Obama's community service plan

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Being in the military FTW, Hail to the Chief
Skitz O wrote:
glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....

Bitter conservatives for the loss.

Dude, get over it. The man's been saying he would be integrating community service and education from since the primary season. This whole elementary andmiddle school thing is bs since his plan entails giving college students a tuition credit for their hours of service.

At the end of the day, no matter how much crap you guys try to bring up (especially when this stuff has been out in the open for months
... it really shows that you didn't research the candidates that well)he's still your president. You're sounding like a little school girl who got her cell phone turned off and can't call Chad.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

if you want to do community services, thats on you, good for you, have fun....BUT YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO FORCE SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT WITH YOU. That is the point. The point is not whether its a good thing to do or not, or whether college students may or MAY NOT get a TAX REFUND (again, for clarification to the dense ones, a tax refund is NOT PAYMENT, it is simply giving you back money that was already taken from you in the first place), the mere fact that a president of the US thinks he can force CHILDREN into community services is really quite disgusting.

I have agreed with every point you just mentioned. Let's just see the people who are in favor of doing ACTUALLY do it.

I would call that time to get a job.

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away theirfunding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (likeallowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more thanfair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if theinstitution doesn't want to.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Nothing wrong with a little hard work...yep, thats what we were telling black people for 400 years when we forced them to do community service. So next time I hear someone talking about how horrible slavery was, I will just tell them to man up. I mean, not slavery, mandatory community service.


Where did you see the word VOLUNTEER in Obama's plan? Its only NOT SLAVERY if it is on a VOLUNTARY BASIS. This is not on a VOLUNTARY BASIS,it is on a MANDATORY BASIS. Forced labor is slavery, period. You can pretty it up until you are blue in the face, but the fact remains that forcing someoneto work for free (or forcing someone to work, period) is called slavery.

she has a word for the fact that you keep saying community service is equivalent slavery and we have a black president.

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....

And what is so bad about doing things to help your community anyway? You sound like a spoiled rich kid.

I will knock out 100 hours EASY for 4k towards tuition. And I think most folk in here would do the same.
so your saying your high school didnt make you guys do hours???

mine is a required 55 hours to graduate

been that way for years
Originally Posted by iBlink

Skitz O wrote:
glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....

Bitter conservatives for the loss.

Dude, get over it. The man's been saying he would be integrating community service and education from since the primary season. This whole elementary and middle school thing is bs since his plan entails giving college students a tuition credit for their hours of service.

At the end of the day, no matter how much crap you guys try to bring up (especially when this stuff has been out in the open for months
... it really shows that you didn't research the candidates that well) he's still your president. You're sounding like a little school girl who got her cell phone turned off and can't call Chad.

Which is why over 14 million people voted against him. That could be a reason they DID do their research... Unless you're referring to peoplewho voted for Obama that didn't know about this...
Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE

so your saying your high school didnt make you guys do hours???

mine is a required 55 hours to graduate

been that way for years
No, and thank god.

I feel that if I could be making money working instead of doing community service, I would rather do that. Plus it benefits society by paying for taxes andgiving service/product to the community.
When will people realize that this credit has to be paid for by someone? The schools aren't giving you a credit.
so your saying your high school didnt make you guys do hours???

mine is a required 55 hours to graduate

No it was completely up to the student whether they wanted to or not.
I dont see anywhere where it says anything is required. Maybe I'll volunteer to help you learn how to read when I choose to doso .
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Sounds good to me I have done community service before...its really not that bad...100 hrs in 4 yrs?...that's light.....

Brush up on your reading skills sir, thats 100 hours EVERY YEAR. Not 100 hours every 4 years. Thats an hour a day, for 100 days, for 4 years. That ismore than most criminals will ever be sentenced to.
Wow is it really slavery...jus for that dumb #%## this thread should be locked....there not even in the same solar system let alone ballpark
Who cares ill tell a lady at my church to rite down i did 400 hours and thats it lol like i did back in hs
Looks like this is just the start of my freedoms being taken away.

It's a free country, nobody should tell me what I'm required to do. If I want to help somebody I will, but being forced is in essence kinda likeslavery.
It's not slavery GOOD LORD.....

If you don't want to do it.. DON'T, simple as that.

If you don't want to do it then fine, I guess you ain't going to college.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

I don't give a damn about the community here. If I was to do it back home then fine.

This should not be mandatory for all students to graduate especially middle school students. Just one year left for me. People need to do for self instead of worrying about other people coming into help them. Be a father to your own children, clean up your own neighborhoods. I've done a lot of community service but the idea of forcing someone to do it is the wrong way to do it.

shouldn't everybody be an "Obama fan" right now, seeing as he's about to replace Bu$h as our president?

You sound dumber and dumber every time you talk.

you support Bush, and you're calling someone else dumb. i don't even know if you expected to be taken seriously.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.
I'm all about the economics

if it makes college free and I can apply for a FAFSA and other scholarships oppurtunities and get a nice refund, I'm all for it.
No refunds, no go.

I didn't have to in high school anyways
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.
nobody got money for doing community service! that's the difference. i swear, you look so %+@@@*% dumb right now.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.

Not quite forced.

As I stated on the last page

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away theirfunding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (likeallowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more thanfair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if theinstitution doesn't want to.

So if I can pay my own tution via loans or simply out of pocket I don't have to do @#%% unless the institution requires it. And there are numberinstitutions that do require community service wholly aside from this. But simply I don't go to one and when you go to College figure out who does ordoesn't
How is this in essence slavery u have the choice to say no....u may not graduate but hey that's ya choice...jus like those who are homeless who chose notto conform to society and get a job, u have choices....u have freedom....this is no where near slavery where if u disagreed and made ya own choices...udied...
.....and honestly doin community service an hr here and there is gonna be an issue...as much time as many of us are on NT, a fraction of that can goto helping someone....and the way our country has been goin for the past 7 yrs, their isn't much freedom left....
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