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  1. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    No, FORCED, MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE is slavery. Regular, VOLUNTARY, community service is not what we are talking about. Nice try though, tryreading next time. OH..and by the way, since it is being brought up so much, that portion about the tax credit was NOT there yesterday. And they...
  2. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Again, for about the 100th time in this post, IT IS NOT A CHOICE, YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO DO IT, IT IS MANDATORY, REQUIRED, NOT VOLUNTARY....any of those wordsmean anything to you. Need a dictionary? Who's the clown who has no idea what the hell they are talking about? You don't get a check at...
  3. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Look, you guys can pretty it up as much as you want, but forcing community service (on children, no less) is a form of slavery. Just like forcing children of3rd world countries to make soccer balls for three cents a day is a form of slavery. Oh wait, by your definitions, the children are getting...
  4. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Oh come on now, don't you know that Obama is the saviour, he will make the money materialize out of thin air. Seriously though, you can't throw logicat these dudes, they don't want to know, nor do they care where the money comes from. They think a tax credit is the same as a pay check...
  5. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Why don't you volunteer...or better yet, I am now requiring you to point out to me where I "misread" or "did not read." And iBlink,what are you so gitty about? You must have missed the part where it doesn't matter if you can afford the tuition and don't need the government'smoney, YOU WILL...
  6. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan its not "FORCED" is only "REQUIRED." Oh it sounds so much better when you use pretty words...
  7. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    ^^Good for you, you can afford private school, that makes everything ok then doesn't it. Just because it doesn't affect you, its ok. Typical of Obamasupporters, as long as the tax increases don't affect them, its ok, even if it is a ridiculous doesn't hurt ME! Right.....
  8. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Ok, so we will use your logic. By your logic, slaves also had a choice. They could do what slave owner's told them to do, or they could get beat orkilled. Thats a choice. They could also run away to the north, thats another choice. So, I guess slaves weren't really slaves then, since they...
  9. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    What you "think" is irrelevant, because what you "THINK" is actually the way it should be, but there is NOTHING in Obama's plan thatresembles what you "THINK" is going to happen. So you can stop responding to what you "THINK" it means, and start responding to what theman actually said.
  10. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

  11. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    I am going to take this time out and ask you, CAN YOU READ? Seriously, have you read what you are responding to. THERE IS NO CHOICE NOT TO DOIT, THAT IS MY ENTIRE POINT. Its not "simple as that." Its either do 50 hours of community service A YEAR ( not total, but every year) for middleschool...
  12. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.
  13. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Brush up on your reading skills sir, thats 100 hours EVERY YEAR. Not 100 hours every 4 years. Thats an hour a day, for 100 days, for 4 years. That ismore than most criminals will ever be sentenced to.
  14. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Where did you see the word VOLUNTEER in Obama's plan? Its only NOT SLAVERY if it is on a VOLUNTARY BASIS. This is not on a VOLUNTARY BASIS,it is on a MANDATORY BASIS. Forced labor is slavery, period. You can pretty it up until you are blue in the face, but the fact remains that forcing...
  15. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    if you want to do community services, thats on you, good for you, have fun....BUT YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO FORCE SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT WITH YOU. That isthe point. The point is not whether its a good thing to do or not, or whether college students may or MAY NOT get a TAX REFUND (again...
  16. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    Nothing wrong with a little hard work...yep, thats what we were telling black people for 400 years when we forced them to do community service. So next time Ihear someone talking about how horrible slavery was, I will just tell them to man up. I mean, not slavery, mandatory community service.
  17. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    ^^so you fixed it by just ignoring the fact that a tax refund is not actual payment. Good Job...on par for most Obama fans, ignore everything horribly wrongwith his idealogies.
  18. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    No one is getting paid $4,000 bucks, are you guys really that ignorant? It says a program that will offer TAX REFUNDS TO COLLEGE STUDENTS FORTHEIR FIRST $4,000 IN TUITION. Nowhere does it say anything about middle school kids that are forced to work, or high school students forced to work...
  19. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    a tax refund is not getting paid for your community service, number one. Number two, if I have a 100% full scholarship I already get my tuition paid, if I geta pell grant, I already have my tuition paid, etc... Why would I still be FORCED into community service with absolutely NO benefit to me...
  20. skitz o

    Obama's community service plan

    glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called communityservice...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely differentidea to REQUIRE it. Or...
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