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  1. illuminatinyc

    Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

    I'm just waiting for Rachel Dolezal to chime in to provide us with her true black perspective on the tragedy.
  2. illuminatinyc

    Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

    if this kid was going to take out a church, why couldn't it be Westboro?
  3. illuminatinyc

    Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

    Ever notice how mass murderers or serial killers always have 3 names?   Hope this piece of crap doesn't take the easy way out and off himself before he's captured.
  4. illuminatinyc

    Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

    Is it just me or does this guy sorta look like Adam Lanza from the side?  Hope South Carolina has the death penalty...condolences to the family of the deceased. 
  5. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Not according to her... Former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal cried while reading about Caitlyn Jenner, says it ‘resonated’ with her BY MELISSA CHAN  NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 12:10 PM Embattled former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal got emotional while reading about Caitlyn...
  6. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Of course a white person can defend blacks, and there was nothing stopping her from accomplishing whatever she accomplished as a white woman.  If anything, for her to assume a black identity, and then claim that she's experienced the racism and hardships faced by blacks in this country only...
  7. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    The more information that comes out about this woman, it's become more and more clear that this woman is a complete fraud and used her assumed black identity solely for her own attention and benefit.  Don't know how anyone, especially black people, can approve of her shenanigans. 
  8. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Bingo! What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. Or, in the case of Dolezal, pretend you truly know the black experience by pretending to be black, all the while lambasting other blacks for not being black enough...
  9. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    No, the premise of my argument is that whatever pro-racial equality/civil rights activities she's done could've been done as a white person.  She didn't assume her black identity until adulthood, so I find it hard to believe that whatever trials and tribulations she may have experienced...
  10. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    The irony is that if she's genuinely fighting for racial equality, then what does it matter what color her skin is?  All of her pro-civil rights activities including her involvement with the NAACP could have been done as the white woman she is.  Think about this for a second...who truly benefits...
  11. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    ^ this is what I think most people should have an issue with.  It's one thing for her to identify herself as black, but if you read up on her history, sounds like she went out of her way to highlight her "blackness".   I personally think she had insecurity issues and assumed her new identity for...
  12. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Her most recent interview/response:
  13. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    The thing is, she didn't assume her "black identity" until well into adulthood.  I may not be black, but even I know that the plight of racism faced by blacks in this country begin WAY before that. By all accounts, this woman had a normal WHITE childhood with WHITE parents who adopted 4 black...
  14. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Here's what I've gathered so far from all the various articles I've read about this woman: - Rachel and her older brother Joshua, were both born to Caucasian parents - In 1994, her parents adopted a 10-month old black child named Izaiah - Her parents go on to adopt 3 more black children, the...
  15. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    I was going to say the very same thing based on your previous posts in this thread. :beer:
  16. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    I'm frankly surprised that some of the black posters here have no issues with what this woman did.  While her work as an advocate for civil rights and racial equality is admirable, don't you think her misrepresentations about her race take away from her credibility?   I've seen a lot of posts on...
  17. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Just saw this on Twitter...
  18. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Dolezal initially came under scrutiny this week when Spokane Police raised suspicions about threatening hate mail she claimed to have received earlier in the year. She said found an envelope in the chapter's post office box containing 20 pages of notes, including pictures of lynchings and the...
  19. illuminatinyc

    NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

    Dolezal initially came under scrutiny this week when Spokane Police raised suspicions about threatening hate mail she claimed to have received earlier in the year. She said found an envelope in the chapter's post office box containing 20 pages of notes, including pictures of lynchings and the...
  20. illuminatinyc

    Official sense8 thread:new show on netflix from the creators of the matrix

    Finally finished watching Season 1 and I think they show is awesome.  It started off slow but all came together at the end.  This is definitely a show that revolves more around character development as opposed to action like Daredevil.   Looking forward to Season 2. Here's a pretty good review...
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