You're not a "drinker" until you've...

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

nYcHipHopHippo wrote:

This right here is real %#[email protected] if its been said yet but...

You're not a "drinker" unless you had a bad night of drinkin and said to yourself ur never gunna drink again....then next weekend next day ur doing the same %#!@



soo where do i start....

-On different occaisions wake up with cranberry juice, moose tracks ice cream, chili, cocoa crispies cereal, mcdonalds breakfast, vomit in your bed

-broken 11 cell phones in a 6 month period

-wake up in your bed with no clue how one got there

-wake up with a random broad

-get kicked outta the club for throwin up at the bar, sneak back in, and get kicked out again....

-Tell numerous girls off

-oversleep for work by 5 hours...

soo many more....
Originally Posted by soltheman

Got topped off, and supposedly smashed, a chick that looks like the Incredible Hulk in the face.


LMFAO, too many times for me back in the day, random numbers hit me the next day like "so whats good for tonight i had fun last night" im like whothe hell is this, then my friends are like i cant believe u did it last night lmao, but sometimes u end up with a winner and i welcome a new member to myroster
wake up outside a dorm at NCCU (durham, nc).....ask anybody from there and they'll tell you that you were lucky as hell that you didnt get robbed/killed
.....i was drunk as hell that night
woken up in a flooded hotel room only to find your homeboy passed out in the bathtub full of waterand the water is still running, with nothing but his manhoodand a turd floating in the water. Thankfully he didn't drowned.
Lose your virginity and you dont remember. Then later being told by the girl that you did in fact lose your virginity to her
How about this one...

Going over a girls house only to be kicked out 10min later for being drunk and making to much noise...

Falling asleep in your car outside of her house waking up with throw-up on your arm, and no sign of your keys.

Open the door to find you keys in the throw up. Next thing you know wake up in the drive way of your house the next morning.

A few days later get a piece of mail with pic's of you running a red light, then the next day another piece of mail with you running a separate redlight.

= No butt that night, throw-up in the car, on myself and keys, two red light tickets in the same night FTL!
Waking up in an Emergency Room with an IV in your arm...

I don't drink much these days...
Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Eaten swisher guts
and have no memory of it, just the evidence in my throwup in the morning

@ eathing swisher guts.

when you were trying to do drunken pushups, collapsing then throwing up.
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

Walked into your cousins neighbors house, and sit down on the couch like you belong there, but these people have never seen you before in your life. But they know your cousin and walk you to his house.

Patron and double shot Goose all night FTW/FTL

co-sign on this one
but instead of them taking u back u some how make yourself at home and sleep there lol cross-faded FTW/FTL SMH
- On Cinco De Mayo I whipped it out and started peeing on a building wall on a main street across the street from a Cop. He looked atme while I was pissing and I started waving

- Have a permanent scar on your forhead and cracked bones in your hand and not know what happened

- Had loud wild sex with your homegirl at 2 in the afternoon with your Mom and Brother in the other room 15ft away watching T.V. (I dont remember having sex Ijust remember waking up 4hrs later and me and her were completely naked in the middle of my floor, I know my Mom heard us)

- Had alcohol poisining a few different times

- Not know how I got home and couldnt find my car for 3 days (I guess I drove home and parked hella far on some random street cus there was no parking in myapts)

- Threw up on some grass while I was sitting down then passed out in it
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

wake up outside a dorm at NCCU (durham, nc).....ask anybody from there and they'll tell you that you were lucky as hell that you didnt get robbed/killed
.....i was drunk as hell that night

been there well not at that school but i've passed out in an apt complex indurham while visiting my sister. glad i was still alive and i had my 5s on my feet still
  • Danced shirtless
  • Disregarded a lady's looks or demeanor
  • Thought that you'll eventually get better at beer pong if you keep playing
  • Woken up the next day with barf all over your shoes and pants
  • Been taken home by someone you don't know
I once snatched a bouquet from a flower lady and ran down the street yelling that I had the Olympic torch. Sad part is I passed it to a guy I had never seenbefore and he took off running. Osan, Korea FTW.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

your a drinker when you and a friend casually chug a fifth to yourselves and not be super drunk. not even at a party. just because.

twice a week, randomly watchin bball......true drinkers

I got a couple tho...

- left your girl in the club to go to the car an take a "nap"
- jumped a fence with a 10' drop in dress shoes
- taking the major L on the fat chick that wants to give you some
- have to call everyone that was at your house the night before and apologize for your actions (including your wifes mom)

- went to sleep in the closet even though your butt naked wife was in the bed only 10 feet away
- have mad sex and dont even get fatigued
- had sex with two girls who were friends and lived on different sides of town (and worked together) in the same night (not thinking they were going to tellFTL)

im sure i got plenty more
-let one of the strongest dudes you know slap you as hard as he can for $20

-fallen asleep in the bathtub with a random shorty
-tried to take a Bike Cop's Bicycle (who was running after my boy for peeing outside)
-gotten into a cipher with a group of pitbulls and thought they were feeling your lyrics (757bred
-outside after a party, grabbed a random girl's *+@ then walked away and said "Yeah I did it" and proceeded to fuss her out for getting mad

-fell asleep at the bar ($1 drinks on an empty stomach FTL
-woken up on a random couch, looking for clues as to where you are (then having a case race with your boy a few hours later
-had like $200 cash going into the club then waking up the next day with only $20 (apparently I bought all of my homeboys and homegirls drinks and was buyingmad food for everybody afterwards. Drunk Generousity FTL
yall are crazy, lol. All I do is drunk text or facebook but, now with this pattern lock that the G1 has its so hard to get into my phone once i'm drunk
when you stumbling outside of a dennys and the concrete sidewalk looks so comfortable so you take a seat to chill and the next thing you know your homieswaking you up cause your food is ready convince yourself that your clear piss means you're healthy.

But some of this @%@@ is, yall need to stop drinking period.
do a line off a b's chest while passing around a blunt and taken shots of goose at someones parents crib.

Try to stop peeing when you realize its in the kitchen sink at party
gotten dome from a broad at your school you've never talked to and thrown up on her in the process.
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