You're not a "drinker" until you've...

How about when you drink enough to
Black out, go for a run with another friend at 1 am, run too fast and lose him, end up in a ditch 4 miles away next to a busy highway at 4 am, only to bepicked up by the cops while asking them "Am I at _'s house?" before waking up in the holding cell with #!%% running down your leg at 10 am, andhaving the cops tell you and your mom where they picked you up when she gets there to bail you out. Then you wake up later that day without remembering ANY ofthat.

That happened to my best friend.

EDIT: That same guy, when we visited friends at a university, ended up blacking out again and pissing all over my friends floor thinking it was the bathroom,after everyone else had passed out. Just like, stood up, walked 3 steps to a chair, sat down with his pants off and pissed. He then proceeded to pass out inthe chair.
woke up butt naked in your grandma bathroom with red kool-aid stains on your lips

18th b day FTL
Originally Posted by what are you gonna do

waking up like where the hell am i, and then remembering the party last night and being proud of yourself for drinking so much and not throwing up at all! and then running straight to the toilet to puke, then looking in the mirror like "WHO THE #)@(#% PUKED ALL OVER MY JACKET"(i came to the realization that i was the culprit hours later)...only to learn all the fun stories and pictures that your friends took of you passed out on the toilet midway through taking a deuce (which may explain the streak marks in the boxers) and you've got this monster hangover now that lasts the whole day and your friends car to clean because "it was all you man"

ohhh college...
i have done that same ++**...woke up passed out on the floor with barf on my brand new white jacket pissed off like
who the +@#% barfed on me?
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

This right here is real %#[email protected] if its been said yet but...

You're not a "drinker" unless you had a bad night of drinkin and said to yourself ur never gunna drink again....then next weekend next day ur doing the same %#!@

you're not a drinker until you've gone into a girl's dorm room, lift up her macbook screen and proceed to pee on the laptop because you thinkit's a porcelain toilet.

this happened to some dude on my floor. he had to work at safeway for a quarter to help buy her a new laptop.
ur not a drinker till somehow u made it home(cops gave u a ride while they caught u dirnkin and driving and dont give u a dui cuz they feel too much pitty athow drunk u r). and 2 hours later u wake up to take a piss and ur pissin in ur parents room like its the br.

and the next weekend.the same %%$+ happens
^ same. Personally I've never done crazy %*#*, I have too high of a tolerance. Sometimes its a bad thing
woke up with a construction as a pillow

threw up out of a movgin car on a freeway has been achieved numerous times
ooh one i realized i drank too much so i was in my friends bathroom trying to make myself throw up so i didnt get too %*!##* up and i remembered spitting upsome red stuff but i thought it was the liquor.... so the next morning i wake up, my throat hurting like a mother %!#*%% ......... turns out i cut my throatreally bad with my nails
Drinking 3 Nights Straight on a Weekend for a Wedding...i swear, Went to Church like
and Monday Morning at School
when u wake up in ya undies n cant find ya pants n ya whole couch and floor is super wet.
WOW!!!! I'm gonna plead the fifth on this thread....i just can't...all i know is that I have promised myself no more drinking to the point i can'tfeel my face, being carried, feel like something is on me...take shots, to the point where yeah "it tastes like water"...i think i will leave it"clean" like that because i am still traumatized...BAAAD! SMH...

bad, bad...sarah....
I'm not really a drinker but I was about my boy vjay crib. (NTER) I got lit up off some orange juice and Smirnoff, then I had some straight the vodka kind.I was all messed up passing out I had one of my jordans on the other one was sumwhere in the house. These chicks was all there lookin at me like look at thislil dude
horrible. i cant really remember but I woke up in DC in a line to cop carolina/black V's
I've had my bad nights...But nothing like these stories.

My friends tell me I'm a controlled drunk. No fighting, no puking, no pissing anywhere..I just get reeeeeeeeal vocal with broads. Either spittin' gameor ^%#! talking.

Went up to visit my boys at Albany..We pregamed in the dorms...I had 2 half vodka half gatorades before we left for the bar..

Needless to say I never got to the bar, and on the way back to the dorm, I told 2 girls to "suck my %$+" in the voice of Borat, then proceeded tohave one kinda slap me and the other to kiss the "boo-boo"

This thread is funny as hell. What about waking up from a drunken one night stand.. ughh.. I remember one morning I woke up to my phone ringing and myroommate was like yo where are you are you okay.. I thought for a minute and saw a body layin next to me.. I was like yea I'm okay I'm in Brooklyn..The woman was like no baby you're in Queens..
Gotta go bye!

I def slowed down on my drinking after that
Coming home from the club had my girl pull over to take a piss and could not get back in the automobile.

I supposly told her to just open the trunk I was mad drunk I'm not really a drinker.
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