets.
Green signing that one year deal effectively takes Boston out of the running. Unless New Orleans agrees to a Paul for Rondo/picks swap.
I think the Clippers would also have to do something with Mo Williams if they got CP3. He's not gonna want to come off the bench. He could start for a number of teams that need point guards. There's no way that the Clippers give up Gordon AND Jordan in the deal. Since Kaman is an expiring and Jordan is about to get a big contract I think the trade would be something like Gordon, Aminu and Kaman coming from the Clips.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by baik

the clippers would absolutely have to surrender eric gordon to get this trade even considered...because how in the hell can you justify that trade not getting vetoed....aminu, bledsoe, kaman??? please...scola, martin, odom are 1000000x better than that

EXACTLY. Stern shouldnt have been a big ++#$@ and let the owners bully him into vetoing the trade
The Minnesota pick has more value to NO than any asset the Hornets could possibly acquire.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by baik

the clippers would absolutely have to surrender eric gordon to get this trade even considered...because how in the hell can you justify that trade not getting vetoed....aminu, bledsoe, kaman??? please...scola, martin, odom are 1000000x better than that

EXACTLY. Stern shouldnt have been a big ++#$@ and let the owners bully him into vetoing the trade
The Minnesota pick has more value to NO than any asset the Hornets could possibly acquire.
This. Thats most likely a top 5 pick.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Green signing that one year deal effectively takes Boston out of the running. Unless New Orleans agrees to a Paul for Rondo/picks swap.
Also, uhh, how were the Celtic's going to pull off that West deal? Would be funny if they got BOTH of them.
Did the Lakers offer to take Okafor? Was that ever realistic without trading Bynum?
I always thought the Owners tripped about money, and Stern was mad about the lack of young players which is a combination of no upside, and money.
We could see the Clippers take some of NOLA's long term money like Ariza or Okafor, and trade back MO Williams instead of a Bledsoe.

If the Clippers get Paul without giving up Minnesota's pick, and Gordon that's a ski mask deal.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by NobleKane

EXACTLY. Stern shouldnt have been a big ++#$@ and let the owners bully him into vetoing the trade
The Minnesota pick has more value to NO than any asset the Hornets could possibly acquire.
This. Thats most likely a top 5 pick.
clippers aint giving up that pick
so hornets are gonna have to take kaman amino and bledsoe for paul or rondo and trash for paul.

either way the hornets are !%*$%@ and its because of david stern getting punked by the owners.

so by protecting the small market team he screwed the small market team. brilliant
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The LO trade is a loss looking at just the surface, but it improves their shot at Dwight if the only offer on the table is Lopez, and 2 first rounders.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

They could've just thrown Odom into the deal though.
Don't you think the Lakers keep him if it means improving their chances of getting Dwight? If they traded him now for cap space then Magic must have been cold on LO...
The biggest winner in this whole ordeal is E! Network..You know they were doing the Birdman hand rub when they saw all the drama that Odom got involved in the last few days..They're about to get PAID for Khloe and Lamar Season 2
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

The Minnesota pick has more value to NO than any asset the Hornets could possibly acquire.
This. Thats most likely a top 5 pick.
clippers aint giving up that pick
so hornets are gonna have to take kaman amino and bledsoe for paul or rondo and trash for paul.

either way the hornets are !%*$%@ and its because of david stern getting punked by the owners.

so by protecting the small market team he screwed the small market team. brilliant
Not true at all. Clippers have said numerous times that they want to use the Minny pick if it means they can acquire a superstar, and that they would not trade it for someone who isn't (like, say, Iggy).

Clippers would much rather give up the pick than Gordon. Hornets would much rather have the pick than a guy who they'd be paying close to max dollars starting next season. Perfect match.
Dear Lakers fans,

The NBA owners own the Hornets If they don't want you trade you CP3 for 3 expensive players who are at best the 3rd or 4 wheel on a championship team, tough @@@*.

David Stern would love nothing more than for you to continue to win.

Please stop whining like a bunch of females dogs.


Every fan of every other NBA team.

PS You bastards are about to get Dwight Howard which is a better movedthan Chris Paul's bear trap wearing !+% anyways.
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